Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00003 $aColumns = array( 'container1' => array(    // field , table,  visible, multilanguage, ident
00004                                         array( 'oxtitle',  'oxgroups', 1, 0, 0 ),
00005                                         array( 'oxid',     'oxgroups', 0, 0, 0 ),
00006                                         array( 'oxid',     'oxgroups', 0, 0, 1 ),
00007                                         ),
00008                      'container2' => array(
00009                                         array( 'oxtitle',  'oxgroups', 1, 0, 0 ),
00010                                         array( 'oxid',     'oxgroups', 0, 0, 0 ),
00011                                         array( 'oxid',     'oxobject2action', 0, 0, 1 ),
00012                                         )
00013                     );
00017 class ajaxComponent extends ajaxListComponent
00018 {
00024     protected function _getQuery()
00025     {
00026         // active AJAX component
00027         $sGroupTable = getViewName( 'oxgroups' );
00029         $sId      = oxConfig::getParameter( 'oxid' );
00030         $sSynchId = oxConfig::getParameter( 'synchoxid' );
00032         // category selected or not ?
00033         if ( !$sId ) {
00034             $sQAdd  = " from $sGroupTable where 1 ";
00035         } else {
00036             $sQAdd .= " from oxobject2action, $sGroupTable where $sGroupTable.oxid=oxobject2action.oxobjectid ";
00037             $sQAdd .= " and oxobject2action.oxactionid = '$sId' and oxobject2action.oxclass = 'oxgroups' ";
00038         }
00040         if ( $sSynchId && $sSynchId != $sId) {
00041             $sQAdd .= " and $sGroupTable.oxid not in ( select $sGroupTable.oxid from oxobject2action, $sGroupTable where $sGroupTable.oxid=oxobject2action.oxobjectid ";
00042             $sQAdd .= " and oxobject2action.oxactionid = '$sSynchId' and oxobject2action.oxclass = 'oxgroups' ) ";
00043         }
00045         return $sQAdd;
00046     }
00053     public function removePromotionGroup()
00054     {
00055         $aRemoveGroups = $this->_getActionIds( 'oxobject2action.oxid' );
00056         if ( oxConfig::getParameter( 'all' ) ) {
00057             $sQ = $this->_addFilter( "delete oxobject2action.* ".$this->_getQuery() );
00058             oxDb::getDb()->Execute( $sQ );
00059         } elseif ( $aRemoveGroups && is_array( $aRemoveGroups ) ) {
00060             $sQ = "delete from oxobject2action where oxobject2action.oxid in (" . implode( ", ", oxDb::getInstance()->quoteArray( $aRemoveGroups ) ) . ") ";
00061             oxDb::getDb()->Execute( $sQ );
00062         }
00063     }
00070     public function addPromotionGroup()
00071     {
00072         $aChosenGroup = $this->_getActionIds( 'oxgroups.oxid' );
00073         $soxId        = oxConfig::getParameter( 'synchoxid' );
00075         if ( oxConfig::getParameter( 'all' ) ) {
00076             $sGroupTable  = getViewName('oxgroups');
00077             $aChosenGroup = $this->_getAll( $this->_addFilter( "select $sGroupTable.oxid ".$this->_getQuery() ) );
00078         }
00079         if ( $soxId && $soxId != "-1" && is_array( $aChosenGroup ) ) {
00080             foreach ( $aChosenGroup as $sChosenGroup) {
00081                 $oObject2Promotion = oxNew( "oxbase" );
00082                 $oObject2Promotion->init( 'oxobject2action' );
00083                 $oObject2Promotion->oxobject2action__oxactionid = new oxField( $soxId );
00084                 $oObject2Promotion->oxobject2action__oxobjectid = new oxField( $sChosenGroup );
00085                 $oObject2Promotion->oxobject2action__oxclass    = new oxField( "oxgroups" );
00086                 $oObject2Promotion->save();
00087             }
00088         }
00089     }
00090 }