oxUtilsView Member List
This is the complete list of members for
oxUtilsView, including all inherited members.
$_blIsAdmin | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_instance | oxUtilsView | [private, static] |
$_oActUser | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oConfig | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oRights | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oSession | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oSmarty | oxUtilsView | [protected, static] |
__call($sMethod, $aArgs) | oxSuperCfg | |
_fillCommonSmartyProperties($oSmarty) | oxUtilsView | [protected] |
_smartyCompileCheck($oSmarty) | oxUtilsView | [protected] |
addErrorToDisplay($oEr, $blFull=false, $blCustomDestination=false, $sCustomDestination="") | oxUtilsView | |
getConfig() | oxSuperCfg | |
getInstance() | oxUtilsView | [static] |
getSession() | oxSuperCfg | |
getSmarty($blReload=false) | oxUtilsView | |
getTemplateOutput($sTemplate, $oObject) | oxUtilsView | |
getUser() | oxSuperCfg | |
isAdmin() | oxSuperCfg | |
parseThroughSmarty($sDesc, $sOxid) | oxUtilsView | |
passAllErrorsToView(&$aView, $aErrors) | oxUtilsView | |
setAdminMode($blAdmin) | oxSuperCfg | |
setConfig($oConfig) | oxSuperCfg | |
setSession($oSession) | oxSuperCfg | |
setUser($oUser) | oxSuperCfg | |