This is the complete list of members for
oxPricealarm, including all inherited members.
$_aFieldNames | oxBase | [protected] |
$_aInnerLazyCache | oxBase | [protected] |
$_aSkipSaveFields | oxBase | [protected] |
$_blDisableFieldCaching | oxBase | [protected, static] |
$_blEmployMultilanguage | oxBase | [protected] |
$_blIsAdmin | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_blIsDerived | oxBase | [protected] |
$_blIsInList | oxBase | [protected] |
$_blIsSeoObject | oxBase | [protected] |
$_blIsSimplyClonable | oxBase | [protected] |
$_blReadOnly | oxBase | [protected] |
$_blUseLazyLoading | oxBase | [protected] |
$_blUseSkipSaveFields | oxBase | [protected] |
$_dPrice | oxPricealarm | [protected] |
$_fPrice | oxPricealarm | [protected] |
$_fProposedPrice | oxPricealarm | [protected] |
$_iShopId | oxBase | [protected] |
$_isLoaded | oxBase | [protected] |
$_iStatus | oxPricealarm | [protected] |
$_oActUser | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oArticle | oxPricealarm | [protected] |
$_oConfig | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oCurrency | oxPricealarm | [protected] |
$_oRights | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_oSession | oxSuperCfg | [protected, static] |
$_sCacheKey | oxBase | [protected] |
$_sClassName | oxPricealarm | [protected] |
$_sCoreTable | oxBase | [protected] |
$_sExistKey | oxBase | [protected] |
$_sOXID | oxBase | [protected] |
$_sTitle | oxPricealarm | [protected] |
$_sViewTable | oxBase | [protected] |
__call($sMethod, $aArgs) | oxSuperCfg | |
__clone() | oxBase | |
__construct() | oxPricealarm | |
__get($sName) | oxBase | |
__isset($mVar) | oxBase | |
__set($sName, $sValue) | oxBase | |
_addField($sName, $iStatus, $sType=null, $sLength=null) | oxBase | [protected] |
_canFieldBeNull($sFieldName) | oxBase | [protected] |
_getAllFields($blReturnSimple=false) | oxBase | [protected] |
_getFieldDefaultValue($sFieldName) | oxBase | [protected] |
_getFieldLongName($sFieldName) | oxBase | [protected] |
_getFieldStatus($sFieldName) | oxBase | [protected] |
_getNonCachedFieldNames($blForceFullStructure=false) | oxBase | [protected] |
_getObjectViewName($sTable, $sShopID=null) | oxBase | [protected] |
_getTableFields($sTable, $blReturnSimple=false) | oxBase | [protected] |
_getUpdateFields($blUseSkipSaveFields=true) | oxBase | [protected] |
_getUpdateFieldValue($sFieldName, $oField) | oxBase | [protected] |
_initDataStructure($blForceFullStructure=false) | oxBase | [protected] |
_insert() | oxPricealarm | [protected] |
_isDisabledFieldCache() | oxBase | [protected] |
_isInList() | oxBase | [protected] |
_setFieldData($sFieldName, $sValue, $iDataType=oxField::T_TEXT) | oxBase | [protected] |
addFieldName($sName) | oxBase | |
allowDerivedDelete() | oxBase | |
allowDerivedUpdate() | oxBase | |
assign($dbRecord) | oxBase | |
assignRecord($sSelect) | oxBase | |
beforeUpdate($sOXID=null) | oxBase | |
buildSelectString($aWhere=null) | oxBase | |
delete($sOXID=null) | oxBase | |
disableLazyLoading() | oxBase | |
exists($sOXID=null) | oxBase | |
getArticle() | oxPricealarm | |
getClassName() | oxBase | |
getConfig() | oxSuperCfg | |
getCoreTableName() | oxBase | |
getFieldData($sFieldName) | oxBase | |
getFieldNames() | oxBase | |
getFPrice() | oxPricealarm | |
getFProposedPrice() | oxPricealarm | |
getId() | oxBase | |
getLanguage() | oxBase | |
getPrice() | oxPricealarm | |
getPriceAlarmCurrency() | oxPricealarm | |
getPriceAlarmStatus() | oxPricealarm | |
getSelectFields($blForceCoreTableUsage=null) | oxBase | |
getSession() | oxSuperCfg | |
getShopId() | oxBase | |
getSqlActiveSnippet($blForceCoreTable=null) | oxBase | |
getTitle() | oxPricealarm | |
getUser() | oxSuperCfg | |
getUseSkipSaveFields() | oxBase | |
getViewName($blForceCoreTableUsage=null) | oxBase | |
init($sTableName=null, $blForceAllFields=false) | oxBase | |
isAdmin() | oxSuperCfg | |
isDerived() | oxBase | |
isLoaded() | oxBase | |
isMultilang() | oxBase | |
isOx() | oxBase | |
isReadOnly() | oxBase | |
load($sOXID) | oxBase | |
modifyCacheKey($sCacheKey, $blOverride=false) | oxBase | |
onChange($iAction=null, $sOXID=null) | oxBase | |
oxClone($oObject) | oxBase | |
save() | oxBase | |
setAdminMode($blAdmin) | oxSuperCfg | |
setConfig($oConfig) | oxSuperCfg | |
setId($sOXID=null) | oxBase | |
setInList() | oxBase | |
setIsDerived($blVal) | oxBase | |
setReadOnly($blReadOnly) | oxBase | |
setSession($oSession) | oxSuperCfg | |
setShopId($iShopId) | oxBase | |
setUser($oUser) | oxSuperCfg | |
setUseSkipSaveFields($blUseSkipSaveFields) | oxBase | |