
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00003 $sLangName  = "English";
00005 // -------------------------------
00007 // -------------------------------
00008 $aLang = array(
00009 'charset'                                                     => 'ISO-8859-15',
00010 'fullDateFormat'                                              => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
00011 'simpleDateFormat'                                            => 'Y-m-d',
00012 'grid'                                                        => 'Grid',
00013 'infogrid'                                                    => 'Double grid',
00014 'line'                                                        => 'Line',
00015 'LIST_DISPLAY_TYPE'                                           => 'View',
00017 'COLON'                                                       => ':',
00018 'ELLIPSIS'                                                    => '...',
00019 'ACCESSORIES'                                                 => 'Accessories',
00020 'ACCOUNT'                                                     => 'Account',
00021 'ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'                                         => 'Account information',
00022 'ADD'                                                         => 'add',
00023 'ADDITIONAL_INFO'                                             => 'Additional info',
00024 'ADDRESS'                                                     => 'Address',
00025 'ADDRESSES'                                                   => 'Addresses',
00026 'ADD_TAGS'                                                    => 'Add tags',
00027 'ADD_THIS_PAGE_TO'                                            => 'Add this page to',
00028 'ADD_TO_CART'                                                 => 'Add to cart',
00029 'ADD_TO_GIFT_REGISTRY'                                        => 'Add to gift registry',
00030 'ADD_TO_LISTMANIA_LIST'                                       => 'Add to listmania list',
00031 'ADD_TO_WISH_LIST'                                            => 'Add to wish list',
00032 'ADD_WRAPPING'                                                => 'Add gift wrap',
00033 'ADD_YOUR_COMMENTS'                                           => 'Add your comments',
00034 'ALL'                                                         => 'All',
00035 'ALL_LISTMANIA'                                               => 'All listmania',
00036 'ALREADY_ADDED_TAG'                                           => 'You already tagged this text',
00037 'INVALID_TAGS_REMOVED'                                        => 'Invalid tags removed',
00038 'ALREADY_CUSTOMER'                                            => 'I am already a customer',
00039 'APPLY'                                                       => 'Apply',
00040 'ARTNUM'                                                      => 'Product number',
00041 'ATENTION_GREETING_CARD'                                      => 'Attention - greeting card!',
00042 'AUTHOR'                                                      => 'Author',
00043 'AVAILABLE_ON'                                                => 'Available on',
00044 'BACK_TO_OVERVIEW'                                            => 'Back to overview',
00045 'BACK_TO_SHOP'                                                => 'Back to shop',
00046 'BACK_TO_START_PAGE'                                          => 'back to start page',
00047 'BANK'                                                        => 'Bank',
00048 'BANK_DETAILS'                                                => 'Bank details',
00049 'BANK_ACCOUNT_HOLDER'                                         => 'Account holder',
00050 'BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'                                         => 'Account no. or IBAN',
00051 'BANK_CODE'                                                   => 'Bank code or BIC',
00052 'BARGAIN'                                                     => 'Bargain',
00053 'BARGAIN_PRODUCTS'                                            => 'Bargain products',
00054 'BASKET_EMPTY'                                                => 'The shopping cart is empty.',
00055 'BIC'                                                         => 'BIC',
00056 'BILLING_ADDRESS'                                             => 'Billing address',
00057 'BILLING_SHIPPING_SETTINGS'                                   => 'Billing and shipping settings',
00058 'BIRTHDATE'                                                   => 'Date of birth',
00059 'BLOCK_PRICE'                                                 => 'Block price',
00060 'CANCEL'                                                      => 'Cancel',
00061 'CARD_MASTERCARD'                                             => 'Mastercard',
00062 'CARD_SECURITY_CODE'                                          => 'CVV2 or CVC2 security code',
00063 'CARD_SECURITY_CODE_DESCRIPTION'                              => 'This check digit is printed in reverse italic on the back side of your credit card right above the signature panel.',
00064 'CARD_TO'                                                     => 'Card to',
00065 'CARD_VISA'                                                   => 'Visa',
00066 'CART'                                                        => 'Cart',
00067 'CATEGORIES'                                                  => 'Categories',
00068 'CATEGORY'                                                    => 'Category',
00069 'CATEGORY_OVERVIEW'                                           => 'Category overview',
00070 'CATEGORY_PRODUCTS_S'                                         => 'Category/%s',
00071 'CATEGORY_S'                                                  => 'Category: %s',
00072 'CELLUAR_PHONE'                                               => 'Cell phone',
00073 'CHANGE'                                                      => 'Change',
00074 'CHANGE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD'                                     => 'Change account password',
00075 'CHANGE_PASSWORD'                                             => 'Change password',
00076 'CHARGES'                                                     => 'Charges',
