
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00006 class deliveryset_users_ajax extends ajaxListComponent
00007 {
00014     protected $_aColumns = array('container1' => array( // field , table,  visible, multilanguage, ident
00015         array('oxusername', 'oxuser', 1, 0, 0),
00016         array('oxlname', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00017         array('oxfname', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00018         array('oxstreet', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00019         array('oxstreetnr', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00020         array('oxcity', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00021         array('oxzip', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00022         array('oxfon', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00023         array('oxbirthdate', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00024         array('oxid', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 1),
00025     ),
00026                                  'container2' => array(
00027                                      array('oxusername', 'oxuser', 1, 0, 0),
00028                                      array('oxlname', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00029                                      array('oxfname', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00030                                      array('oxstreet', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00031                                      array('oxstreetnr', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00032                                      array('oxcity', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00033                                      array('oxzip', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00034                                      array('oxfon', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00035                                      array('oxbirthdate', 'oxuser', 0, 0, 0),
00036                                      array('oxid', 'oxobject2delivery', 0, 0, 1),
00037                                  )
00038     );
00045     protected function _getQuery()
00046     {
00047         $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
00048         $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
00049         $sId = $myConfig->getRequestParameter('oxid');
00050         $sSynchId = $myConfig->getRequestParameter('synchoxid');
00052         $sUserTable = $this->_getViewName('oxuser');
00054         // category selected or not ?
00055         if (!$sId) {
00056             $sQAdd = " from $sUserTable where 1 ";
00057             if (!$myConfig->getConfigParam('blMallUsers')) {
00058                 $sQAdd .= "and $sUserTable.oxshopid = '" . $myConfig->getShopId() . "' ";
00059             }
00060         } elseif ($sSynchId && $sSynchId != $sId) {
00061             // selected group ?
00062             $sQAdd = " from oxobject2group left join $sUserTable on $sUserTable.oxid = oxobject2group.oxobjectid ";
00063             $sQAdd .= " where oxobject2group.oxgroupsid = " . $oDb->quote($sId);
00064             if (!$myConfig->getConfigParam('blMallUsers')) {
00065                 $sQAdd .= "and $sUserTable.oxshopid = '" . $myConfig->getShopId() . "' ";
00066             }
00068             // resetting
00069             $sId = null;
00070         } else {
00071             $sQAdd = " from oxobject2delivery, $sUserTable where oxobject2delivery.oxdeliveryid = " . $oDb->quote($sId);
00072             $sQAdd .= "and oxobject2delivery.oxobjectid = $sUserTable.oxid and oxobject2delivery.oxtype = 'oxdelsetu' ";
00073         }
00075         if ($sSynchId && $sSynchId != $sId) {
00076             $sQAdd .= "and $sUserTable.oxid not in ( select $sUserTable.oxid from oxobject2delivery, $sUserTable where oxobject2delivery.oxdeliveryid = " . $oDb->quote($sSynchId);
00077             $sQAdd .= "and oxobject2delivery.oxobjectid = $sUserTable.oxid and oxobject2delivery.oxtype = 'oxdelsetu' ) ";
00078         }
00080         return $sQAdd;
00081     }
00086     public function removeUserFromSet()
00087     {
00088         $aRemoveGroups = $this->_getActionIds('oxobject2delivery.oxid');
00089         if ($this->getConfig()->getRequestParameter('all')) {
00091             $sQ = $this->_addFilter("delete oxobject2delivery.* " . $this->_getQuery());
00092             oxDb::getDb()->Execute($sQ);
00094         } elseif ($aRemoveGroups && is_array($aRemoveGroups)) {
00095             $sQ = "delete from oxobject2delivery where oxobject2delivery.oxid in (" . implode(", ", oxDb::getInstance()->quoteArray($aRemoveGroups)) . ") ";
00096             oxDb::getDb()->Execute($sQ);
00097         }
00098     }
00103     public function addUserToSet()
00104     {
00105         $aChosenUsr = $this->_getActionIds('oxuser.oxid');
00106         $soxId = $this->getConfig()->getRequestParameter('synchoxid');
00108         // adding
00109         if ($this->getConfig()->getRequestParameter('all')) {
00110             $sUserTable = $this->_getViewName('oxuser');
00111             $aChosenUsr = $this->_getAll($this->_addFilter("select $sUserTable.oxid " . $this->_getQuery()));
00112         }
00113         if ($soxId && $soxId != "-1" && is_array($aChosenUsr)) {
00114             foreach ($aChosenUsr as $sChosenUsr) {
00115                 $oObject2Delivery = oxNew('oxbase');
00116                 $oObject2Delivery->init('oxobject2delivery');
00117                 $oObject2Delivery->oxobject2delivery__oxdeliveryid = new oxField($soxId);
00118                 $oObject2Delivery->oxobject2delivery__oxobjectid = new oxField($sChosenUsr);
00119                 $oObject2Delivery->oxobject2delivery__oxtype = new oxField("oxdelsetu");
00120                 $oObject2Delivery->save();
00121             }
00122         }
00123     }
00124 }