
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00003 $sLangName  = "English";
00005 // -------------------------------
00007 // -------------------------------
00008 $aLang = array(
00009 'ACCESSORIES'                                                 => "Accessories",
00010 'ACCOUNT'                                                     => "Account",
00011 'ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'                                         => "Account information",
00012 'ADD'                                                         => "add",
00013 'ADDITIONAL_INFO'                                             => "Additional Info:",
00014 'ADDRESS'                                                     => "Address",
00015 'ADDRESSES'                                                   => "Addresses",
00016 'ADDRESSES_2'                                                 => "Addresses:",
00017 'ADDRESS_2'                                                   => "Address:",
00018 'ADD_TAGS'                                                    => "Add tags:",
00019 'ADD_THIS_PAGE_TO'                                            => "Add this page to",
00020 'ADD_THIS_PAGE_TO_WEBNEWS'                                    => "Add this page to Webnews",
00021 'ADD_THIS_PAGE_TO_YIEEHA'                                     => "Add this page to Yieeha",
00022 'ADD_TO_CART'                                                 => "add to Cart",
00023 'ADD_TO_GIFT_REGISTRY'                                        => "Add to Gift Registry",
00024 'ADD_TO_LIST'                                                 => "Add to List",
00025 'ADD_TO_LISTMANIA_LIST'                                       => "Add to Listmania List",
00026 'ADD_TO_WISH_LIST'                                            => "Add to Wish List",
00027 'ADD_WRAPPING'                                                => "Add gift wrap",
00028 'ADD_YOUR_COMMENTS'                                           => "Add your comments",
00029 'ALL'                                                         => "All",
00030 'ALL_LISTMANIA'                                               => "all Listmania",
00031 'ALREADY_ADDED_TAG'                                           => "You already tagged this text",
00032 'ALREADY_CUSTOMER'                                            => "I am already customer",
00033 'APPLAY'                                                      => "Apply",
00034 'ARTNUM'                                                      => "Product number",
00035 'ART_NUMBER'                                                  => "Art. No.:",
00036 'ATENTION_GREETING_CARD'                                      => "Attention Greeting Card:",
00037 'AUTHOR'                                                      => "Author",
00038 'AVAILABLE_ON'                                                => "Available on",
00039 'A_LIST_BY'                                                   => "A List by",
00040 'BACK_TO_OVERVIEW'                                            => "Back to Overview",
00041 'BACK_TO_SHOP'                                                => "Back to Shop",
00042 'BACK_TO_START_PAGE'                                          => "back to Startpage",
00043 'BANK'                                                        => "Bank",
00044 'BANK_DETAILS'                                                => "Bank details",
00045 'BANK_2'                                                      => "Bank:",
00046 'BANK_ACCOUNT_HOLDER'                                         => "Account Holder",
00047 'BANK_ACCOUNT_HOLDER_2'                                       => "Account Holder:",
00048 'BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'                                         => "Account No.",
00049 'BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_2'                                       => "Account No. or IBAN:",
00050 'BANK_CODE'                                                   => "Bank code",
00051 'BANK_CODE_2'                                                 => "Bank code or BIC:",
00052 'BANK_CODE_3'                                                 => "Bank Code:",
00053 'BARGAIN'                                                     => "Bargain",
00054 'BARGAIN_PRODUCTS'                                            => "Bargain products",
00055 'BASKET'                                                      => "Cart",
00056 'BASKET_2'                                                    => "View Cart",
00057 'BASKET_EMPTY'                                                => "The Shopping Cart is empty.",
00058 'BIC'                                                         => "BIC:",
00059 'BILLING_ADDRESS'                                             => "Billing Address",
00060 'BILLING_ADDRESS_2'                                           => "Billing Address:",
00061 'BILLING_SHIPPING_SETTINGS'                                   => "Billing and Shipping Settings",
00062 'BIRTHDATE'                                                   => "Birthdate:",
00063 'BLOCK_PRICE'                                                 => "Block price",
00064 'CANCEL'                                                      => "Cancel",
00065 'CAPTION'                                                     => "Caption:",
00066 'CARD_MASTERCARD'                                             => "Mastercard",
00067 'CARD_SECURITY_CODE'                                          => "CVV2 or CVC2 security code:",
00068 'CARD_SECURITY_CODE_DESCRIPTION'                              => "The CVV2/CVC2 three-digit value is printed just above the signature panel in reverse italics on the back of your card.<br>Usually it is preceded by your card number.",
00069 'CARD_TO'                                                     => "Card to:",
00070 'CARD_VISA'                                                   => "Visa",
00071 'CART'                                                        => "Cart",
00072 'CART_2'                                                      => "Cart:",
00073 'CATEGORIES'                                                  => "Categories",
00074 'CATEGORY'                                                    => "Category:",
00075 'CATEGORY_2'                                                  => "Category",
00076 'CATEGORY_OVERVIEW'                                           => "Category overview",
00077 'CATEGORY_PRODUCTS_S'                                         => "category/%s",
00078 'CATEGORY_S'                                                  => "Category: %s",
00079 'CELLUAR_PHONE'                                               => "Celluar Phone:",
00080 'CHANGE'                                                      => "Change",
00081 'CHANGE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD'                                     => "Change Account Password",
00082 'CHANGE_PASSWORD'                                             => "Change password",
00083 'CHANGE_PASSWORD_2'                                           => "Change Password",
00084 'CHARGES'                                                     => "Charges:",
00085 'CHECK'                                                       => "Check",
00086 'CHECKOUT'                                                    => "Checkout",
00087 'CHECK_YOUR_ORDER_HISTORY'                                    => "check your Order History",
00088 'CHOOSE'                                                      => "Choose",
00089 'CHOOSE_VARIANT'                                              => "Choose variant",
00090 'CLICK_HERE'                                                  => "click here.",
00091 'CLICK_HERE_TO_WRITE_ENTRY'                                   => "Click here to write an entry",
00092 'CLOSE'                                                       => "Close",
00093 'COMPANY'                                                     => "Company:",
00094 'COMPARE'                                                     => "compare",
00095 'COMPARE_2'                                                   => "Compare",
00096 'COMPLETE_MARKED_FIELDS'                                      => "Please fill in all mandatory fields labeled in bold.",
00097 'COMPLETE_ORDER'                                              => "Complete Order",
00098 'CONFIRM_PASSWORD'                                            => "Confirm password:",
00099 'CONFIRM_PASSWORD_2'                                          => "Confirm Password:",
00100 'CONTACT'                                                     => "Contact",
00101 'CONTACTS'                                                    => "Contacts",
00102 'CONTINUE_SHOPPING'                                           => "Continue Shopping",
00103 'CONTINUE_TO_NEXT_STEP'                                       => "Continue to Next Step",
00104 'COUNTRY'                                                     => "Country:",
00105 'COUPON'                                                      => "Coupon",
00106 'COUPON_2'                                                    => "Coupon:",
00107 'COUPON_NOT_ACCEPTED1'                                        => "Your Coupon",
00108 'COUPON_NOT_ACCEPTED2'                                        => "couldn't be accepted.",
00109 'CREATE_PASSWORD'                                             => "Create Password",
00110 'CREDITCARD'                                                  => "Credit Card:",
00111 'CURRENT_PRODUCT'                                             => "Current product",
00112 'CUSTOMERS_ALSO_BOUGHT'                                       => "Customer who bought this product also bought:",
00113 'DATE'                                                        => "Date",
00114 'DATE_2'                                                      => "Date:",
00115 'DAY'                                                         => "day",
00116 'DAYS'                                                        => "days",
00117 'DAYS_2'                                                      => "Days",
00118 'DAY_2'                                                       => "Day",
00119 'YEAR'                                                        => "Year",
00120 'DEDUCTION'                                                   => "Deduction",
00121 'DELIVERABLE'                                                 => "Deliverable:",
00122 'DELIVERYTIME'                                                => "Delivery time:",
00123 'DELIVERY_STATUS'                                             => "Delivery status",
00124 'DELIVERY_STATUS_ANG'                                         => "Order received",