00077 'CHECK'                                                       => 'Check',
00078 'CHECKOUT'                                                    => 'Checkout',
00079 'CHECK_YOUR_ORDER_HISTORY'                                    => 'check your order history',
00080 'CHOOSE'                                                      => 'Choose',
00081 'CHOOSE_VARIANT'                                              => 'Choose variant',
00082 'CLICK_HERE'                                                  => 'click here.',
00083 'CLICK_HERE_TO_WRITE_ENTRY'                                   => 'Click here to write an entry',
00084 'CLOSE'                                                       => 'Close',
00085 'COMPANY'                                                     => 'Company',
00086 'COMPARE'                                                     => 'Compare',
00087 'COMPLETE_MARKED_FIELDS'                                      => 'Please fill in all mandatory fields labeled in bold.',
00088 'COMPLETE_ORDER'                                              => 'Complete order',
00089 'CONFIRM_PASSWORD'                                            => 'Confirm password',
00090 'CONTACT'                                                     => 'Contact',
00091 'CONTINUE_SHOPPING'                                           => 'Continue shopping',
00092 'CONTINUE_TO_NEXT_STEP'                                       => 'Continue to the next step',
00093 'COUNTRY'                                                     => 'Country',
00094 'COUPON'                                                      => 'Coupon',
00095 'COUPON_NOT_ACCEPTED'                                         => 'Your coupon "%s" couldn\'t be accepted.',
00096 'CREATE_PASSWORD'                                             => 'Create password',
00097 'CREDITCARD'                                                  => 'Credit card',
00098 'CURRENT_PRODUCT'                                             => 'Current product',
00099 'CUSTOMERS_ALSO_BOUGHT'                                       => 'Customers who bought this product also bought',
00100 'DATE'                                                        => 'Date',
00101 'DAY'                                                         => 'Day',
00102 'DELIVERYTIME_DAY'                                            => '%s day',
00103 'DAYS'                                                        => 'Days',
00104 'DELIVERYTIME_DAYS'                                           => '%s days',
00105 'YEAR'                                                        => 'Year',
00106 'DEDUCTION'                                                   => 'Deduction',
00107 'DELIVERABLE'                                                 => 'Deliverable',
00108 'DELIVERYTIME_DELIVERYTIME'                                   => 'Delivery time',
00109 'DELIVERY_STATUS'                                             => 'Delivery status',
00110 'DELIVERY_STATUS_ANG'                                         => 'Order received',
00111 'DELIVERY_STATUS_AUS'                                         => 'Sent',
00112 'DELIVERY_STATUS_BES'                                         => 'Ordered from distributor',
00113 'DELIVERY_STATUS_EIN'                                         => 'Picking',
00114 'DELIVERY_STATUS_HAL'                                         => 'Waiting for money',
00115 'DELIVERY_STATUS_NLB'                                         => 'Undeliverable',
00116 'DELIVERY_STATUS_STO'                                         => 'Canceled',
00117 'DESCRIPTION'                                                 => 'Description',
00118 'DETAILS'                                                     => 'Details',
00119 'DISCOUNT'                                                    => 'Discount',
00120 'DISPLAY_BASKET'                                              => 'Display cart',
00121 'DO_NOT_WANT_CREATE_ACCOUNT'                                  => '(I don\'t want to create a customer account.)',
00122 'EDIT'                                                        => 'Edit',
00123 'EDIT_TAGS'                                                   => 'Edit tags',
00124 'EMAIL'                                                       => 'E-mail',
00125 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'                                               => 'E-mail address',
00126 'ENABLE'                                                      => 'Enable',
00127 'ENTER_COUPON_NUMBER'                                         => 'Enter coupon number',
00128 'ENTER_EMAIL_OR_NAME'                                         => 'Enter e-mail address or last name',
00129 'ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'                                          => 'Please enter a new password.',
00130 'ERROR'                                                       => 'Error',
00131 'ERROR_404'                                                   => 'The requested page %s couldn\'t be found.',
00132 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ACCESSRIGHT_ACCESSDENIED'                      => 'Access denied - insufficient rights!',
00133 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ACCESS_DENIED'                                 => 'Access denied.',
00134 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ARTICLE_ARTICLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST'                => 'Unfortunately the product "%s" is not longer available!',
00135 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ARTICLE_ARTICLE_NOT_BUYABLE'                   => 'Product is not purchasable',
00136 'ERROR_MESSAGE_ARTICLE_NOPRODUCTID'                           => 'No product ID given!',
00137 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CHECK_EMAIL'                                   => 'An error occurred sending the e-mail - please check the e-mail address.',
00138 'EXCEPTION_CONNECTION_NODB'                                   => 'No connection to the database!',
00139 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_NOLDAP'                             => 'No connection to the LDAP server!',
00140 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CONNECTION_NOLDAPBIND'                         => 'Error during the communication with the LDAP server!',
