oxUtils Member List
This is the complete list of members for
oxUtils, including all inherited members.
$_aStaticCache | oxUtils | [protected] |
$_blIsAdmin | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_blSeoIsActive | oxUtils | [protected] |
$_iCurPrecision | oxUtils | [protected] |
$_instance | oxUtils | [private, static] |
$_oActUser | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oConfig | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oRights | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oSession | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_sEmailTpl | oxUtils | [protected] |
__call($sMethod, $aArgs) | oxSuperCfg | |
_addUrlParameters($sUrl, $aParams) | oxUtils | [protected] |
_fillExplodeArray($aName, $dVat=null) | oxUtils | [protected] |
_oxFileCache($blMode, $sName, $sInput=null) | oxUtils | [protected] |
_simpleRedirect($sUrl, $sHeaderCode) | oxUtils | [protected] |
_stripQuotes($mInput) | oxUtils | [protected] |
assignValuesFromText($sIn, $dVat=null) | oxUtils | |
assignValuesToText($aIn) | oxUtils | |
bitwiseAnd($iVal1, $iVal2) | oxUtils | |
bitwiseOr($iVal1, $iVal2) | oxUtils | |
checkAccessRights() | oxUtils | |
cleanStaticCache($sCacheName=null) | oxUtils | |
currency2Float($sValue) | oxUtils | |
formatCurrency($dValue, $oActCur=null) | oxUtils | |
fromFileCache($sKey) | oxUtils | |
fromStaticCache($sName) | oxUtils | |
fRound($sVal, $oCur=null) | oxUtils | |
getArrFldName($sName) | oxUtils | |
getConfig() | oxSuperCfg | |
getInstance() | oxUtils | [static] |
getRemoteCachePath($sRemote, $sLocal) | oxUtils | |
getSession() | oxSuperCfg | |
getShopBit($iShopId) | oxUtils | |
getUser() | oxSuperCfg | |
isAdmin() | oxSuperCfg | |
isSearchEngine($sClient=null) | oxUtils | |
isValidAlpha($sField) | oxUtils | |
isValidEmail($sEmail) | oxUtils | |
loadAdminProfile($aInterfaceProfiles) | oxUtils | |
logger($sText, $blNewline=false) | oxUtils | |
oxMimeContentType($sFileName) | oxUtils | |
oxResetFileCache() | oxUtils | |
prepareUrlForNoSession($sUrl) | oxUtils | |
rebuildCache() | oxUtils | |
redirect($sUrl, $blAddRedirectParam=true) | oxUtils | |
seoIsActive($blReset=false, $sShopId=null, $iActLang=null) | oxUtils | |
setAdminMode($blAdmin) | oxSuperCfg | |
setConfig($oConfig) | oxSuperCfg | |
setSession($oSession) | oxSuperCfg | |
setUser($oUser) | oxSuperCfg | |
showMessageAndExit($sMsg) | oxUtils | |
stripGpcMagicQuotes() | oxUtils | |
strMan($sVal, $sKey=null) | oxUtils | |
strRem($sVal, $sKey=null) | oxUtils | |
strRot13($sStr) | oxUtils | |
toFileCache($sKey, $sContents) | oxUtils | |
toStaticCache($sName, $sContent, $sKey=null) | oxUtils | |