00125 'DELIVERY_STATUS_AUS'                                         => "Sent",
00126 'DELIVERY_STATUS_BES'                                         => "Ordered from distributor",
00127 'DELIVERY_STATUS_EIN'                                         => "Picking",
00128 'DELIVERY_STATUS_HAL'                                         => "Waiting for money",
00129 'DELIVERY_STATUS_NLB'                                         => "Undeliverable",
00130 'DELIVERY_STATUS_STO'                                         => "Canceled",
00131 'DELIVERY_TIME'                                               => "Delivery time:",
00132 'DESCRIPTION'                                                 => "Description",
00133 'DETAILS'                                                     => "Details",
00134 'DETAILS_2'                                                   => "Details:",
00135 'DISCOUNT'                                                    => "Discount",
00136 'DISCOUNT_2'                                                  => "Discount:",
00137 'DISCOUNT_3'                                                  => "% Discount",
00138 'DISPLAY_BASKET'                                              => "Display Cart",
00139 'DO_NOT_WANT_CREATE_ACCOUNT'                                  => "(I do not want to create a customer account.)",
00140 'EDIT'                                                        => "edit",
00141 'EDIT_TAGS'                                                   => "Edit tags",
00142 'EMAIL'                                                       => "E-mail",
00143 'EMAIL_2'                                                     => "E-mail:",
00144 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'                                               => "E-mail address",
00145 'EMAIL_ADDRESS_2'                                             => "E-mail Address:",
00146 'ENABLE'                                                      => "Enable",
00147 'ENTER_COUPON_NUMBER'                                         => "Enter Coupon Number",
00148 'ENTER_COUPON_NUMBER_2'                                       => "Enter Coupon Number:",
00149 'ENTER_EMAIL_OR_NAME'                                         => "Enter e-mail address or Last name:",
00150 'ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'                                          => "Please enter new password.",
00151 'ERROR'                                                       => "Error",
00152 'ERROR_2'                                                     => "Error.",
00153 'ERROR_404'                                                   => "The requested page could not be found.",
00154 'ERROR_404_POSTURL'                                           => "could not be found.",
00155 'ERROR_404_PREURL'                                            => "The requested page ",
00156 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ACCESSRIGHT_ACCESSDENIED'                      => "Access denied, no sufficient rights!",
00157 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ACCESS_DENIED'                                 => "Access denied.",
00158 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ARTICLE_ARTICELDOESNOTEXIST'                   => 'Unfortunately the product "%s" is no longer available!',
00159 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ARTICLE_ARTICELNOTBUYABLE'                     => "Product is not buyable",
00160 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ARTICLE_NOPRODUCTID'                           => "No product id given!",
00161 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CHECK_EMAIL'                                   => "An error occured sending the e-mail - please check the e-mail address.",
00162 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_IPAYMENTNOCONNECTION'               => "No connection to the IPayment server!",
00163 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_IPAYMENTNOSERVICE'                  => "Error during communication with the IPayment server!",
00164 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_IPAYMENTPROXYERROR'                 => "Error during communication with the IPayment server!",
00165 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_IPAYMENTPROXYFAULT'                 => "Error during communication with the IPayment server!",
00166 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_NODB'                               => "No connection to database!",
00167 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_NOLDAP'                             => "No connection to the LDAP server!",
00168 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_NOLDAPBIND'                         => "Error during communication with the LDAP server!",
00169 'ERROR_MESSAGE_COOKIE_NOCOOKIE'                               => "We are sorry. This action requires cookie support. Please enable cookies, or use a cookie-enabled browser to access our site.",
00170 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ERROR_OCCURED'                                 => "An OXID eShop error occured!",
00171 'ERROR_MESSAGE_FILE_ERRORINFILE'                              => "Error in file!",
00172 'ERROR_MESSAGE_GUESTBOOKENTRY_ERRLOGGINTOWRITEENTRY'          => "Error: You have to be logged in to write a guestbook entry.",
00173 'ERROR_MESSAGE_GUESTBOOKENTRY_ERRMAXIMUMNOMBEREXCEEDED'       => "Error: You exceeded the maximum number of reviews per day.",
00174 'ERROR_MESSAGE_GUESTBOOKENTRY_ERRREVIEWCONTAINSNOTEXT'        => "Error: Your review contains no text.",
00175 'ERROR_MESSAGE_GUESTBOOKENTRY_ERRUNDEFINEDSHOP'               => "Error: Undefined Shop",
00176 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_EMPTYPASS'                               => "Please enter a password.",
00177 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_INVALIDAMOUNT'                           => "Please enter a valid amount for this product!",
00178 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_NOTALLFIELDS'                            => "Specify a value for this required field.",
00179 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_NOVALIDEMAIL'                            => "Please enter a valid e-mail address",
00180 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_PASSTOOSHORT'                            => "Error: your password is too short.",
00181 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_WRONGCAPTCHA'                            => "The verification code you entered is not correct. Please try again.",
00182 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INVITE_COMLETECORRECTLYFIELDS'                 => "Please complete all fields correctly!",
00183 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INVITE_ERRORWHILESENDINGMAIL'                  => "An error occurred sending the e-mail - please check the e-mail address.",
00184 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INVITE_INCORRECTEMAILADDRESS'                  => "Incorrect e-mail address. Please check entered e-mail addresses.",
00185 'ERROR_MESSAGE_MANDATES_EXCEEDED1'                            => "The number of available mandates exceeds version limits, please contact",
00186 'ERROR_MESSAGE_MANDATES_EXCEEDED2'                            => "for more information.",
00187 'ERROR_MESSAGE_NOFILE'                                        => "No uploaded file",
00188 'ERROR_MESSAGE_NOTALLOWEDTYPE'                                => "Not allowed file type (please, edit to allow this type of file)",
00189 'ERROR_MESSAGE_OUTOFSTOCK_OUTOFSTOCK'                         => "Not enough items of this product in stock! Available:",
00190 'ERROR_MESSAGE_OXID_ESALES'                                   => "OXID eSales",
00191 'ERROR_MESSAGE_OXID_SHOP_ERROR'                               => "OXID eShop Error",
00192 'ERROR_MESSAGE_OXID_SHOP_ERROR2'                              => "OXID eShop ERROR!",
00193 'ERROR_MESSAGE_PAGE_HEADLINE'                                 => "The shop is temporary offline<br>Please come back later<br><br>Thank you for understanding.",
00194 'ERROR_MESSAGE_PASSWORD_DO_NOT_MATCH'                         => "Error: Passwords don't match.",
00195 'ERROR_MESSAGE_PASSWORD_EMAIL_INVALID'                        => "The e-mail address you have entered is invalid. Please enter a valid e-mail address.",
00196 'ERROR_MESSAGE_PASSWORD_LINK_EXPIRED'                         => "Password update page expired. Please use the Forgot Password function again.",
00197 'ERROR_MESSAGE_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT'                            => "Error: Your Password is too short.",
00198 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CURRENT_PASSWORD_INVALID'                      => "Error: Your current Password is incorrect.",
00199 'ERROR_MESSAGE_RECOMMLIST_NOTITLE'                            => "Title field is empty",
00200 'ERROR_MESSAGE_SYSTEMCOMPONENT_CLASSNOTFOUND'                 => 'Class "%s" not found',
00201 'ERROR_MESSAGE_SYSTEMCOMPONENT_FUNCTIONNOTFOUND'              => 'Function "%s" not found',
00202 'ERROR_MESSAGE_SYSTEMCOMPONENT_TEMPLATENOTFOUND'              => 'Template "%s" not found',
00203 'ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_ERROR'                                 => "Unknown Error",
00204 'ERROR_MESSAGE_UNLICENSED1'                                   => "Unfortunately, because of technical issues, this shop is presently not available. Please try again later.",
00205 'ERROR_MESSAGE_UNLICENSED2'                                   => "",
00206 'ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_NOVALIDLOGIN'                             => "Wrong e-mail or password!",
00207 'ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_NOVALUES'                                 => "E-mail and password have to be filled!",
00208 'ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_PWDDONTMATCH'                             => "Passwords don't match!",
00209 'ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_USERCREATIONFAILED'                       => "Error while creating user!",
00210 'ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_USEREXISTS'                               => "Not possible to register %s. Maybe you have registered already previously?",
00211 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VERSION_EXPIRED1'                              => "Your OXID version is expired, contact",
00212 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VERSION_EXPIRED2'                              => "for more information.",
00213 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_INCORRECTPRICE'                        => "Purchase price is to low for using this coupon!",