00141 'ERROR_MESSAGE_COOKIE_NOCOOKIE'                               => 'We are sorry. This action requires cookie support. Please enable cookies or use a browser with cookies enabled to access our site.',
00142 'ERROR_MESSAGE_FILE_ERRORINFILE'                              => 'Error in file!',
00143 'ERROR_MESSAGE_GUESTBOOK_ENTRY_ERR_LOGIN_TO_WRITE_ENTRY'      => 'Error: you have to be logged in to write a guest book entry.',
00144 'ERROR_MESSAGE_GUESTBOOK_ENTRY_ERR_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_EXCEEDED'   => 'Error: you exceeded the maximum number of reviews per day.',
00145 'ERROR_MESSAGE_GUESTBOOK_ENTRY_ERR_REVIEW_CONTAINS_NO_TEXT'   => 'Error: your review contains no text.',
00146 'ERROR_MESSAGE_GUESTBOOK_ENTRY_ERR_UNDEFINED_SHOP'            => 'Error: undefined shop',
00147 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_EMPTYPASS'                               => 'Please enter a password.',
00148 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_INVALIDAMOUNT'                           => 'Please enter a valid amount for this product!',
00149 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_NOTALLFIELDS'                            => 'Specify a value for this required field.',
00150 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_NOVALIDEMAIL'                            => 'Please enter a valid e-mail address',
00151 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INVITE_INCORRECTEMAILADDRESS'                  => 'Incorrect e-mail address. Please check the e-mail addresses you entered.',
00152 'ERROR_MESSAGE_MANDATES_EXCEEDED'                             => 'The number of the licensed sub-shops exceeded. Please enter a valid license number or contact',
00153 'FOR_MORE_INFORMATION'                                        => 'for more information.',
00154 'ERROR_MESSAGE_NOFILE'                                        => 'No file uploaded',
00155 'EXCEPTION_NOTALLOWEDTYPE'                                    => 'File type not allowed. Please edit to allow this kind of files.',
00156 'ERROR_MESSAGE_OUTOFSTOCK_OUTOFSTOCK'                         => 'Not enough items of this product in stock! Available',
00157 'ERROR_MESSAGE_OXID_ESALES'                                   => 'OXID eSales',
00158 'ERROR_MESSAGE_OXID_SHOP_ERROR'                               => 'OXID eShop error',
00159 'ERROR_MESSAGE_PASSWORD_DO_NOT_MATCH'                         => 'Error: passwords don\'t match.',
00160 'ERROR_MESSAGE_PASSWORD_EMAIL_INVALID'                        => 'Please enter a valid e-mail address!',
00161 'ERROR_MESSAGE_PASSWORD_LINK_EXPIRED'                         => 'This page is expired. Please use the function "Forgot password?" once again.',
00162 'ERROR_MESSAGE_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT'                            => 'Error: your password is too short.',
00163 'ERROR_MESSAGE_CURRENT_PASSWORD_INVALID'                      => 'Error: your current password is incorrect.',
00164 'ERROR_MESSAGE_RECOMMLIST_NOTITLE'                            => 'Title field is empty',
00165 'ERROR_MESSAGE_SYSTEMCOMPONENT_CLASSNOTFOUND'                 => 'Class "%s" not found',
00166 'ERROR_MESSAGE_SYSTEMCOMPONENT_FUNCTIONNOTFOUND'              => 'Function "%s" not found',
00167 'EXCEPTION_SYSTEMCOMPONENT_TEMPLATENOTFOUND'                  => 'Template "%s" not found',
00168 'ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_ERROR'                                 => 'Unknown Error',
00169 'ERROR_MESSAGE_UNLICENSED1'                                   => 'There\'s something wrong with the license of this shop. Please enter a valid license key or contact',
00170 'ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_NOVALIDLOGIN'                             => 'Wrong e-mail address or password!',
00171 'ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_NOVALUES'                                 => 'E-mail address and password have to be entered!',
00172 'ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_USERCREATIONFAILED'                       => 'Error creating the user!',
00173 'ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_USEREXISTS'                               => 'Not possible to register %s. Maybe you have already registered?',
00174 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VERSION_EXPIRED1'                              => 'Your version is expired. Please contact',
00175 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_INCORRECTPRICE'                        => 'The total price is too low for this coupon!',
00176 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_ISRESERVED'                            => 'This coupon is reserved!',
00177 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_NOTALLOWEDOTHERSERIES'                 => 'Combination with coupons of other series is not allowed!',
00178 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_NOTALLOWEDSAMESERIES'                  => 'Coupon of the same series can\'t be used for this purchase!',
00179 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_NOTVALIDUSERGROUP'                     => 'The coupon is not valid for your user group!',
00180 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_NOVOUCHER'                             => 'Invalid coupon!',
00181 'ERROR_MESSAGE_COMPLETE_FIELDS_CORRECTLY'                     => 'Please complete all fields correctly!',
00182 'ERROR_MESSAGE_FILE_DOESNOT_EXIST'                            => 'Downloadable file does not exist any longer.',
00183 'ERROR_MESSAGE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED'                          => 'Error downloading file.',
00184 'ERROR_MESSAGE_WRONG_DOWNLOAD_LINK'                           => 'Download link is not correct.',
00185 'ERROR_MESSAGE_INCORRECT_DATE'                                => 'Incorrect date',
00186 'EXCEPTION_NOT_VALID_CURL_CONSTANT'                           => 'Not valid cURL constant name: %s',
00187 'EXCEPTION_CURL_ERROR'                                        => 'cURL error: %s',
00188 'EXPIRES_IN'                                                  => 'Expires in',
00189 'FACEBOOK_COMMENTS'                                           => 'Facebook comments',
00190 'FACEBOOK_FACEPILE'                                           => 'Facebook facepile',
