Install and Setup


To start with GraphQL you need OXID eShop up and running (at least OXID-eSales/oxideshop_ce: v6.5.0 component, which is part of the 6.2.0 compilation).

To install the available GraphQL modules, first you have to go to the shop’s directory

cd <shop_directory>

and to require the modules via composer:

composer require oxid-esales/graphql-base
composer require oxid-esales/graphql-storefront

After installing the modules you need to add their configurations into the project’s configuration file. You can do it by running:

./bin/oe-console oe:module:install-configuration source/modules/oe/graphql-base/
./bin/oe-console oe:module:install-configuration source/modules/oe/graphql-storefront/

This will overwrite the configuration of the modules if it was already present in the project’s configuration file.


Now you need to activate the modules, either via OXID eShop admin or CLI.

./bin/oe-console oe:module:activate oe_graphql_base
./bin/oe-console oe:module:activate oe_graphql_storefront


Keep in mind that you have to activate the GraphQL Base module first.