00214 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_ISNOTVALIDDATE'                        => "Coupon expired!",
00215 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_ISRESERVED'                            => "Coupon is reserved!",
00216 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_NOTALLOWEDOTHERSERIES'                 => "Accumulation with coupons of other series is not allowed!",
00217 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_NOTALLOWEDSAMESERIES'                  => "Coupon of the same series can't be used in this purchase!",
00218 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_NOTAVAILABLEINOTHERORDER'              => "Coupon of the same series can't be used in this purchase!",
00219 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_NOTVALIDUSERGROUP'                     => "The coupon is not valid for your user group!",
00220 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_NOVOUCHER'                             => "Coupon invalid!",
00221 'ERROR_MESSAGE_COMLETE_FIELDS_CORRECTLY'                     => "Please complete all fields correctly!",
00222 'ERROR_MESSAGE_FILE_DOESNOT_EXIST'                            => "Downloadable file does not exist anymore.",
00223 'ERROR_MESSAGE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED'                          => "Error downloading file.",
00224 'ERROR_MESSAGE_WRONG_DOWNLOAD_LINK'                           => "Download link is not correct.",
00225 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INCORRECT_DATE'                                => "Incorrect date",
00226 'EXPIRES_IN'                                                  => "Expires in:",
00227 'FACEBOOK_COMMENTS'                                           => "Facebook Comments",
00228 'FACEBOOK_FACEPILE'                                           => "Facebook Facepile",
00229 'FACEBOOK_INVITE'                                             => "Facebook Invite",
00230 'FACEBOOK_INVITETEXT'                                         => "Check this out. Simply click on the button below to check recommended product.",
00231 'FACEBOOK_INVITE_YOUR_FRIENDS'                                => "Invite your Friends",
00232 'FACEBOOK_LOCALE'                                             => "en_US",
00233 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_WEBSITE'                                       => "Open website",
00234 'FAX'                                                         => "Fax:",
00235 'FIRST_LAST_NAME'                                             => "First/Last Name:",
00236 'FIRST_NAME'                                                  => "First name:",
00237 'FIRST_NAME_2'                                                => "First Name:",
00238 'FORGOT_PASSWORD'                                             => "Forgot password?",
00239 'FROM'                                                        => "From",
00240 'FROM_2'                                                      => "From:",
00241 'FROM_3'                                                      => "from",
00242 'GIFTWRAPPER'                                                 => "Giftwrapper",
00243 'GIFT_OPTION'                                                 => "Gift options",
00244 'GIFT_REGISTRY'                                               => "Gift Registry",
00245 'GIFT_REGISTRY_EMPTY'                                         => "The Gift Registry is empty.",
00246 'GIFT_REGISTRY_OF'                                            => "Gift Registry of",
00247 'GIFT_REGISTRY_OF_2'                                          => "Gift Registry at",
00248 'GIFT_REGISTRY_OF_3'                                          => "Welcome to the gift registry of",
00249 'GIFT_REGISTRY_SEARCH_RESULTS'                                => "Gift registry search results:",
00250 'GIFT_WRAPPING'                                               => "Gift Wrapping:",
00251 'GIFT_WRAPPING_GREETING_CARD'                                 => "Gift Wrapping/Greeting Card",
00252 'GO'                                                          => "GO!",
00253 'GO_BUTTON'                                                   => "GO!",
00254 'GRAND_TOTAL'                                                 => "Grand Total:",
00255 'GREETING'                                                    => "Hello, ",
00256 'GREETING_CARD'                                               => "Greeting Card",
00257 'GREETING_MESSAGE'                                            => "Greeting message",
00258 'GROSS'                                                       => "(gross)",
00259 'GUESTBOOK'                                                   => "Guestbook",
00260 'HAVE_A_LOOK'                                                 => "Have a look!",
00261 'HAVE_A_LOOK_2'                                               => "Have a look!",
00262 'HAVE_YOU_FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD'                                 => "Have you forgotten your password?",
00263 'HAVE_YOU_SEEN'                                               => "Have you seen ...?",
00264 'HELP'                                                        => "Help",
00265 'HERE_YOU_CAN_ENETER_MESSAGE'                                 => "Here you can enter an optional message.",
00266 'HERE_YOU_SET_UP_NEW_PASSWORD'                                => "No problem, here you can set up a new password.",
00267 'HIGHLIHGT_TAGS'                                              => "Highlight existing tags or add new",
00268 'HITS_FOR'                                                    => "Hits for",
00269 'HOME'                                                        => "Home",
00270 'IBAN'                                                        => "IBAN:",
00271 'IF_DEFERENT_FROM_BILLING_ADDRESS'                            => "If different from Billing Address.",
00272 'IMPRESSUM'                                                   => "About Us",
00273 'INCL_TAX_AND_PLUS_SHIPPING'                                  => "* All prices incl. VAT, plus shipping",
00274 'INFORMATION'                                                 => "Information",
00275 'INTRODUCTION'                                                => "Introduction",
00276 'INVITE_YOUR_FRIENDS'                                         => "Invite your friends",
00277 'ITEMS_IN_BASKET'                                             => ":",
00278 'JUST_ARRIVED'                                                => "Just arrived!",
00279 'KEEP_LOGGED_IN'                                              => "Keep me logged-in:",
00280 'KG'                                                          => "kg",
00281 'LABEL'                                                       => "Label:",
00282 'LAST_NAME'                                                   => "Last name:",
00283 'LAST_NAME_2'                                                 => "Last Name:",
00284 'LAST_NAME_3'                                                 => "Last Name",
00285 'LAST_SEEN_PRODUCTS'                                          => "Last seen products",
00286 'LATEST_NEWS_AND_UPDATES'                                     => "Latest News and Updates",
00287 'LATEST_NEWS_AND_UPDATES_AT'                                  => "Latest News and Updates at",
00288 'LINKS'                                                       => "Links",
00289 'LISTMANIA'                                                   => "Listmania",
00290 'LISTMANIA_2'                                                 => "Listmania/%s",
00291 'LISTMANIA_LIST_FOR'                                          => "Listmania lists for %s",
00292 'LISTMANIA_LIST_PRODUCTS'                                     => "Listmania list %s articles",
00293 'LISTMANIA_LIST_SAVED'                                        => "Recommendation list changes saved",
00294 'LISTS'                                                       => "Lists:",
00295 'LIST_BY'                                                     => "A List by",
00296 'LOADING'                                                     => "Loading...",
00297 'LOGIN'                                                       => "Login",
00298 'LOGIN_ALREADY_CUSTOMER'                                      => "If you are already our customer, please login using your e-mail address and password:",
00299 'LOGIN_DESCRIPTION'                                           => "Please login using your e-mail address or customer number and your password.",
00300 'LOGIN_TO_ACCESS_GIFT_REGISTRY'                               => "Please login to access your Gift Registry.",
00301 'LOGIN_TO_ACCESS_LISTMANIA'                                   => "Please login to access Listmania List.",
00302 'LOGIN_TO_ACCESS_WISH_LIST'                                   => "Please login to access Wish List.",
00303 'LOGIN_WITH'                                                  => "Login with:",
00304 'LOGOUT'                                                      => "Logout",
00305 'LOGOUT_2'                                                    => "logout",
00306 'LOW_STOCK'                                                   => "Low stock - order quickly!",
00307 'MAKE_PAYMENT'                                                => "Make Payment",
00308 'MANUFACTURER'                                                => "Manufacturer:",
00309 'MANUFACTURER_S'                                              => "Manufacturer: %s",
00310 'MANY_GREETINGS'                                              => "Many Greetings,",
00311 'MEDIA'                                                       => "Media",
00312 'MESSAGE'                                                     => "Message",
00313 'MESSAGE_2'                                                   => "Message:",
00314 'MESSAGE_ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_CONFIRMED'                      => "Your account registration is confirmed.",
00315 'MESSAGE_ALREADY_RATED'                                       => "You already rated!",
00316 'MESSAGE_BASKET_EXCLUDE_INFO'                                 => "You can proceed to checkout and finalize order.<br>Or you can continue shopping, but all cart content will be emptied.",
00317 'MESSAGE_CONFIRMATION_NOT_SUCCEED'                            => "Unfortunately our order e-mail confirmation was not sent successfully.",
00318 'MESSAGE_CONFIRMING_REGISTRATION'                             => "We sent you an e-mail confirming your registration.<br><br>Thank you.",
00319 'MESSAGE_COUNPON_INVALID_USER_GROUP'                          => "Your User Group doesn't qualify for this coupon.",
