This is the complete list of members for oxLegacyDb, including all inherited members.
$_blIsAdmin | oxSuperCfg | protectedstatic |
$_oActUser | oxSuperCfg | protectedstatic |
$_oConfig | oxSuperCfg | protectedstatic |
$_oDb | oxLegacyDb | protected |
$_oRights | oxSuperCfg | protectedstatic |
$_oSession | oxSuperCfg | protectedstatic |
__call($sMethod, $aArgs) | oxSuperCfg | |
__construct() | oxSuperCfg | |
Affected_Rows() | oxLegacyDb | |
commitTransaction() | oxLegacyDb | |
errorMsg() | oxLegacyDb | |
errorNo() | oxLegacyDb | |
execute($sSql, $aParams=array()) | oxLegacyDb | |
FETCH_MODE_ASSOC | DatabaseInterface | |
FETCH_MODE_BOTH | DatabaseInterface | |
FETCH_MODE_DEFAULT | DatabaseInterface | |
FETCH_MODE_NUM | DatabaseInterface | |
forceMasterConnection() | oxLegacyDb | |
getAll($sSql, $aParams=array(), $blType=true) | oxLegacyDb | |
getArray($sSql, $aParams=array(), $blType=true) | oxLegacyDb | |
getAssoc($sSql, $aParams=array(), $blType=true) | oxLegacyDb | |
getCol($sSql, $aParams=array(), $blType=true) | oxLegacyDb | |
getConfig() | oxSuperCfg | |
getDb($blType=true) | oxLegacyDb | |
getLastInsertId() | oxLegacyDb | |
getOne($sSql, $aParams=array(), $blType=true) | oxLegacyDb | |
getRow($sSql, $aParams=array(), $blType=true) | oxLegacyDb | |
getSession() | oxSuperCfg | |
getUser() | oxSuperCfg | |
Insert_ID() | oxLegacyDb | |
isAdmin() | oxSuperCfg | |
lastInsertId() | oxLegacyDb | |
metaColumnNames($sTable, $blNumIndexes=false) | oxLegacyDb | |
metaColumns($sTable) | oxLegacyDb | |
qstr($sValue) | oxLegacyDb | |
query($sSql, $aParams=array()) | oxLegacyDb | |
quote($sValue) | oxLegacyDb | |
quoteArray($aStrArray) | oxLegacyDb | |
rollbackTransaction() | oxLegacyDb | |
select($sSql, $aParams=array(), $blType=true) | oxLegacyDb | |
selectLimit($sSql, $iRows=-1, $iOffset=-1, $aParams=array(), $blType=true) | oxLegacyDb | |
setAdminMode($blAdmin) | oxSuperCfg | |
setConfig($oConfig) | oxSuperCfg | |
setConnection($oConnection) | oxLegacyDb | |
setFetchMode($iFetchMode) | oxLegacyDb | |
setSession($oSession) | oxSuperCfg | |
setTransactionIsolationLevel($sLevel=null) | oxLegacyDb | |
setUser($oUser) | oxSuperCfg | |
startTransaction() | oxLegacyDb | |
UI($iPollSecs=5) | oxLegacyDb | |