
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00007 class oxDebugInfo
00008 {
00016     public function formatTemplateData($aViewData = array())
00017     {
00018         $sLog = '';
00019         reset( $aViewData );
00020         while ( list( $sViewName, $oViewData ) = each( $aViewData ) ) {
00021             // show debbuging information
00022             $sLog .= "TemplateData[$sViewName] : <br />\n";
00023             $sLog .= print_r( $oViewData, 1);
00024         }
00025         return $sLog;
00026     }
00033     public function formatMemoryUsage()
00034     {
00035         $sLog = '';
00036         if ( function_exists( 'memory_get_usage' ) ) {
00037             $iKb = ( int ) ( memory_get_usage() / 1024 );
00038             $iMb = round($iKb / 1024, 3);
00039             $sLog .= 'Memory usage: '.$iMb.' MB';
00041             if ( function_exists( 'memory_get_peak_usage' ) ) {
00042                 $iPeakKb = ( int ) ( memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 );
00043                 $iPeakMb = round($iPeakKb / 1024, 3);
00044                 $sLog .= ' (peak: '.$iPeakMb.' MB)';
00045             }
00046             $sLog .= '<br />';
00048             if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=' ) ) {
00049                 $iKb = ( int ) ( memory_get_usage( true ) / 1024 );
00050                 $iMb = round($iKb / 1024, 3);
00051                 $sLog .= 'System memory usage: '.$iMb.' MB';
00053                 if ( function_exists( 'memory_get_peak_usage' ) ) {
00054                     $iPeakKb = ( int ) ( memory_get_peak_usage( true ) / 1024 );
00055                     $iPeakMb = round($iPeakKb / 1024, 3);
00056                     $sLog .= ' (peak: '.$iPeakMb.' MB)';
00057                 }
00058                 $sLog .= '<br />';
00059             }
00060         }
00061         return $sLog;
00062     }
00071     public function formatExecutionTime($dTotalTime)
00072     {
00073         $sLog = 'Execution time:'.round($dTotalTime, 4).'<br />';
00074         global $aProfileTimes;
00075         global $aExecutionCounts;
00076         global $aProfileBacktraces;
00077         if (is_array($aProfileTimes)) {
00078             $sLog .= "----------------------------------------------------------<br>".PHP_EOL;
00079             arsort($aProfileTimes);
00080             $sLog .= "<table cellspacing='10px' style='border: 1px solid #000'>";
00081             $iNr = 1;
00082             foreach ($aProfileTimes as $sKey => $sVal) {
00083                 $sLog .= "<tr><td style='border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;min-width:300px;'>Profile $sKey: </td><td style='border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;min-width:100px;'>" . round($sVal, 5) ."s</td>" ;
00084                 if ($dTotalTime) {
00085                     $sLog .= "<td style='border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;min-width:100px;'>".round($sVal*100/$dTotalTime, 2)."%</td>";
00086                 }
00087                 if ($aExecutionCounts[$sKey]) {
00088                     $sLog .= " <td style='border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;min-width:50px;padding-right:30px;' align='right'>" . $aExecutionCounts[$sKey] .  "</td>"
00089                             ."<td style='border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;min-width:15px; '>*</td>"
00090                             ."<td style='border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;min-width:100px;'>" . round($sVal / $aExecutionCounts[$sKey], 5) . "s</td>" . PHP_EOL;
00091                 } else {
00092                     $sLog .= " <td colspan=3 style='border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;min-width:100px;'> not stopped correctly! </td>" . PHP_EOL;
00093                 }
00095                 if (isset($aProfileBacktraces[$sKey])) {
00096                     $sLog .= "<td style='border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;min-width:15px; '>";
00097                     foreach ($aProfileBacktraces[$sKey] as $sBtId => $aBt) {
00098                         $iCnt = (int)$aProfileBacktraceCounts[$sBtId];
00099                         $sLog .= "<a style='color:#00AA00;margin:5px;cursor:pointer' onclick='var el=document.getElementById(\"profdbg_trace_$iNr\"); if (el.style.display==\"block\")el.style.display=\"none\"; else el.style.display = \"block\";'>Count($iCnt) - TRACE (show/hide)</a><br><br>";
00100                         $sLog .= "<div id='profdbg_trace_$iNr' style='display:none'>";
00101                         foreach ($aBt as $iLevel => $aInfo) {
00102                             $sLog .= "<i><strong>$iLevel: {$aInfo['function']}</strong></i> at {$aInfo['file']}:{$aInfo['line']}<br>";
00103                         }
00104                         $sLog .= "</div>";
00105                         $iNr++;
00106                     }
00107                     $sLog .= "</td>";
00108                 }
00109                 $sLog .= '</tr>';
00110             }
00111             $sLog .= "</table>";
00112         }
00113         return $sLog;
00114     }
00122     public function formatGeneralInfo()
00123     {
00124         $sLog =  "cl=".oxRegistry::getConfig()->getActiveView()->getClassName();
00125         if ( ($sFnc = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getActiveView()->getFncName() ) ) {
00126             $sLog .= " fnc=$sFnc";
00127         }
00128         return $sLog;
00129     }
00136     public function formatDbInfo()
00137     {
00138         $sLog = "----------------------------------------------------------<br>".PHP_EOL;
00139         $sLog .= "-- oxdebugdb --<br>".PHP_EOL;
00140         $oDbgDb = oxNew('oxdebugdb');
00141         $aWarnings = $oDbgDb->getWarnings();
00142         $iNr = 1;
00143         foreach ($aWarnings as $w) {
00144             $sLog .= "{$w['check']}: {$w['time']} - <span style='color:#900000;margin:5px'>".htmlentities($w['sql'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')."</span>";
00145             $sLog .= "<div id='dbgdb_trace_$iNr' style='display:none'>".nl2br($w['trace'])."</div>";
00146             $sLog .= "<a style='color:#00AA00;margin:5px;cursor:pointer' onclick='var el=document.getElementById(\"dbgdb_trace_$iNr\"); if (el.style.display==\"block\")el.style.display=\"none\"; else el.style.display = \"block\";'>TRACE (show/hide)</a><br><br>";
00147             ++$iNr;
00148         }
00149         return $sLog;
00150     }
00157     public function formatAdoDbPerf()
00158     {
00159         $oPerfMonitor = @NewPerfMonitor( oxDb::getDb() );
00160         if ( $oPerfMonitor ) {
00161             ob_start();
00162             $oPerfMonitor->UI( 5 );
00163             return ob_get_clean();
00164         }
00165         return '';
00166     }
00173     public function formatTimeStamp()
00174     {
00175         $sLog = '';
00176         $sClassName = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getActiveView()->getClassName();
00177         $sLog .= "<div id='". $sClassName ."_executed'>Executed: ". date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ."</div>";
00178         $sLog .= "<div id='". $sClassName ."_timestamp'>Timestamp: ". microtime(true) ."</div>";
00179         return $sLog;
00180     }
00182 }