General information
Events are an additional way to enhance the functionality of the shop. On certain occasions - for example, when a model object is stored to the database - an event is sent out. This event may have a payload, for example the object that is stored to the database.
Project or module developers may register an event subscriber that may react on the event. The most simple use case for this is logging the event. But there are far more interesting things that can may be done, notably manipulating the payload of the event. So in the example above the subscriber may check if it is an order that is saved and then check the creditworthiness of the ordering person and set the order to some special state if this person is not creditworthy.
Using events is a much more secure way to enhance shop functionality than the traditional way of enhancing classes. While methods in the core code may be deprecated and the code refactored, the events should stay the same over a much longer period of time. So to keep you shop upgradable, you should use events where ever possible.
The framework used for this is the Symfony event handling mechanism. So general information may be found in the Symfony Documentation.
Symfony support two ways of registering events, the listener and the subscriber model. We advise you to use the subscriber model to register your events, because this is the advanced way. You write a subscriber class that implements the EventSubscriberInterface and register this class with the kernel.event_subscriber tag in the DI container.