00191 'FACEBOOK_INVITE'                                             => 'Facebook invite',
00192 'FACEBOOK_INVITETEXT'                                         => 'Simply click the button below to check out the recommended product.',
00193 'FACEBOOK_LOCALE'                                             => 'en_US',
00194 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_WEBSITE'                                       => 'Open shop website',
00195 'FAX'                                                         => 'Telefax',
00196 'FIRST_LAST_NAME'                                             => 'First/last Name',
00197 'FIRST_NAME'                                                  => 'First name',
00198 'FORGOT_PASSWORD'                                             => 'Forgot password?',
00199 'FROM'                                                        => 'From',
00200 'GIFT_OPTION'                                                 => 'Gift options',
00201 'GIFT_REGISTRY'                                               => 'Gift registry',
00202 'GIFT_REGISTRY_EMPTY'                                         => 'The gift registry is empty.',
00203 'GIFT_REGISTRY_OF'                                            => 'Gift registry of',
00204 'GIFT_REGISTRY_OF_2'                                          => 'My gift registry at',
00205 'GIFT_REGISTRY_OF_3'                                          => 'Welcome to the gift registry of',
00206 'GIFT_REGISTRY_SEARCH_RESULTS'                                => 'Gift registry search results',
00207 'GIFT_WRAPPING'                                               => 'Gift wrapping',
00208 'GIFT_WRAPPING_GREETING_CARD'                                 => 'Gift wrapping/greeting card',
00209 'GO'                                                          => 'GO!',
00210 'GRAND_TOTAL'                                                 => 'Grand total',
00211 'GREETING'                                                    => 'Hello, ',
00212 'GREETING_CARD'                                               => 'Greeting card',
00213 'GREETING_MESSAGE'                                            => 'Greeting message',
00214 'GROSS'                                                       => '(incl. tax)',
00215 'GUESTBOOK'                                                   => 'Guest book',
00216 'HAVE_A_LOOK'                                                 => 'Have a look at this',
00217 'HAVE_YOU_FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD'                                 => 'Did you forget your password?',
00218 'HAVE_YOU_SEEN'                                               => 'Have you seen?',
00219 'HELP'                                                        => 'Help',
00220 'HERE_YOU_CAN_ENETER_MESSAGE'                                 => 'Here you can enter an optional message.',
00221 'HERE_YOU_SET_UP_NEW_PASSWORD'                                => 'No problem! Here you can set up a new password.',
00222 'HIGHLIHGT_TAGS'                                              => 'Highlight existing tags or add new',
00223 'HITS_FOR'                                                    => 'Hits for',
00224 'HOME'                                                        => 'Home',
00225 'IBAN'                                                        => 'IBAN',
00226 'IF_DIFFERENT_FROM_BILLING_ADDRESS'                           => 'If different from billing address.',
00227 'IMPRESSUM'                                                   => 'Legal notice',
00228 'INCL_TAX_AND_PLUS_SHIPPING'                                  => '* All prices incl. tax, plus shipping',
00229 'INFORMATION'                                                 => 'Information',
00230 'INTRODUCTION'                                                => 'Introduction',
00231 'INVITE_YOUR_FRIENDS'                                         => 'Invite your friends',
00232 'ITEMS_IN_BASKET'                                             => '',
00233 'JUST_ARRIVED'                                                => 'Just arrived!',
00234 'KEEP_LOGGED_IN'                                              => 'Keep me logged in',
00235 'KG'                                                          => 'kg',
00236 'LABEL'                                                       => 'Label',
00237 'LAST_NAME'                                                   => 'Last name',
00238 'LAST_SEEN_PRODUCTS'                                          => 'Last seen products',
00239 'LATEST_NEWS_AND_UPDATES_AT'                                  => 'Latest news and updates at',
00240 'LATEST_NEWS_NOACTIVENEWS'                                    => 'Presently no news',
00241 'LINKS'                                                       => 'Links',
00242 'LISTMANIA'                                                   => 'Listmania',
00243 'LISTMANIA_2'                                                 => 'Listmania/%s',
00244 'LISTMANIA_LIST_FOR'                                          => 'Listmania list for %s',
00245 'LISTMANIA_LIST_PRODUCTS'                                     => 'Listmania list %s products',
00246 'LISTMANIA_LIST_SAVED'                                        => 'Recommendation list changes saved',
00247 'LISTS'                                                       => 'Lists',
00248 'LIST_BY'                                                     => 'A list by',
00249 'LOADING'                                                     => 'Loading...',
00250 'LOGIN'                                                       => 'Log in',
00251 'LOGIN_ALREADY_CUSTOMER'                                      => 'If you are already our customer, please log in using your e-mail address and your password.',
00252 'LOGIN_DESCRIPTION'                                           => 'Please log in using your e-mail address and your password.',
00253 'LOGIN_TO_ACCESS_GIFT_REGISTRY'                               => 'Please log in to access your gift registry.',
00254 'LOGIN_TO_ACCESS_LISTMANIA'                                   => 'Please log in to access the listmania list.',
00255 'LOGIN_TO_ACCESS_WISH_LIST'                                   => 'Please log in to access the wish list.',
00256 'LOGIN_WITH'                                                  => 'Log in with',