00320 'MESSAGE_COUPON_ACCUMULATION_DIFFERENT_SERIE'                 => "Accumulation with Coupon of different serie not permitted.",
00321 'MESSAGE_COUPON_ACCUMULATION_SAME_SERIE'                      => "Accumulation with Coupon of same serie not permitted.",
00322 'MESSAGE_COUPON_EXPIRED'                                      => "Coupon is expired.",
00323 'MESSAGE_COUPON_INVALID'                                      => "Coupon is invalid.",
00324 'MESSAGE_COUPON_NOT_APPLIED_FOR_ARTICLES'                     => "Discounts are not applied to these articles",
00325 'MESSAGE_COUPON_TOO_LOW_TOTAL'                                => "Total is too low for this Coupon.",
00326 'MESSAGE_DENIED_BY_SHOP_RULES'                                => "Denied by shop rules.",
00327 'MESSAGE_DO_NOT_USE_WITH_SAME_SERIE'                          => "Coupon of same serie can't be used for this purchase.",
00328 'MESSAGE_EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE'                                => "The e-mail address you specified is already in use.",
00329 'MESSAGE_ENTER_YOUR_ADDRESS_AND_MESSAGE'                      => "Enter your address data and personal message.",
00330 'MESSAGE_FROM'                                                => "Message from",
00331 'MESSAGE_GET_BONUS_POINTS'                                    => "Now! Get your bonus points for your purchase.",
00332 'MESSAGE_INVALID_EMAIL'                                       => "Invalid e-mail Address!",
00333 'MESSAGE_INVITE_YOUR_FRIENDS'                                 => "Invite your friends to our site and get bonus points for each invited users.",
00334 'MESSAGE_INVITE_YOUR_FRIENDS_EMAIL'                           => "Please enter your friend's e-mail address below and invitation letter will be sent to them.",
00335 'MESSAGE_INVITE_YOUR_FRIENDS_INVITATION_SENT'                 => "Invitation e-mail was sent to your friends. Thank you for inviting your friends.",
00336 'MESSAGE_LOGIN_TO_RATE'                                       => "You have to be logged in to rate!",
00337 'MESSAGE_LOGIN_TO_WRITE_REVIEW'                               => "You have to be logged in to write a review.",
00338 'MESSAGE_MAKE_GIFT_REGISTRY_PUBLISH'                          => "Everyone shall be able to search and display my gift registry:",
00339 'MESSAGE_NEGATIVE_TOTAL'                                      => "Negative Total not permitted.",
00340 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_CONGRATULATIONS'                          => "Congratulations and Welcome!",
00341 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION_BONUS'                   => "Just now! Get Bonuspoints for your Newsletter-Subscription.",
00342 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_NOT_ABLE_TO_SEND_EMAIL'                   => "Unfortunately we were not able to send you a Newsletter activation e-mail.<br>Please verify your e-mail address.",
00343 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_SENT_CONFIRMATION'                        => "You have just been sent a confirmation e-mail, with which you can activate your subscription.",
00344 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION'                             => "It's possible to cancel newsletter at any time.",
00345 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATED'                   => "Your subscription to our Newsletter has now been activated.",
00346 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_CANCELED'                    => "Your subscription to our Newsletter has been canceled.",
00347 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESS'                     => "The Newsletter subscription was successful.",
00348 'MESSAGE_NOT_ABLE_SEND_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL'                    => "Unfortunately we were not able to send you a Newsletter activation e-mail.<br>Please verify your e-mail address.<br>",
00349 'MESSAGE_NOT_ABLE_TO_SEND_EMAIL'                              => "Unfortunately we were not able to send you an e-mail.",
00350 'MESSAGE_NOT_ON_STOCK'                                        => "This item is not in stock and must be reordered.",
00351 'MESSAGE_NO_DELIVERY_METHOD'                                  => '<p>Currently we have no delivery method set up for this country.</p> <p>We are aiming to find a possible delivery method and we will inform you as soon as possible via e-mail about the result, including further information about delivery costs.</p> <p>If you agree to this procedure, please select "move on to next step"</p>',
00352 'MESSAGE_NO_SHIPPING_METHOD_FOUND'                            => "No shipping methods found. Please contact us by phone or e-mail.",
00353 'MESSAGE_PASSWORD_CHANGED'                                    => "Your Password has changed.",
00354 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED'                        => "The payment authorization failed. Please verify your input.",
00355 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_SELECT_ANOTHER_PAYMENT'                      => "Please select a different payment method.",
00356 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_UNAVAILABLE_PAYMENT'                         => "Due to technical problems this payment method is unavailable. Please select a different payment method.",
00357 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_UNAVAILABLE_PAYMENT_ERROR'                   => "Due to technical problems this payment method is unavailable. Please select a different payment method. (Error:",
00358 'MESSAGE_PLEASE_CONTACT_SUPPORT'                              => "Please contact OXID eSales support staff.",
00359 'MESSAGE_PLEASE_DELETE_DIRECTORY'                             => "Please delete directory:",
00360 'MESSAGE_PLEASE_DELETE_DIRECTORY_SETUP'                       => "setup!",
00361 'MESSAGE_PLEASE_DELETE_DIRECTORY_UPDATEAPP'                   => "updateApp",
00362 'MESSAGE_PLEASE_DELETE_FOLLOWING_DIRECTORY'                   => "Please delete the following directory:",
00363 'MESSAGE_PRICE_ALARM_PRICE_CHANGE'                            => "We are happy to inform you about a price change of this product respectively when it hits the price you want to purchase.",
00364 'MESSAGE_RATE_THIS_ARTICLE'                                   => "Rate this product!",
00365 'MESSAGE_READ_AND_CONFIRM_TERMS'                              => "Please read and confirm our terms and conditions.",
00366 'MESSAGE_READ_DETAILS'                                        => "Read our",
00367 'MESSAGE_RECOMMEND_CLICK_ON_SEND'                             => 'Click on "Send Recommendation" to send the e-mail.',
00368 'MESSAGE_RECOMMEND_PRODUCT'                                   => "Recommend Product",
00369 'MESSAGE_REQUIRES_COOKIE_SUPPORT'                             => "We are sorry. This action requires cookie support. Please enable cookies, or use a cookie-enabled browser to access our site.",
00370 'MESSAGE_SELECTED_IPAYMENT'                                   => 'You selected "iPayment" as your Payment Method.<br>Please enter all your payment data in the browser-window, which is going to be opened.<br><br>In case the iPayment browser-window doesn`t open automatically (e.g. because you deactivated Javascript in your browser), please click on the iPayment button below.',
00371 'MESSAGE_SELECT_AT_LEAST_TWO_PRODUCTS'                        => "Please select at least two products to be compared.",
00372 'MESSAGE_SEND_GIFT_REGISTRY'                                  => "Click here to send your gift registry to your friends.",
00373 'MESSAGE_SENT_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL'                             => "You have just been sent a confirmation e-mail, with which you can activate your subscription.<br><br>Thank you.",
00374 'MESSAGE_SORRY_NO_GIFT_REGISTRY'                              => "Sorry, no Gift Registry found!",
00375 'MESSAGE_STOCK_LOW'                                           => "Stock low: This Product has reached the specified stock limit.",
00376 'MESSAGE_SUBMIT_BOTTOM'                                       => "Submit your order at the bottom of this overview",
00377 'MESSAGE_THANKYOU_FOR_SUBSCRIBING_NEWSLETTERS'                => "thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.",
00378 'MESSAGE_TO_BE_LOGGED_WRITE_GUESTBOOK'                        => "You have to be logged in to write a guestbook entry.",
00379 'MESSAGE_TRUSTED_SHOPS_SEAL_OF_APPROVAL'                      => " is a certified online shop with Trusted Shops Buyer Protection. More...",
00380 'MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE_SHIPPING_METHOD'                         => "The shipping method you selected isn't available any more. Please choose another shipping method.",
00381 'MESSAGE_VERIFY_YOUR_EMAIL'                                   => "Please verify your e-mail address.",
00382 'MESSAGE_WELCOME_REGISTERED_USER'                             => "We welcome you as registered user!",
00383 'MESSAGE_WE_WILL_INFORM_YOU'                                  => "We will inform you immediately in case there is any availability problem.",
00384 'MESSAGE_WRONG_VERIFICATION_CODE'                             => "The verification code you entered is not correct. Please try again.",
00385 'MESSAGE_YOU_RECEIVED_ORDER_CONFIRM'                          => "You already received an order confirmation per e-mail.",
00386 'MESSAGE_DOWNLOADABLE_PRODUCT'                                => "Hint: you have downloadable products in your shopping cart. If you'll buy without registration, you will have product download links only in your order e-mail. If you are registered, links will be displayed in My Account -> My Downloads section.",
00387 'MIN_ORDER_PRICE'                                             => "Minimum order price",
00388 'MODIFY'                                                      => "edit",
00389 'MONTH'                                                       => "month",
00390 'MONTHS'                                                      => "months",
00391 'MONTHS_2'                                                    => "Months",
00392 'MONTH_2'                                                     => "Month",
00393 'MORE'                                                        => "More",
00394 'MORE_2'                                                      => "More...",
00395 'MORE_3'                                                      => "more",
00396 'MORE_INFO'                                                   => "more Info",
00397 'MOVE'                                                        => "Move",
00398 'MR'                                                          => "Mr",
