Modules installation

This document describes what is happening under the hood when module is being installed. To find out how to install a module, please have a look to module installation documentation.

Installation workflow

Whole installation workflow can be seen in image bellow:


(*)--> "User executes \n <i>composer require/install</i> \nfor module"
--> "Module files are downloaded"
--> "Module assets are linked to the shop out directory"
--> "configuration file is updated  "
--> (*)


Workflow in details

Composer install step

In this step user executes composer command to install module.

Files download step

When composer installation command is executed, composer downloads files to vendor directory.

Configuration files updated

During this step the data from module metadata.php are transferred to configuration files, which are located in var/configuration/shops/.

Module assets are linked to the public directory

During this step files from <module-root-directory>/assets are linked to the shop public directory source/out/modules/<module-id>.