00257 'LOGOUT'                                                      => 'Log out',
00258 'LOW_STOCK'                                                   => 'Only some items on stock - order quickly!',
00259 'MANUFACTURER'                                                => 'Manufacturer',
00260 'MANUFACTURER_S'                                              => 'Manufacturer: %s',
00261 'MANY_GREETINGS'                                              => 'Kind regards!,',
00262 'MEDIA'                                                       => 'Media',
00263 'MESSAGE'                                                     => 'Message',
00264 'MESSAGE_ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_CONFIRMED'                      => 'Your account was created successfully.',
00265 'MESSAGE_ALREADY_RATED'                                       => 'You already rated!',
00266 'MESSAGE_BASKET_EXCLUDE_INFO'                                 => 'You can now proceed to checkout and finalize your order. You can also continue shopping, but the content of your cart will be purged then.',
00267 'MESSAGE_CONFIRMATION_NOT_SUCCEED'                            => 'Unfortunately the e-mail for confirming your order couldn\'t be sent.',
00268 'MESSAGE_CONFIRMING_REGISTRATION'                             => 'You should have received an e-mail confirming your registration.',
00269 'MESSAGE_COUPON_ACCUMULATION_SAME_SERIE'                      => 'A combination with another coupon of the same series is not permitted.',
00270 'MESSAGE_COUPON_EXPIRED'                                      => 'Coupon expired!',
00271 'MESSAGE_COUPON_NOT_APPLIED_FOR_ARTICLES'                     => 'No discounts assigned to these product items',
00272 'MESSAGE_DENIED_BY_SHOP_RULES'                                => 'Denied by shop rules.',
00273 'MESSAGE_EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE'                                => 'This e-mail address already exists!',
00274 'MESSAGE_ENTER_YOUR_ADDRESS_AND_MESSAGE'                      => 'Enter your address data and your personal message!',
00275 'MESSAGE_FROM'                                                => 'Message from',
00276 'MESSAGE_GET_BONUS_POINTS'                                    => 'Get bonus points for your purchase now!',
00277 'MESSAGE_INVALID_EMAIL'                                       => 'Invalid e-mail address!',
00278 'MESSAGE_INVITE_YOUR_FRIENDS'                                 => 'Invite your friends and get bonus points for each new registration!',
00279 'MESSAGE_INVITE_YOUR_FRIENDS_EMAIL'                           => 'Please enter your friend\'s e-mail address to send them an invitation.',
00280 'MESSAGE_INVITE_YOUR_FRIENDS_INVITATION_SENT'                 => 'An invitation was sent. Thank you!',
00281 'MESSAGE_LOGIN_TO_RATE'                                       => 'Please log in for rating!',
00282 'MESSAGE_LOGIN_TO_WRITE_REVIEW'                               => 'You have to be logged in to write a review.',
00283 'MESSAGE_MAKE_GIFT_REGISTRY_PUBLISH'                          => 'Everyone shall be able to search and display my gift registry',
00284 'MESSAGE_NEGATIVE_TOTAL'                                      => 'Negative amount not permitted.',
00285 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_CONGRATULATIONS'                          => 'Congratulations!',
00286 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION_BONUS'                   => 'Get bonus points for your newsletter subscription now!',
00287 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION'                             => 'It\'s possible to cancel the newsletter at any time.',
00288 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATED'                   => 'Your subscription to our newsletter is now active.',
00289 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_CANCELED'                    => 'You unsubscribed successfully from our newsletter.',
00290 'MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESS'                     => 'The successfully subscribed to our newsletter.',
00291 'MESSAGE_NOT_ABLE_TO_SEND_EMAIL'                              => 'Unfortunately we couldn\'t send you an e-mail.',
00292 'MESSAGE_NOT_ON_STOCK'                                        => 'This item is not on stock and has to be re-ordered.',
00293 'MESSAGE_NO_SHIPPING_METHOD_FOUND'                            => 'No shipping methods found. Please contact us by phone or e-mail!',
00294 'MESSAGE_PASSWORD_CHANGED'                                    => 'Your password has been changed.',
00295 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED'                        => 'The payment authorization failed. Please verify your input!',
00296 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_SELECT_ANOTHER_PAYMENT'                      => 'Please select a different payment method!',
00297 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_BANK_CODE_INVALID'                           => 'Please provide a valid bank code!',
00298 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_INVALID'                      => 'Please provide a valid account number!',
00299 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_UNAVAILABLE_PAYMENT'                         => 'Unfortunately, this payment method is not available due to technical problems. Please choose a different payment method.',
00300 'MESSAGE_PAYMENT_UNAVAILABLE_PAYMENT_ERROR'                   => 'Unfortunately, this payment method is not available due to technical problems. Please choose a different payment method. (Error',
00301 'MESSAGE_PLEASE_CONTACT_SUPPORT'                              => 'Please contact OXID eSales support staff.',
00302 'MESSAGE_PLEASE_DELETE_FOLLOWING_DIRECTORY'                   => 'Please delete the following directory',
00303 'MESSAGE_PRICE_ALARM_PRICE_CHANGE'                            => 'We\'ll inform you if the price of this product will be changed according to your price alert.',
00304 'MESSAGE_RATE_THIS_ARTICLE'                                   => 'Rate this product!',
00305 'MESSAGE_READ_DETAILS'                                        => 'Read our',
00306 'MESSAGE_RECOMMEND_CLICK_ON_SEND'                             => 'Click on "Send recommendation" to send the e-mail!',