00399 'MRS'                                                         => "Mrs",
00400 'MY_ACCOUNT'                                                  => "My Account",
00401 'MY_ACCOUNT_2'                                                => "My Account - ",
00402 'MY_ACCOUNT_3'                                                => "My Account /",
00403 'MY_ACCOUNT_4'                                                => "My Account / ",
00404 'MY_COMPARE'                                                  => "My Product Compare",
00405 'MY_GIFT_REGISTRY'                                            => "My Gift Registry",
00406 'MY_LISTMANIA'                                                => "My Listmania List",
00407 'MY_PRODUCT_COMPARISON'                                       => "My Product Comparison",
00408 'MY_WISHLIST_BY'                                              => "My wishlist by",
00409 'MY_WISH_LIST'                                                => "My Wish List",
00410 'NEWEST_SHOP_PRODUCTS'                                        => "Newest shop articles",
00411 'NEWEST_SHOP_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION'                            => "Newest shop articles",
00412 'NEWLIST'                                                     => "New Listmania list",
00413 'NEWS'                                                        => "News",
00414 'NEWSLETTER'                                                  => "Newsletter",
00415 'NEWSLETTER_SETTINGS'                                         => "Newsletter Settings",
00416 'NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBE_CANCEL'                                 => "Subscribe/cancel Newsletter",
00417 'NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION'                                     => "Newsletter subscription",
00418 'NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_2'                                   => "Newsletter subscription:",
00419 'NEWSLETTER_EMAIL_NOT_EXIST'                                  => "Unknown e-mail address!",
00420 'NEWS_2'                                                      => "News:",
00421 'NEW_ADDRESS'                                                 => "New Address",
00422 'NEW_BASKET_ITEM_MSG'                                         => "New item was added to cart",
00423 'NEW_PASSWORD'                                                => "New password",
00424 'NEW_PASSWORD2'                                               => "New password:",
00425 'NEW_PASSWORD_2'                                              => "New Password",
00426 'NEXT'                                                        => "Next",
00427 'NEXT_PRODUCT'                                                => "Next Product",
00428 'NO'                                                          => "No",
00429 'NONE'                                                        => "none",
00430 'NOTE'                                                        => "Note",
00431 'NOTE_2'                                                      => "Note:",
00432 'NOTICELIST'                                                  => "NoticeList",
00433 'NOT_SHIPPED_YET'                                             => "Not yet shipped.",
00434 'NOTREGISTERED_ACCOUNTINFO'                                   => "Customer Information",
00435 'NOWONLY'                                                     => "Now only",
00436 'NOW_ONLY'                                                    => "now only",
00437 'NO_ENTRY_AVAILABLE'                                          => "No entries available.",
00438 'NO_GREETING_CARD'                                            => "No Greeting Card",
00439 'NO_ITEMS_FOUND'                                              => "Sorry, no items found.",
00440 'NO_LISTMANIA_LIST_FOUND'                                     => "No Listmania Lists found",
00441 'NO_RATINGS'                                                  => "No ratings.",
00442 'NO_REVIEW_AVAILABLE'                                         => "No review available for this item.",
00443 'NO_TAGS'                                                     => "There are no tags at the moment",
00444 'NUMBER'                                                      => "Number:",
00445 'NUMBER_2'                                                    => "No.",
00446 'OF'                                                          => "OF",
00447 'OLD_PASSWORD'                                                => "Old Password:",
00448 'ONLY_IN_PACKING_UNITS_OF'                                    => "Only in packaging units of ",
00449 'OPEN_ACCOUNT'                                                => "Open account",
00450 'OPEN_PERSONAL_ACCOUNT'                                       => "Open personal customer account",
00451 'OR'                                                          => "or",
00452 'ORDERS'                                                      => "Orders:",
00453 'ORDER_COMPLETED'                                             => "Order Completed",
00454 'ORDER_DATE'                                                  => "Order Date:",
00455 'ORDER_EMPTY_HISTORY'                                         => "Order History is empty",
00456 'ORDER_HISTORY'                                               => "Order History",
00457 'ORDER_IS_CANCELED'                                           => "Order is canceled.",
00458 'ORDER_NO'                                                    => "Order No.:",
00459 'ORDER_NUMBER'                                                => "Order No.",
00460 'BRAND'                                                       => "Brand",
00461 'OUR_BRANDS'                                                  => "Our<br>brands",
00462 'OUR_REGULAR_PRICE'                                           => "(Our regular price.)",
00463 'OXID_ESALES_URL'                                             => "",
00464 'OXID_ESALES_URL_TITLE'                                       => "Shopping cart software by OXID eSales",
00465 'PAGE'                                                        => "Page",
00466 'PAGE_2'                                                      => "Page ",
00467 'PARTNER_AND_SEAL'                                            => "Partner and Seal",
00468 'PASSWORD'                                                    => "Password",
00469 'PASSWORD_2'                                                  => "Password:",
00470 'PASSWORD_CHANGED'                                            => "Your password was changed successfully!",
00471 'PASSWORD_WAS_SEND_TO'                                        => "Password was sent to:",
00472 'PAY'                                                         => "Pay",
00473 'PAYMENT_INFORMATION2'                                        => "Payment Information:",
00474 'PAYMENT_INFORMATION'                                         => "Payment Information",
00475 'PAYMENT_METHOD'                                              => "Payment Method",
00476 'PAYMENT_METHOD_2'                                            => "Payment Method:",
00477 'PCS'                                                         => "pcs",
00478 'PERSONAL_PHONE'                                              => "Personal Phone:",
00479 'PERSONAL_SETTINGS'                                           => "Personal Settings",
00480 'PHONE'                                                       => "Phone",
00481 'PHONE_2'                                                     => "Phone:",
00482 'PLEASE_CHOOSE'                                               => "Please choose",
00483 'PLEASE_CHOOSE_2'                                             => "Please choose:",
00484 'PLEASE_SELECT_STATE'                                         => "Please select a state",
00485 'PLUS'                                                        => "plus ",
00486 'PLUS_SHIPPING'                                               => "incl. VAT, plus ",
00487 'PLUS_SHIPPING2'                                              => "shipping",
00488 'PLUS_SHIPPING3'                                              => "* plus shipping",
00489 'POSTAL_CODE_AND_CITY'                                        => "Postal Code, City:",
00490 'POSTAL_CODE'                                                 => "Postal Code",
00491 'POSTAL_CITY'                                                 => "City",
00492 'POST_CARD_FROM'                                              => "A Postcard from",
00493 'PREVIOUS'                                                    => "Previous",
00494 'PREVIOUS_STEP'                                               => "Previous Step",
00495 'PREVIOUS_PRODUCT'                                            => "Previous Product",
00496 'PRICE'                                                       => "Price",
00497 'PRICE_ALERT'                                                 => "[!] Price Alert",
00498 'PRICE_ALERT_AT'                                              => "Price alert at",
00499 'PRICE_ALERT_FOR_PRODUCT'                                     => "Price alert for article",
00500 'PRINT'                                                       => "Print",
00501 'PROCEED_TO_SCHECKOUT'                                        => "Proceed to checkout",
00502 'PRODUCT'                                                     => "Product",
00503 'PRODUCTS'                                                    => " products",
00504 'PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE'                                           => "Products per page:",
00505 'PRODUCT_2'                                                   => "Product:",
00506 'PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTES'                                          => "Product Attributes",
00507 'PRODUCT_COMPARISON'                                          => "Product Comparison",
00508 'PRODUCT_DETAILS'                                             => "Product Details",
00509 'PRODUCT_IMAGES'                                              => "Product images",
00510 'PRODUCT_NO'                                                  => "Art.No.:",
00511 'PRODUCT_POST_CARD_FROM'                                      => "A Product Postcard from",
00512 'PRODUCT_REVIEW'                                              => "Product Review",
00513 'PUBLIC_GIFT_REGISTRIES'                                      => "Public Gift Registries",
00514 'PUBLISH'                                                     => "Publish",
00515 'PURCHASE_WITHOUT_REGISTRATION'                               => "Purchase without Registration",
