Creating Codeception acceptance tests from scratch

We will use a simple example module to explain how to write a Codeception acceptance test.

Example module

Let’s assume we have a simple test module myvendor/mymodule with the following structure:

└── mymodule
    ├── composer.json
    ├── metadata.php
    ├── StartController.php
    └── views
        └── blocks
            └── mymodule_block.tpl

Example module’s composer.json

    "name": "myvendor/mymodule",
    "description": "This package contains myvendor/mymodule source code.",
    "type": "oxideshop-module",
    "keywords": [
    "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
    "require": {
        "php": ">=7.0"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "MyVendor\\MyModule\\": ""

Example module’s metadata.php


$sMetadataVersion = '2.1';

$aModule = [
    'id'           => 'myvendor/mymodule',
    'title'        => 'MyModule',
    'description'  => [
        'de' => 'OXID Example Modul.',
        'en' => 'OXID Example Module.',
    'thumbnail'    => 'logo.png',
    'version'      => '0.0.1',
    'author'       => 'myvendor',
    'url'          => '',
    'email'        => '[email protected]',
    'extend'       => [
        \OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Controller\StartController::class => \MyVendor\MyModule\StartController::class,
    'controllers' => [],
    'events' => [],
    'templates' => [],
    'blocks' => [
            'template' => 'page/shop/start.tpl',
            'block'    => 'start_welcome_text',
            'file'     => 'views/blocks/mymodule_block.tpl'
    'settings' => [],
    'smartyPluginDirectories' => []

The module chain extends the StartController class and adds a greeting message.


namespace MyVendor\MyModule;

class StartController extends StartController_parent
    public function getMyModuleGreeting()
        $message = 'Hello, my shopid is ' . \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Registry::getConfig()->getShopId();
        $user = \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Registry::getSession()->getUser();
        if ($user && $user->getId()) {
            $message .= ' and you are ' . $user->getFieldData('oxusername') . ' ;) ';
        } else {
            $message .= '! ';

        return $message;

Example module template mymodule_block.tpl:


Creating test structure in a module

To start with acceptance tests using Codeception in your module for the first time, you have to initialize it by running the following command once:

cd <shop_dir>
vendor/bin/codecept init ModuleAcceptance --path <module_source_directory>/<tests_folder>


cd <shop_dir>
vendor/bin/codecept init ModuleAcceptance --path <module_source_directory>/Tests

When prompted, confirm Codeception as test folder’s name and chrome as a webdriver or change to better suited values in case you need it.

This command creates basic structure for starting with Codeception Acceptance tests for your module: tests directory (in our current case Tests/Codeception), a configuration file codeception.yml and a preconfigured acceptance test suite acceptance.suite.yml.


The ModuleAcceptance keyword in command is responsible for triggering usage of template for generating the preconfigured starting tests directory structure prepared by OXID.

The general structure of the module’s test folder looks as follows:

└── mymodule
    ├── composer.json
    ├── metadata.php
    ├── StartController.php
    ├── Tests
    │   ├── Codeception
    │   │   ├── Acceptance
    │   │   │   ├── _bootstrap.php
    │   │   │   └── ExampleCest.php
    │   │   ├── acceptance.suite.yml
    │   │   ├── Config
    │   │   │   └── params.php
    │   │   ├── _data
    │   │   │   ├── dump.sql
    │   │   │   └── fixtures.php
    │   │   ├── _output
    │   │   └── _support
    │   │       ├── AcceptanceTester.php
    │   │       ├── _generated
    │   │       │   └── AcceptanceTesterActions.php
    │   │       └── Helper
    │   │           └── Acceptance.php
    │   └── codeception.yml
    └── views
        └── blocks
            └── mymodule_block.tpl

An example Cest named ExampleCest is created automatically which verifies that the shop frontend is working. We’ll come to actually writing tests in the next section.

Codeception configuration

The codeception main configuration file for the newly created module tests is the codeception.yml which is located in the <vendor_name>/<module_name>/Tests directory:

namespace: MyVendor\MyModule\Tests\Codeception
  - Codeception/Config/params.php
  tests: Codeception
  output: Codeception/_output
  data: Codeception/_data
  support: Codeception/_support
  envs: Codeception/_envs
  actor_suffix: Tester

  colors: true
  log: true
  bootstrap: _bootstrap.php

    - Codeception\Extension\RunFailed

There is an additional configuration file for each suite (we only have acceptance.suite.yml for now) containing information about enabled Codeception modules, Actor and so.

# suite config
actor: AcceptanceTester
    - Asserts
    - WebDriver:
        url: '%SHOP_URL%'
        browser: '%BROWSER%'
        port: '%SELENIUM_SERVER_PORT%'
        host: '%SELENIUM_SERVER_HOST%'
        window_size: 1920x1080
        clear_cookies: true
    - \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\ShopSetup:
        dump: '%DUMP_PATH%'
        fixtures: '%FIXTURES_PATH%'
    - Db:
        dsn: 'mysql:host=%DB_HOST%;dbname=%DB_NAME%;charset=utf8'
        user: '%DB_USERNAME%'
        password: '%DB_PASSWORD%'
        port: '%DB_PORT%'
        dump: '%DUMP_PATH%'
        mysql_config: '%MYSQL_CONFIG_PATH%'
        populate: true # run populator before all tests
        cleanup: true # run populator before each test
        populator: 'mysql --defaults-file=$mysql_config --default-character-set=utf8 $dbname < $dump'
            - 'SET @@SESSION.sql_mode=""'
    - \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\Oxideshop:
          - WebDriver
          - Db
    - \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\Database:
        depends: Db
    - \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\Translation\TranslationsModule:
        shop_path: '%SHOP_SOURCE_PATH%'
        paths: 'Application/views/twig'
    - \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\SelectTheme:
              - \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\Database
          theme_id: '%THEME_ID%'

For further details regarding the configuration of Codeception tests please refer to the Codeception documentation.