This is the complete list of members for
oxViewConfig, including all inherited members.
$_aConfigParams | oxViewConfig | [protected] |
$_aViewData | oxViewConfig | [protected] |
$_blIsAdmin | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oActUser | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oConfig | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oCountryList | oxViewConfig | [protected] |
$_oRights | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oSession | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oShop | oxViewConfig | [protected] |
$_sActiveTheme | oxViewConfig | [protected] |
$_sHelpPageLink | oxViewConfig | [protected] |
__call($sMethod, $aArgs) | oxSuperCfg | |
__construct() | oxSuperCfg | |
_getHelpContentIdents() | oxViewConfig | [protected] |
getActArticleId() | oxViewConfig | |
getActCatId() | oxViewConfig | |
getActContentLoadId() | oxViewConfig | |
getActCurrency() | oxViewConfig | |
getActionClassName() | oxViewConfig | |
getActiveClassName() | oxViewConfig | |
getActiveShopId() | oxViewConfig | |
getActiveTheme() | oxViewConfig | |
getActLanguageAbbr() | oxViewConfig | |
getActLanguageId() | oxViewConfig | |
getActListType() | oxViewConfig | |
getActManufacturerId() | oxViewConfig | |
getActRecommendationId() | oxViewConfig | |
getActSearchParam() | oxViewConfig | |
getActSearchTag() | oxViewConfig | |
getActTplName() | oxViewConfig | |
getAdminDir() | oxViewConfig | |
getAjaxLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getArtPerPageCount() | oxViewConfig | |
getArtPerPageForm() | oxViewConfig | |
getBaseDir() | oxViewConfig | |
getBasketLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getBasketTimeLeft() | oxViewConfig | |
getConfig() | oxSuperCfg | |
getContentId() | oxViewConfig | |
getCoreUtilsDir() | oxViewConfig | |
getCountryList() | oxViewConfig | |
getCurrentHomeDir() | oxViewConfig | |
getExeOrderLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getFbAppId() | oxViewConfig | |
getHelpLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getHelpPageLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getHiddenSid() | oxViewConfig | |
getHomeLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getImageUrl($sFile=null, $bSsl=null) | oxViewConfig | |
getLogoutLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getModulePath($sModule, $sFile= '') | oxViewConfig | |
getModuleUrl($sModule, $sFile= '') | oxViewConfig | |
getNavFormParams() | oxViewConfig | |
getNavUrlParams() | oxViewConfig | |
getNoSslImageDir() | oxViewConfig | |
getNrOfCatArticles() | oxViewConfig | |
getOrderConfirmLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getOrderLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getPasswordLength() | oxViewConfig | |
getPaymentLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getPictureDir() | oxViewConfig | |
getPopupIdent() | oxViewConfig | |
getPopupIdentRand() | oxViewConfig | |
getRemoteAccessToken() | oxViewConfig | |
getRemoteAddress() | oxViewConfig | |
getResourceUrl($sFile=null) | oxViewConfig | |
getSelfActionLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getSelfLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getServiceUrl() | oxViewConfig | |
getSession() | oxSuperCfg | |
getSessionId() | oxViewConfig | |
getShopVersion() | oxViewConfig | |
getShowBasketTimeout() | oxViewConfig | |
getShowCompareList() | oxViewConfig | |
getShowFbConnect() | oxViewConfig | |
getShowGiftWrapping() | oxViewConfig | |
getShowListmania() | oxViewConfig | |
getShowVouchers() | oxViewConfig | |
getShowWishlist() | oxViewConfig | |
getSslSelfLink() | oxViewConfig | |
getStockOffDefaultMessage() | oxViewConfig | |
getStockOnDefaultMessage() | oxViewConfig | |
getTemplateDir() | oxViewConfig | |
getTopActionClassName() | oxViewConfig | |
getTopActiveClassName() | oxViewConfig | |
getTsDomain() | oxViewConfig | |
getTsId() | oxViewConfig | |
getTsInfoUrl() | oxViewConfig | |
getTsRatingUrl() | oxViewConfig | |
getTsWidgetUrl() | oxViewConfig | |
getUrlTemplateDir() | oxViewConfig | |
getUser() | oxSuperCfg | |
getViewConfigParam($sName) | oxViewConfig | |
getViewThemeParam($sName) | oxViewConfig | |
isAdmin() | oxSuperCfg | |
isAltImageServerConfigured() | oxViewConfig | |
isBuyableParent() | oxViewConfig | |
isFunctionalityEnabled($sParamName) | oxViewConfig | |
isMultiShop() | oxViewConfig | |
isSsl() | oxViewConfig | |
isTplBlocksDebugMode() | oxViewConfig | |
setAdminMode($blAdmin) | oxSuperCfg | |
setConfig($oConfig) | oxSuperCfg | |
setSession($oSession) | oxSuperCfg | |
setUser($oUser) | oxSuperCfg | |
setViewConfigParam($sName, $sValue) | oxViewConfig | |
setViewShop($oShop, $aViewData) | oxViewConfig | |
showBirthdayFields() | oxViewConfig | |
showFinalStep() | oxViewConfig | |
showSelectLists() | oxViewConfig | |
showSelectListsInList() | oxViewConfig | |
showTs($sType) | oxViewConfig | |