00516 'QNT'                                                         => "qty.",
00517 'QUANTITY'                                                    => "Quantity",
00518 'QUANTITY_2'                                                  => "Quantity:",
00519 'QUESTIONS_ABOUT_THIS_PRODUCT'                                => "Questions about this product?",
00520 'QUESTIONS_ABOUT_THIS_PRODUCT_2'                              => "[?] Questions about this product?",
00521 'RATING'                                                      => "Rating",
00522 'RATINGS'                                                     => "Ratings",
00523 'RATING_2'                                                    => "Rating:",
00524 'READY'                                                       => "Ready!",
00525 'READY_FOR_SHIPPING'                                          => "Ready for shipping",
00526 'READ_AND_CONFIRM_TERMS'                                      => "Please read and confirm our terms and conditions.",
00527 'READ_MORE'                                                   => "Read more",
00528 'REASON'                                                      => "Reason:",
00529 'REBATE'                                                      => "Rebate",
00530 'RECIPIENT_EMAIL'                                             => "Recipient's e-mail:",
00531 'RECIPIENT_NAME'                                              => "Recipient's name:",
00532 'RECIPIENT_NAME_2'                                            => "Recipient's Name:",
00533 'RECOMMEND'                                                   => "recommend",
00534 'RECOMMENDED_PRODUCTS'                                        => "Recommended Product:",
00535 'RECOMMEND_PRODUCT'                                           => "Recommend Product",
00536 'REDEEM_COUPON'                                               => "Redeem Coupon",
00537 'REDUCED_FROM'                                                => "Reduced from",
00538 'REDUCED_FROM_2'                                              => "RRP",
00539 'REGISTER'                                                    => "Register",
00540 'REGISTRATION'                                                => "Registration",
00541 'REGISTRATION_DESCRIPTION'                                    => "A customer with an account has advantages like:<br> - Administration of shipping addresses<br> - Check order status<br> - Order History<br> - Personal Wish List<br> - Personal Gift Registry<br> - Newsletter subscription<br> - Special offers and discounts",
00542 'REMEMBER_ME'                                                 => "Remember me",
00543 'REMOVE'                                                      => "Remove",
00544 'REMOVE_2'                                                    => "remove",
00545 'REMOVE_FROM_COMPARE_LIST'                                    => "remove from compare list",
00546 'REQUEST_PASSWORD'                                            => "Request Password",
00547 'REQUEST_PASSWORD_AFTERCLICK'                                 => "When you click on 'Request Password', you'll be sent an e-mail with instructions how to set up a new password.",
00548 'RESET_SELECTION'                                             => "Reset selection",
00549 'REVIEW'                                                      => "review",
00550 'REVIEW_YOUR_ORDER'                                           => "Review your order",
00551 'ROOT_CATEGORY_CHANGED'                                       => "Root category changed",
00552 'SAVE'                                                        => "Save",
00553 'SAVE_RATING_AND_REVIEW'                                      => "Save rating and review",
00554 'SEARCH'                                                      => "Search",
00555 'SEARCH_2'                                                    => "search",
00556 'SEARCH_FOR_LISTS'                                            => "Search for more lists:",
00557 'SEARCH_FOR_PRODUCTS_CATEGORY_VENDOR'                         => "search for '%s' articles <TAG_CATEGORY> <TAG_VENDOR>",
00559 'SEARCH_GIFT_REGISTRY'                                        => "Search Gift Registry",
00560 'SELECT'                                                      => "Select",
00561 'SELECTED_COMBINATION'                                        => "Selected combination:",
00562 'SELECTED_SHIPPING_CARRIER'                                   => "Selected shipping carrier is:",
00563 'SELECT_ALL'                                                  => "Select all",
00564 'SELECT_LISTMANIA_LIST'                                       => "Select Listmania list",
00565 'SELECT_SHIPPING_METHOD'                                      => "Please select your shipping method",
00566 'SEND'                                                        => "Send",
00567 'SENDER_EMAIL'                                                => "Sender's e-mail:",
00568 'SENDER_NAME'                                                 => "Sender's name:",
00569 'SEND_GIFT_REGISTRY'                                          => "Send Gift Registry",
00570 'SEND_INVITE_TO'                                              => "Send invite to:",
00571 'SHIPMENT_TO'                                                 => "Shipment to:",
00572 'SHIPPED'                                                     => "Shipped",
00573 'SHIPPING'                                                    => "Shipping:",
00574 'SHIPPING_ADDRESS'                                            => "Shipping Address",
00575 'SHIPPING_ADDRESSES'                                          => "Shipping addresses",
00576 'SHIPPING_ADDRESSES_2'                                        => "Shipping Addresses",
00577 'SHIPPING_ADDRESS_2'                                          => "Shipping Address:",
00578 'SHIPPING_CARRIER'                                            => "Shipping Carrier",
00579 'SHIPPING_CARRIER_2'                                          => "Shipping Carrier:",
00580 'SHIPPING_COST'                                               => "Shipping cost",
00581 'SHIPPING_NET'                                                => "Shipping (net):",
00582 'SHIPPING_VAT1'                                               => "plus VAT",
00583 'SHIPPING_VAT2'                                               => "% Amount:",
00584 'SHOPLUPE'                                                    => "Shoplupe",
00585 'SIMILAR_PRODUCTS'                                            => "Similar Products",
00586 'SOCIAL_BOOKMARKS'                                            => "Social Bookmarks",
00587 'SORT_BY'                                                     => "Sort by:",
00588 'SPECIFICATION'                                               => "Specification",
00589 'STAR'                                                        => "Star",
00590 'STARS'                                                       => "Stars",
00591 'STATUS'                                                      => "Status:",
00592 'STAY_INFORMED'                                               => "Stay informed!",
00593 'STEPS_BASKET'                                                => "1. Cart",
00594 'STEPS_ORDER'                                                 => "4. Order",
00595 'STEPS_PAY'                                                   => "3. Pay",
00596 'STEPS_SEND'                                                  => "2. Address",
00597 'STOCK'                                                       => "Stock",
00598 'STOCK_LOW'                                                   => "Stock low",
00599 'STREET_AND_STREETNO'                                         => "Street, StreetNo:",
00600 'SUBJECT'                                                     => "Subject:",
00601 'SUBMIT'                                                      => "Submit",
00602 'SUBMIT_COUPON'                                               => "Submit Coupon",
00603 'SUBMIT_ORDER'                                                => "Order now",
00604 'SUBSCRIBE'                                                   => "Subscribe",
00605 'SUBSCRIBE_NEWSLETTER'                                        => "Subscribe Newsletter:",
00606 'SUBSCRIBE_NEWSLETTER_MESSAGE'                                => "It's possible to cancel newsletter at any time.",
00607 'SUCCESS'                                                     => "Success!",
00608 'SUM'                                                         => "Sum:",
00609 'SURCHARGE'                                                   => "Surcharge",
00610 'S_CATEGORY_PRODUCTS'                                         => "%s category's articles",
00611 'TAGS'                                                        => "Tags",
00612 'TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'                                        => "Terms and Conditions",
00613 'THANK_YOU'                                                   => "Thank you",
00614 'TIME'                                                        => "Time:",
00615 'TITLE'                                                       => "Title",
00616 'TITLE_2'                                                     => "Title:",
00617 'TO'                                                          => "To:",
00618 'TOP_OF_THE_SHOP'                                             => "Top of the Shop",
00619 'TOP_OF_THE_SHOP_2'                                           => "Top of the shop",
00620 'TOP_SHOP_PRODUCTS'                                           => "Top shop articles",
00621 'TOTAL'                                                       => "Total",
00622 'TOTAL_GROSS'                                                 => "Total Products (gross):",
00623 'TOTAL_NET'                                                   => "Total Products (net):",
00624 'TOTAL_QUANTITY'                                              => "Total quantity",
00625 'TO_CART'                                                     => "To cart",
00626 'TO_MY_WISHLIST'                                              => "To go to my wishlist",
00627 'TRACKING_ID'                                                 => "Tracking ID:",
00628 'TRACK_SHIPMENT'                                              => "Track Shipment",
00629 'TRUSTED_SHOPS'                                               => "Trusted shops",
00630 'TRUSTED_SHOPS_CUSTOMER_RATINGS'                              => "Trusted Shops Customer Rating",
00631 'TRUSTED_SHOPS_IMGTITLE'                                      => "Click on the seal in order to examine the validity",
00632 'TRUSTED_SHOPS_LINK'                                          => ";et_cid=14&amp;et_lid=84",
