Statistics tab
The Statistics tab provides some sales-related information about the product, such as the number of products sold, the sales rank, or the status of orders.

- Product created on
Date the product was created.
- Last Modification on
Date the product was last modified.
- Position Sales Rating
Shows the place of the product in the list of sold products. The more units of a product have been sold, the higher its sales rank. Example: 2/60 means that a total of sixty products were sold. The product whose statistics are viewed is in the second place among them all.
- Number of ordered Units
This number indicates how many times the product has been ordered so far.
- Number of Units sold
This number shows how many times the product has been sold so far.
- Number of cancelled Units
This number tells you how many times the product has been cancelled so far.
- Number of pending Orders
This number indicates how many orders for the product are still pending and need to be processed.