How to create a theme installable via composer

Install themes via Composer by using OXID eShop Composer Plugin.

To install theme correctly, this plugin requires two fields to be described in the composer.json file:

Flow theme example:

   "name": "oxid-esales/flow-theme",
   "description": "This is Flow theme for OXID eShop.",
   "type": "oxideshop-theme",
   "keywords": ["oxid", "themes", "eShop"],
   "homepage": "",
   "license": [
   "extra": {
     "oxideshop": {
       "target-directory": "flow",
       "assets-directory": "out/flow",
       "blacklist-filter": [


Theme must have oxideshop-theme value defined as a type. This defines how the repository should be treated by the installer.

extra: {oxideshop}


target-director value will be used to create a folder inside the Shop Application/views directory. This folder will be used to place all files of the module.


Defines where public resources like css, js, images are placed inside the theme. The plugin will copy those files to the Shop out directory.


It is recommended to keep assets in out directory at a root level of the repository.


If blacklist-filter is given, it will be used to filter out unwanted files and directories while the copying to target-directory takes place. The value of blacklist-filter must be a list of strings where each item represents a glob filter entry and is described as a relative path.

Below is a list of valid entries:

  • - will filter files and directories named from root and all the subdirectories;

  • *.pdf - will filter all PDF files and also directories which have pdf at the end of their name from root and all the subdirectories;

  • docs - will filter files and directories named docs from root and all the subdirectories;

  • docs/dir - will filter file or directory named dir from docs directory;

  • docs/dir/test.txt - will filter file or directory named test.txt from docs/dir directory.

Below is a list of non-valid entries:

  • /an/absolute/path - absolute paths are not allowed, only relative paths are accepted;

  • some/path/ - ambiguous description of directory to filter, it’s not clear if only the files are needed to be filtered or directories have to be included as well;

  • docs/*.txt - using wildcard character * within subdirectories is not allowed.