00633 'TRUSTED_SHOPS_PROFILE_LINK'                                  => "",
00634 'TRUSTED_SHOPS_RATINGS'                                       => "Trusted Shops Customer Ratings",
00635 'TRUSTED_SHOP_BUYER_PROTECTION'                               => "Trusted Shops Buyer Protection",
00636 'TRUSTED_SHOP_PROTECTION'                                     => "Trusted Shops buyer protection",
00637 'TRUSTED_SHOP_PROTECTION_FROM'                                => "Buyer protection from",
00638 'TRUSTED_SHOP_RATE_OUR_SHOP'                                  => "Please take a minute to rate our shop.",
00639 'TRUSTED_SHOP_REGISTRATION'                                   => "Register for Trusted Shops Buyer Protection",
00640 'TRUSTED_SHOP_REGISTRATION_MESSAGE'                           => "As an additional service we offer you the Trusted Shops Buyer Protection. We cover all costs for this guarantee. You only have to register!",
00641 'TRUSTED_SHOP_SEAL_OF_APPROVAL'                               => "Trusted Shops seal of approval - Click to verify.",
00642 'TRUSTED_SHOP_UNAVAILABLE_PROTECTION'                         => "Trusted Shops Buyer protection cannot be added to your cart for technical reasons. You may however finalize your order without Buyer Protection. If you have further questions please contact [email protected].",
00643 'TYPE_OF_PAYMENT'                                             => "Type of Payment",
00644 'TYPE_OF_PAYMENT_2'                                           => "Type of Payment:",
00645 'UNIT_PRICE'                                                  => "Unit Price",
00646 'UNSUBSCRIBE'                                                 => "Unsubscribe",
00647 'UPDATE'                                                      => "update",
00648 'UPDATE_SHIPPING_CARRIER'                                     => "Update shipping carrier",
00649 'UPDATE_YOUR_BILLING_SHIPPING_SETTINGS'                       => "Update your billing and delivery settings",
00650 'USED_COUPONS'                                                => "Following Coupons are used",
00651 'USED_COUPONS_2'                                              => "Used Coupons,",
00652 'USE_BILLINGADDRESS_FOR_SHIPPINGADDRESS'                      => "Use Billing Address for Shipping",
00653 'VALID_UNTIL'                                                 => "Valid until:",
00654 'VAT'                                                         => "VAT",
00655 'VAT_ID_NUMBER'                                               => "VAT ID No.:",
00656 'VAT_MESSAGE_ID_NOT_VALID'                                    => "VAT ID is invalid",
00657 'VENDOR'                                                      => "Vendor",
00658 'VENDOR_S'                                                    => "Vendor: %s",
00659 'VERIFICATION_CODE'                                           => "Verification code",
00660 'VERIFICATION_CODE_2'                                         => "Verification code:",
00661 'VIEW_ALL_PRODUCTS'                                           => "View all products",
00662 'VIEW_CART'                                                   => "View cart",
00663 'WEEK'                                                        => "week",
00664 'WEEKS'                                                       => "weeks",
00665 'WEEKS_2'                                                     => "Weeks",
00666 'WEEK_2'                                                      => "Week",
00667 'WEEK_SPECIAL'                                                => "Week's Special",
00668 'WEIGHT'                                                      => "Weight:",
00669 'WHAT_I_WANTED_TO_SAY'                                        => "What I wanted to say",
00670 'WHO_BOUGHT_ALSO_BOUGHT'                                      => "Customers who bought this products, also bought:",
00671 'WISHLIST_BY'                                                 => "Wishlist by",
00672 'WISH_LIST'                                                   => "Wish List",
00673 'WISH_LIST_EMPTY'                                             => "Your Wish List is empty.",
00674 'WITH_LOVE'                                                   => "With love,",
00675 'WRAPPING'                                                    => "Wrapping",
00676 'WRAPPING_DESCRIPTION'                                        => "We're happy to wrap your gift or to add a gift card with your personal message.",
00677 'WRAPPING_NET'                                                => "Gift Wrapping/Greeting Card (net):",
00678 'WRITES'                                                      => "writes:",
00679 'WRITE_ENTRY'                                                 => "Write entry",
00680 'WRITE_PRODUCT_REVIEW'                                        => "Write Product Review",
00681 'WRITE_REVIEW'                                                => "Write a review.",
00682 'WRITE_REVIEW_2'                                              => "Write a review!",
00683 'YES'                                                         => "Yes",
00684 'YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS'                                          => "Your e-mail Address:",
00685 'YOUR_GREETING_CARD'                                          => "Your Greeting Card:",
00686 'YOUR_PREVIOUS_ORDER'                                         => "Your previous Orders",
00687 'YOUR_PRICE'                                                  => "Your price",
00688 'YOUR_PRICE_2'                                                => "Your price:",
00689 'YOU_ARE_HERE'                                                => "You are here",
00690 'YOU_ARE_HERE_2'                                              => "You are here:",
00691 'YOU_CAN_GO'                                                  => "You can go",
00692 'YUOR_MESSAGE'                                                => "Your Message:",
00693 'ZOOM'                                                        => "Zoom",
00694 'charset'                                                     => "ISO-8859-15",
00695 'fullDateFormat'                                              => "Y-m-d H:i:s",
00696 'OXACTIVEFROM'                                                => 'Active from',
00697 'OXACTIVETO'                                                  => 'Active until',
00698 'OXARTNUM'                                                    => 'Product Number',
00699 'OXTITLE'                                                     => 'Title',
00700 'OXID'                                                        => 'Internal Identno.',
00701 'OXSHOPID'                                                    => 'Shop Identno.',
00702 'OXPARENTID'                                                  => 'Identno. Main Product',
00703 'OXACTIVE'                                                    => 'Active',
00704 'OXSHORTDESC'                                                 => 'Short Description',
00705 'OXLONGDESC'                                                  => 'Detailed Description',
00706 'OXPRICE'                                                     => 'Price',
00707 'OXPRICEA'                                                    => 'Price A',
00708 'OXPRICEB'                                                    => 'Price B',
00709 'OXPRICEC'                                                    => 'Price C',
00710 'OXBPRICE'                                                    => 'Gross Price',
00711 'OXTPRICE'                                                    => 'Old Price',
00712 'OXEXTURL'                                                    => 'External URL',
00713 'OXUNITNAME'                                                  => 'Unit',
00714 'OXUNITQUANTITY'                                              => 'Quantity Unit',
00715 'OXURLDESC'                                                   => 'URL Description',
00716 'OXURLIMG'                                                    => 'External URL image',
00717 'OXVAT'                                                       => 'Product VAT',
00718 'OXTHUMB'                                                     => 'Preview Picture',
00719 'OXPICSGENERATED'                                             => 'Pictures generated',
00720 'OXPIC1'                                                      => 'Picture1',
00721 'OXPIC2'                                                      => 'Picture2',
00722 'OXPIC3'                                                      => 'Picture3',
00723 'OXPIC4'                                                      => 'Picture4',
00724 'OXPIC5'                                                      => 'Picture5',
00725 'OXPIC6'                                                      => 'Picture6',
00726 'OXPIC7'                                                      => 'Picture7',
00727 'OXPIC8'                                                      => 'Picture8',
00728 'OXPIC9'                                                      => 'Picture9',
00729 'OXPIC10'                                                     => 'Picture10',
00730 'OXPIC11'                                                     => 'Picture11',
00731 'OXPIC12'                                                     => 'Picture12',
00732 'OXZOOM1'                                                     => 'Zoom Picture 1',
00733 'OXZOOM2'                                                     => 'Zoom Picture 2',
00734 'OXZOOM3'                                                     => 'Zoom Picture 3',
00735 'OXZOOM4'                                                     => 'Zoom Picture 4',
00736 'OXWEIGHT'                                                    => 'Weight',
00737 'OXSTOCK'                                                     => 'Stock',
00738 'OXSTOCKACTIVE'                                               => 'Stock Control Active',
00739 'OXSTOCKFLAG'                                                 => 'Stock Flag',
00740 'OXDELIVERY'                                                  => 'Shipped on',
00741 'OXINSERT'                                                    => 'Created on',
00742 'OXTIMESTAMP'                                                 => 'Last Modification',
00743 'OXLENGTH'                                                    => 'Length',
00744 'OXWIDTH'                                                     => 'Width',
00745 'OXHEIGHT'                                                    => 'Height',
00746 'OXFILE'                                                      => 'File',
00747 'OXSEARCHKEYS'                                                => 'Search Keys',
00748 'OXTEMPLATE'                                                  => 'alt. Template',