00307 'MESSAGE_SELECT_AT_LEAST_ONE_PRODUCT'                         => 'Please select at least one product!',
00308 'MESSAGE_SELECT_MORE_PRODUCTS'                                => 'Please select products for comparison!',
00309 'MESSAGE_SEND_GIFT_REGISTRY'                                  => 'Please click here to send your gift registry to your friends!',
00310 'MESSAGE_SENT_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL'                             => 'You shall have received an e-mail in order to opt-in to our newsletter.',
00311 'MESSAGE_SORRY_NO_GIFT_REGISTRY'                              => 'Sorry - no gift registry found!',
00312 'MESSAGE_STOCK_LOW'                                           => 'Stock low: the specified stock limit for this product has been reached.',
00313 'MESSAGE_SUBMIT_BOTTOM'                                       => 'Please check all data on this overview before submitting your order!',
00314 'MESSAGE_THANKYOU_FOR_SUBSCRIBING_NEWSLETTERS'                => 'Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.',
00315 'MESSAGE_TO_BE_LOGGED_WRITE_GUESTBOOK'                        => 'You have to be logged in to write a guest book entry.',
00316 'MESSAGE_TRUSTED_SHOPS_SEAL_OF_APPROVAL'                      => ' is a certified online shop by Trusted Shops - the trust mark with buyer protection. More...',
00317 'MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE_SHIPPING_METHOD'                         => 'The shipping method you selected isn\'t available any more. Please choose another one!',
00318 'MESSAGE_VERIFY_YOUR_EMAIL'                                   => 'Please verify your e-mail address!',
00319 'MESSAGE_WELCOME_REGISTERED_USER'                             => 'Welcome as a registered user!',
00320 'MESSAGE_WE_WILL_INFORM_YOU'                                  => 'We will inform you immediately if an item is not deliverable.',
00321 'MESSAGE_WRONG_VERIFICATION_CODE'                             => 'The verification code you entered is not correct. Please try again!',
00322 'MESSAGE_YOU_RECEIVED_ORDER_CONFIRM'                          => 'You\'ve already received an e-mail with an order confirmation.',
00323 'MESSAGE_DOWNLOADABLE_PRODUCT'                                => 'Hint: there are downloadable products in your shopping cart. If you buy without a registration you\'ll find product download links only in the e-mail with the order confirmation. If you are registered links will appear in the section ACCOUNT -> MY DOWNLOADS.',
00324 'MIN_ORDER_PRICE'                                             => 'Minimum order price',
00325 'MONTH'                                                       => 'month',
00326 'DELIVERYTIME_MONTH'                                          => '%s month',
00327 'MONTHS'                                                      => 'months',
00328 'DELIVERYTIME_MONTHS'                                         => '%s months',
00329 'MORE'                                                        => 'More',
00330 'MORE_INFO'                                                   => 'More information',
00331 'MOVE'                                                        => 'Move product',
00332 'MR'                                                          => 'Mr',
00333 'MRS'                                                         => 'Mrs',
00334 'MY_ACCOUNT'                                                  => 'My account',
00335 'MY_GIFT_REGISTRY'                                            => 'My gift registry',
00336 'MY_LISTMANIA'                                                => 'My listmania list',
00337 'MY_ORDER_HISTORY'                                            => 'My order history',
00338 'MY_PRODUCT_COMPARISON'                                       => 'My product comparison',
00339 'MY_WISH_LIST'                                                => 'My wish list',
00340 'NEWEST_SHOP_PRODUCTS'                                        => 'Recent products in shop',
00341 'NEWLIST'                                                     => 'New listmania list',
00342 'NEWS'                                                        => 'News',
00343 'NEWSLETTER'                                                  => 'Newsletter',
00344 'NEWSLETTER_SETTINGS'                                         => 'Newsletter settings',
00345 'NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBE_CANCEL'                                 => 'Subscribe/unsubscribe newsletter',
00346 'NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION'                                     => 'Subscribe to the newsletter',
00347 'NEWSLETTER_EMAIL_NOT_EXIST'                                  => 'Unknown e-mail address!',
00348 'NEW_ADDRESS'                                                 => 'New address',
00349 'NEW_BASKET_ITEM_MSG'                                         => 'New item was added to cart',
00350 'NEW_PASSWORD'                                                => 'New password',
00351 'NEXT'                                                        => 'Next',
00352 'NEXT_PRODUCT'                                                => 'Next product',
00353 'NO'                                                          => 'No',
00354 'NONE'                                                        => 'None',
00355 'NOTE'                                                        => 'Note',
00356 'NOT_SHIPPED_YET'                                             => 'Not shipped yet!',
00357 'NOTREGISTERED_ACCOUNTINFO'                                   => 'Customer information',
00358 'NOW_ONLY'                                                    => 'Now only',
00359 'NO_ENTRY_AVAILABLE'                                          => 'No entries available yet.',
00360 'NO_GREETING_CARD'                                            => 'No greeting card',
00361 'NO_ITEMS_FOUND'                                              => 'Sorry - no items found.',
00362 'NO_LISTMANIA_LIST_FOUND'                                     => 'No listmania lists found',
00363 'NO_RATINGS'                                                  => 'No ratings',
00364 'NO_REVIEW_AVAILABLE'                                         => 'No review available for this item.',
00365 'NO_TAGS'                                                     => 'There are no tags at the moment',
