
Newsletters are a fast and easy way to notify online shop customers of current topics, give tips, announce campaigns and promote products.

They serve to inform customers and at the same time create customer loyalty.

Customers must have subscribed to the newsletter, for example, by confirming this during registration or by filling out and sending the newsletter form.

In addition, customers must explicitly agree to the sending of newsletters to their own e-mail address. This procedure is called double opt-in. It ensures that no unauthorised person subscribes someone else to the newsletter.

Subscribing newsletter

Users who have subscribed to the newsletter will automatically be assigned to the “Newsletter Recipients” user group. They can be viewed in the Admin panel under Administer Users ‣ User Groups.

Customers can unsubscribe by filling out the newsletter form and selecting Unsubscribe.

Newsletters can be sent to customers by e-mail at regular or irregular intervals. There are countless providers of newsletter services, cloud-based newsletter tools or newsletter software.

OXID eShop offers the possibility to export a list of newsletter subscribers, which can then be transferred to an external provider.

To start the export, go to Customer Info ‣ Newsletter in the Admin panel. Press the Export recipients button.

The records are written to a CSV file whose file name consists of Export_recipients_, an appended date in the format YYYY-MM-DD and the file extension .csv.

The file contains salutation, first name, last name, e-mail address, opt-in status and assigned user groups for each subscriber. Opt-in status can be subscribed, not subscribed or not confirmed. The file can be opened directly in the browser used or saved locally on the computer.