PayPal Checkout V. 2.5.0

Release date: 16-08-2024

New or changed functions

We have added the Google Pay and Apple Pay payment methods.

Google Pay and Apple Pay

With Apple Pay and Google Pay, enable payment transactions worldwide and in 25 currencies.

For more information on coverage, see


  1. Install or update PayPal Checkout.

  2. Go through the registration process (onboarding) (also for an update).

    For more information, see API Credentials: Onboarding.

  3. Verify that the Apple Pay and Google Pay payment methods have been activated (Fig.: Client ID/password and webhook ID generated, item 5).

    Client ID/password and webhook ID generated

    Fig.: Client ID/password and webhook ID generated

    If no activation has taken place, contact PayPal support.

  4. Activate Apple Pay with your Sandbox account.

    For more information, see Activating the Apple Pay payment method.

    Google Pay is activated by default. You only need a Google account and a credit card.

  5. Configure the Apple Pay and Google Pay country assignment.

    For more information, see Optional: Configuring the country mapping of PayPal Checkout payment methods.

  6. To configure the Apple Pay and Google Pay payment methods, choose

    • Shop Settings ‣ Payment Methods ‣ Apple Pay

    • Shop Settings ‣ Payment Methods ‣ Google Pay

  7. Activate Apple Pay and Google Pay for live operation after testing.

    For more information, see


To use PayPal Checkout V. 2.5.0, install it in your OXID eShop 6.3.x to 6.5.x

For more information, see Installation.


To use the functions and corrections of PayPal Checkout V. 2.5.0, update.

For more information, see Installing a minor update.