00366 'NUMBER'                                                      => 'Number',
00367 'NUMBER_2'                                                    => 'No.',
00368 'OF'                                                          => 'of',
00369 'OLD_PASSWORD'                                                => 'Previous password',
00370 'ONLY_IN_PACKING_UNITS_OF'                                    => 'Only in packaging units of ',
00371 'OPEN_ACCOUNT'                                                => 'Open account',
00372 'OR'                                                          => 'or',
00373 'ORDERS'                                                      => 'Orders',
00374 'ORDER_COMPLETED'                                             => 'Order completed',
00375 'ORDER_DATE'                                                  => 'Order date',
00376 'ORDER_EMPTY_HISTORY'                                         => 'Order history is empty',
00377 'ORDER_HISTORY'                                               => 'Order history',
00378 'ORDER_IS_CANCELED'                                           => 'Order is canceled.',
00379 'ORDER_NUMBER'                                                => 'Order No.',
00380 'BRAND'                                                       => 'Brand',
00381 'OUR_BRANDS'                                                  => 'Our brands',
00382 'OUR_REGULAR_PRICE'                                           => '(Our regular price)',
00383 'OXID_ESALES_URL'                                             => '',
00384 'OXID_ESALES_URL_TITLE'                                       => 'Shopping cart software by OXID eSales',
00385 'PAGE'                                                        => 'Page',
00386 'PASSWORD'                                                    => 'Password',
00387 'PASSWORD_CHANGED'                                            => 'Your password was changed successfully.',
00388 'PASSWORD_WAS_SEND_TO'                                        => 'Password was sent to',
00389 'PAY'                                                         => 'Pay',
00390 'PAYMENT_INFORMATION'                                         => 'Payment information',
00391 'PAYMENT_METHOD'                                              => 'Payment method',
00392 'PCS'                                                         => 'pcs',
00393 'PERSONAL_PHONE'                                              => 'Personal phone',
00394 'PERSONAL_SETTINGS'                                           => 'Personal settings',
00395 'PHONE'                                                       => 'Phone',
00396 'PLEASE_CHOOSE'                                               => 'Please choose',
00397 'PLEASE_SELECT_STATE'                                         => 'Please select a state',
00398 'PLUS'                                                        => 'plus ',
00399 'PLUS_SHIPPING'                                               => 'incl. tax, plus ',
00400 'PLUS_SHIPPING2'                                              => 'shipping',
00401 'PLUS_SHIPPING3'                                              => '* plus shipping',
00402 'POSTAL_CODE_AND_CITY'                                        => 'Postal code, city',
00403 'POSTAL_CODE'                                                 => 'Postal code',
00404 'POSTAL_CITY'                                                 => 'City',
00405 'POST_CARD_FROM'                                              => 'A postcard from',
00406 'PREVIOUS'                                                    => 'Previous',
00407 'PREVIOUS_STEP'                                               => 'Previous step',
00408 'PREVIOUS_PRODUCT'                                            => 'Previous product',
00409 'PRICE'                                                       => 'Price',
00410 'PRICE_ALERT'                                                 => '[!] Price alert',
00411 'PRICE_ALERT_AT'                                              => 'Price alert at',
00412 'PRICE_ALERT_FOR_PRODUCT'                                     => 'Price alert for product',
00413 'PRINT'                                                       => 'Print this page',
00414 'PRODUCT'                                                     => 'Product',
00415 'PRODUCTS'                                                    => ' products',
00416 'PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE'                                           => 'Products per page',
00417 'PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTES'                                          => 'Product attributes',
00418 'PRODUCT_COMPARISON'                                          => 'Product comparison',
00419 'PRODUCT_DETAILS'                                             => 'Product details',
00420 'PRODUCT_IMAGES'                                              => 'Product images',
00421 'PRODUCT_NO'                                                  => 'Item #',
00422 'PRODUCT_POST_CARD_FROM'                                      => 'A product postcard from',
00423 'PRODUCT_REVIEW'                                              => 'Product review',
00424 'PUBLIC_GIFT_REGISTRIES'                                      => 'Public gift registries',
00425 'PUBLISH'                                                     => 'Publish',
00426 'PURCHASE_WITHOUT_REGISTRATION'                               => 'Purchase without registration',
00427 'QNT'                                                         => 'qty.',
00428 'QUANTITY'                                                    => 'Quantity',
00429 'QUESTIONS_ABOUT_THIS_PRODUCT'                                => 'Questions about product',
00430 'QUESTIONS_ABOUT_THIS_PRODUCT_2'                              => '[?] Have questions about this product?',
00431 'RATING'                                                      => 'Rating',
00432 'RATINGS'                                                     => 'Ratings',
00433 'READY'                                                       => 'Ready!',
00434 'READY_FOR_SHIPPING'                                          => 'Ready for shipping',
00435 'READ_AND_CONFIRM_TERMS'                                      => 'Please read and confirm our terms and conditions!',
