oxDb Member List
This is the complete list of members for
oxDb, including all inherited members.
$_aTblDescCache | oxDb | [protected, static] |
$_blIsAdmin | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_instance | oxDb | [private, static] |
$_oActUser | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oConfig | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oDB | oxDb | [private, static] |
$_oRights | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oSession | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
__call($sMethod, $aArgs) | oxSuperCfg | |
_defaultDatePattern() | oxDb | [protected] |
_defaultTimePattern() | oxDb | [protected] |
_defineAndCheckDefaultDateValues($blToTimeStamp) | oxDb | [protected] |
_defineAndCheckDefaultTimeValues($blToTimeStamp) | oxDb | [protected] |
_defineDateFormattingRules() | oxDb | [protected] |
_defineTimeFormattingRules() | oxDb | [protected] |
_formatCorrectTimeValue($oObject, $sDateFormat, $sTimeFormat, $aDateMatches, $aTimeMatches, $aTFields, $aDFields) | oxDb | [protected] |
_regexp2ValidateDateInput() | oxDb | [protected] |
_regexp2ValidateTimeInput() | oxDb | [protected] |
_setDate($oObject, $sDateFormat, $aDFields, $aDateMatches) | oxDb | [protected] |
_setDefaultDateTimeValue($oObject, $sLocalDateFormat, $sLocalTimeFormat, $blOnlyDate) | oxDb | [protected] |
_setDefaultFormatedValue($oObject, $sDate, $sLocalDateFormat, $sLocalTimeFormat, $blOnlyDate) | oxDb | [protected] |
commitTransaction() | oxDb | [static] |
convertDBDate($oObject, $blToTimeStamp=false) | oxDb | |
convertDBDateTime($oObject, $blToTimeStamp=false, $blOnlyDate=false) | oxDb | |
convertDBTimestamp($oObject, $blToTimeStamp=false) | oxDb | |
createSQLList($aArray) | oxDb | |
getConfig() | oxSuperCfg | |
getDb($blAssoc=false) | oxDb | [static] |
getInstance() | oxDb | [static] |
getMultiLangFieldName($sField) | oxDb | |
getSession() | oxSuperCfg | |
getTableDescription($sTableName) | oxDb | |
getUser() | oxSuperCfg | |
isAdmin() | oxSuperCfg | |
isQuoteNeeded($sFieldtype) | oxDb | |
isValidFieldName($sField) | oxDb | |
rollbackTransaction() | oxDb | [static] |
setAdminMode($blAdmin) | oxSuperCfg | |
setConfig($oConfig) | oxSuperCfg | |
setSession($oSession) | oxSuperCfg | |
setTransactionIsolationLevel($sLevel=null) | oxDb | [static] |
setUser($oUser) | oxSuperCfg | |
startTransaction() | oxDb | [static] |