
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00009 class PriceAlarm_Mail extends oxAdminDetails
00010 {
00018     public function render()
00019     {
00020         $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
00022         parent::render();
00023         // #889C - Netto prices in Admin
00024         $sIndex="";
00025         if ( $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'blEnterNetPrice' ) )
00026             $sIndex = " * ". (1+$myConfig->getConfigParam( 'dDefaultVAT' )/100);
00028         $sShopID = $myConfig->getShopID();
00029         //articles price in subshop and baseshop can be different
00030         $this->_aViewData['iAllCnt'] = 0;
00031         $oDB = oxDb::getDb();
00032         $sQ = "select oxprice, oxartid from oxpricealarm where oxsended = '000-00-00 00:00:00' and oxshopid = '$sShopID' ";
00033         $rs = $oDB->execute($sQ);
00034         if ($rs != false && $rs->recordCount() > 0) {
00035             $aSimpleCache = array();
00036             while (!$rs->EOF) {
00037                 $sPrice = $rs->fields[0];
00038                 $sArtID = $rs->fields[1];
00039                 if (isset($aSimpleCache[$sArtID])) {
00040                     if ($aSimpleCache[$sArtID] <= $sPrice) {
00041                         $this->_aViewData['iAllCnt'] += 1;
00042                     }
00043                 } else {
00044                     $oArticle = oxNew( "oxarticle" );
00045                     if ( $oArticle->load($sArtID)) {
00046                         $dArtPrice = $aSimpleCache[$sArtID] = $oArticle->getPrice()->getBruttoPrice();
00047                         if ($dArtPrice <= $sPrice) {
00048                             $this->_aViewData['iAllCnt'] += 1;
00049                         }
00050                     }
00051                 }
00052                 $rs->moveNext();
00053             }
00054         }
00055         return "pricealarm_mail.tpl";
00056     }
00057 }

Generated on Thu Dec 4 12:04:56 2008 for OXID eShop CE by  doxygen 1.5.5