For what/what not?
Improve the security of your OXID eShop with the OXID Security Module.
We are introducing it compatible with OXID eShop Compilation 7.2 Professional and Enterprise Edition.
In the first version, a password policy provides more protection.
Future updates will provide additional security features to continuously increase the protection of your store.
What is a password policy?
A password policy enforces the security of passwords.
The system validates your customers’ password entries based on the criteria you configure.
Your customers are shown the requirements when they click in the password input field (Fig.: Requirements for passwords, item 1).
A password strength indicator and a password generator help your customers to fulfill the requirements.

Fig.: Requirements for passwords
If required, configure the minimum length of the password and the standard requirements for the composition of the password that your customers must enter when registering.
For more information, see Setting password policy.