00749 'OXQUESTIONEMAIL'                                             => 'E-mail for question',
00750 'OXISSEARCH'                                                  => 'Is searchable',
00751 'OXISCONFIGURABLE'                                            => 'Product is customizable',
00752 'OXVARNAME'                                                   => 'Variant Name',
00753 'OXVARMINPRICE'                                               => 'Price',
00754 'OXFOLDER'                                                    => 'Folder',
00755 'OXSORT'                                                      => 'Sorting',
00756 'OXSOLDAMOUNT'                                                => 'Quantity Sold',
00757 'OXNONMATERIAL'                                               => 'Immaterial',
00758 'OXFREESHIPPING'                                              => 'Free Shipping',
00759 'OXREMINDACTIVE'                                              => 'Low stock e-mail active',
00760 'OXREMINDAMOUNT'                                              => 'Low stock threshold',
00761 'OXVENDORID'                                                  => 'Vendor ID',
00762 'OXMANUFACTURERID'                                            => 'Manufacturer ID',
00763 'OXVARCOUNT'                                                  => 'Variant count',
00764 'OXSHOPINCL'                                                  => 'Shop include',
00765 'OXSHOPEXCL'                                                  => 'Shop exclude',
00766 'OXEAN'                                                       => 'EAN',
00767 'OXMPN'                                                       => 'MPN',
00768 'OXDISTEAN'                                                   => 'Vendor EAN',
00769 'OXSTOCKTEXT'                                                 => 'In-Stock Message',
00770 'OXNOSTOCKTEXT'                                               => 'Out-Of-Stock Mess.',
00771 'OXSKIPDISCOUNTS'                                             => 'Skip discounts',
00772 'OXRATINGCNT'                                                 => 'Rating Count',
00773 'OXRATING'                                                    => 'Rating',
00774 'OXRRVIEW'                                                    => 'Exclusive viewable',
00775 'OXRRBUY'                                                     => 'Exclusive buyable',
00776 'OXORDERINFO'                                                 => 'Order info',
00777 'OXSEOID'                                                     => 'SEOID',
00778 'OXMINDELTIME'                                                => 'Min. delivery time',
00779 'OXMAXDELTIME'                                                => 'Max. delivery time',
00780 'OXDELTIMEUNIT'                                               => 'Delivery time unit',
00781 'OXVPE'                                                       => 'Packingunit',
00782 'OXBUNDLEID'                                                  => 'Bundle Identno',
00783 'OXVARSTOCK'                                                  => 'Variant Stock',
00784 'ERROR_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_WAS_CHANGED_DURING_CHECKOUT'          => 'Billing or shipping address have been changed during checkout. Please check again.',
00785 'FACEBOOK_ENABLEINFOLINK'                                     => "View information about the data transmission.",
00786 'FACEBOOK_ENABLELINK'                                         => "DISPLAY FACEBOOK CONTENT",
00787 'FACEBOOK_ENABLETEXT'                                         => "Data is transmitted to Facebook.",
00788 'FACEBOOK_ENABLE_INFOTEXT'                                    => 'Here you can leave information about the transmission of personal data to Facebook.<br><br>While using Facebook plug-ins, a connection is established enabling the share of content with other users. Using plug-ins while browsing through the online shop being logged in on Facebook at the same time, your personal data is automatically transmitted to Facebook. You can find more information about collecting, using and processing of your personal data on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook\'s Privacy Policy</a>.',
00789 'FACEBOOK_ENABLE_INFOTEXTHEADER'                              => "Notes on data protection using Facebook plug-ins",
00790 '_UNIT_KG'                                                    => "kg",
00791 '_UNIT_G'                                                     => "g",
00792 '_UNIT_L'                                                     => "l",
00793 '_UNIT_ML'                                                    => "ml",
00794 '_UNIT_CM'                                                    => "cm",
00795 '_UNIT_MM'                                                    => "mm",
00796 '_UNIT_M'                                                     => "m",
00797 '_UNIT_M2'                                                    => "m�",
00798 '_UNIT_M3'                                                    => "m�",
00799 '_UNIT_PIECE'                                                 => "piece",
00800 '_UNIT_ITEM'                                                  => "item",
00801 'DOWNLOADS_EMPTY'                                             => 'You have not ordered any files yet.',
00802 'DOWNLOADS_PAYMENT_PENDING'                                   => 'Payment of the order is not yet complete.',
00803 'MY_DOWNLOADS'                                                => 'My Downloads',
00804 'MY_DOWNLOADS_DESC'                                           => 'Download your ordered files here.',
00805 'MESSAGE_MY_DOWNLOADS_LINK_EXPIRED'                           => 'Download link has been expired, try it now.',
00806 'LINK_VALID_UNTIL'                                            => 'Download link is valid until',
00807 'LEFT_DOWNLOADS'                                              => 'Remaining downloads',
00808 'START_DOWNLOADING_UNTIL'                                     => 'Please, start downloading until',
00809 'DOWNLOAD_LINK_EXPIRED_OR_MAX_COUNT_RECEIVED'                 => 'Download link expired or max. number of downloads reached.',
00810 'MONTH_NAME_1'                                                => 'January',
00811 'MONTH_NAME_2'                                                => 'February',
00812 'MONTH_NAME_3'                                                => 'March',
00813 'MONTH_NAME_4'                                                => 'April',
00814 'MONTH_NAME_5'                                                => 'May',
00815 'MONTH_NAME_6'                                                => 'June',
00816 'MONTH_NAME_7'                                                => 'July',
00817 'MONTH_NAME_8'                                                => 'August',
00818 'MONTH_NAME_9'                                                => 'September',
00819 'MONTH_NAME_10'                                               => 'October',
00820 'MONTH_NAME_11'                                               => 'November',
00821 'MONTH_NAME_12'                                               => 'December',
00822 'COOKIE_NOTE'                                                 => 'This online shop is using cookies to give you the best shopping expierience. Thereby for example the session information or language setting are stored on your computer. Without cookies the range of the online shop\'s functionality is limited.',
00823 'COOKIE_NOTE_DISAGREE'                                        => 'If you do not agree, please click here.',
00824 'COOKIE_NOTE_CLOSE'                                           => 'Close',
00826 'BASKET_TOTAL_WRAPPING_COSTS'                                 => "Gift Wrapping",
00827 'BASKET_TOTAL_GIFTCARD_COSTS'                                 => "Greeting Card",
00828 'BASKET_TOTAL_WRAPPING_COSTS_NET'                             => "Gift Wrapping (net)",
00829 'BASKET_TOTAL_GIFTCARD_COSTS_NET'                             => "Greeting Card (net)",
00830 'BASKET_TOTAL_PLUS_VAT'                                       => "plus VAT",
00831 'BASKET_TOTAL_PLUS_PROPORTIONAL_VAT'                          => "plus VAT (proportionally calculated)",
00832 'PROPORTIONALLY_CALCULATED'                                   => 'Proportionally calculated',
00833 'PRICE_FROM'                                                  => 'from',
00835 'PAGE_TITLE_BASKET'                                           => 'Cart',
00836 'PAGE_TITLE_USER'                                             => 'Shipping Address',
00837 'PAGE_TITLE_PAYMENT'                                          => 'Payment Methods',
00838 'PAGE_TITLE_ORDER'                                            => 'Order',
00839 'PAGE_TITLE_THANKYOU'                                         => 'Thank You',
00840 'PAGE_TITLE_REGISTER'                                         => 'Register',
00841 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT'                                          => 'My Account',
00842 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_ORDER'                                    => 'My Order History',
00843 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_DOWNLOADS'                                => 'My Downloads',
00844 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_NOTICELIST'                               => 'My Noticelist',
00845 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_WISHLIST'                                 => 'My Wishlist',
00846 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_RECOMMLIST'                               => 'Listmania',
00847 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD'                                 => 'Change Password',
00848 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_NEWSLETTER'                               => 'Newsletter Settings',
00849 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_USER'                                     => 'Shipping address',
00850 'PAGE_TITLE_COMPARE'                                          => 'Product Compare',
00851 'PAGE_TITLE_GUESTBOOK'                                        => 'Guestbook',
00852 'PAGE_TITLE_WISHLIST'                                         => 'Wishlist',
00853 'PAGE_TITLE_CONTACT'                                          => 'Contact',
00854 'PAGE_TITLE_LINKS'                                            => 'Links',
00856 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_BANK_CODE_INVALID'                           => 'Please provide a valid bank code!',
00857 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_INVALID'                      => 'Please provide a valid account number!',
00858 );