Executing Tests

In order to execute OXID eShop tests you have to configure PhpStorm to use the same PHPUnit settings.

First make sure that you configured the CLI PHP interpreter from the VM (File ‣ Settings ‣ Languages & Frameworks ‣ PHP).

Then visit File ‣ Settings ‣ Languages & Frameworks ‣ PHP ‣ Test Frameworks and add a new test framework PHPUnit by Remote Interpreter. You get a new configuration form. Choose the following settings:

  • PhpUnit library

    Choose Path to phpunit.phar and configure Path to script: /var/www/oxideshop/vendor/bin/phpunit


Be sure to refresh the detection of the PhpUnit version with the refresh button every time the version changes. Otherwise PhpStorm might call PhpUnit with the wrong parameters.

  • Test runner

    Default configuration file: /var/www/oxideshop/phpunit.xml

    Default bootstrap file: /var/www/oxideshop/tests/bootstrap.php