00436 'REASON'                                                      => 'Reason',
00437 'REBATE'                                                      => 'Discount',
00438 'RECIPIENT_EMAIL'                                             => 'Recipient\'s e-mail',
00439 'RECIPIENT_NAME'                                              => 'Recipient\'s name',
00440 'RECOMMEND'                                                   => 'Recommend',
00441 'RECOMMENDED_PRODUCTS'                                        => 'My product recommendation',
00442 'RECOMMEND_PRODUCT'                                           => 'Recommend product',
00443 'REDEEM_COUPON'                                               => 'Redeem coupon',
00444 'REDUCED_FROM'                                                => 'Reduced from',
00445 'REDUCED_FROM_2'                                              => 'RRP',
00446 'REGISTER'                                                    => 'Register',
00447 'REMEMBER_ME'                                                 => 'Remember password',
00448 'REMOVE'                                                      => 'Remove',
00449 'REMOVE_FROM_COMPARE_LIST'                                    => 'Remove from compare list',
00450 'REQUEST_PASSWORD'                                            => 'Reset password',
00451 'REQUEST_PASSWORD_AFTERCLICK'                                 => 'You\'ll receive an e-mail with a link for resetting your password.',
00452 'RESET_SELECTION'                                             => 'Reset selection',
00453 'REVIEW'                                                      => 'Review',
00454 'REVIEW_YOUR_ORDER'                                           => 'Please check your order!',
00455 'ROOT_CATEGORY_CHANGED'                                       => 'Main category changed',
00456 'SAVE'                                                        => 'Save',
00457 'SAVE_RATING_AND_REVIEW'                                      => 'Save rating and review',
00458 'SEARCH'                                                      => 'Search',
00459 'SEARCH_FOR_LISTS'                                            => 'Search for more lists',
00460 'SEARCH_FOR_PRODUCTS_CATEGORY_VENDOR'                         => 'Products by search for "%s" <TAG_CATEGORY> <TAG_VENDOR>',
00462 'SEARCH_GIFT_REGISTRY'                                        => 'Search gift registry',
00463 'SELECT'                                                      => 'Select',
00464 'SELECTED_COMBINATION'                                        => 'Selected combination',
00465 'SELECTED_SHIPPING_CARRIER'                                   => 'Selected shipping carrier is',
00466 'SELECT_ALL'                                                  => 'Select all',
00467 'SELECT_LISTMANIA_LIST'                                       => 'Select listmania list',
00468 'SELECT_SHIPPING_METHOD'                                      => 'Please select your shipping method',
00469 'SEND'                                                        => 'Send',
00470 'SENDER_EMAIL'                                                => 'Sender\'s e-mail',
00471 'SENDER_NAME'                                                 => 'Sender\'s name',
00472 'SEND_GIFT_REGISTRY'                                          => 'Send gift registry',
00473 'SEND_INVITE_TO'                                              => 'Send invitation to',
00474 'SHIPMENT_TO'                                                 => 'Shipment to',
00475 'SHIPPED'                                                     => 'Shipped',
00476 'SHIPPING'                                                    => 'Shipping',
00477 'SHIPPING_ADDRESS'                                            => 'Shipping address',
00478 'SHIPPING_ADDRESSES'                                          => 'Shipping addresses',
00479 'SHIPPING_CARRIER'                                            => 'Shipping method',
00480 'SHIPPING_COST'                                               => 'Shipping costs',
00481 'SHIPPING_NET'                                                => 'Shipping (excl. tax)',
00482 'PLUS_VAT'                                                    => 'plus tax',
00483 'VAT_PLUS_PERCENT_AMOUNT'                                     => 'plus %s%% tax, amount',
00484 'SURCHARGE_PLUS_PERCENT_AMOUNT'                               => 'Surcharge %s%% tax, amount',
00485 'SHOPLUPE'                                                    => 'Shoplupe',
00486 'SIMILAR_PRODUCTS'                                            => 'Similar products',
00487 'SORT_BY'                                                     => 'Sort by',
00488 'SPECIFICATION'                                               => 'Specification',
00489 'STAR'                                                        => 'Star',
00490 'STARS'                                                       => 'Stars',
00491 'STATUS'                                                      => 'Status',
00492 'STAY_INFORMED'                                               => 'Stay informed!',
00493 'STEPS_BASKET'                                                => '1. Cart',
00494 'STEPS_ORDER'                                                 => '4. Order',
00495 'STEPS_PAY'                                                   => '3. Pay',
00496 'STEPS_SEND'                                                  => '2. Address',
00497 'STOCK'                                                       => 'Stock',
00498 'STOCK_LOW'                                                   => 'Stock low',
00499 'STREET_AND_STREETNO'                                         => 'Street, street#',
00500 'SUBJECT'                                                     => 'Subject',
00501 'SUBMIT'                                                      => 'Submit',
00502 'SUBMIT_COUPON'                                               => 'Submit coupon',
00503 'SUBMIT_ORDER'                                                => 'Order now',
00504 'SUBSCRIBE'                                                   => 'Subscribe',
00505 'SUCCESS'                                                     => 'Success!',
00506 'SUM'                                                         => 'Sum',
00507 'SURCHARGE'                                                   => 'Surcharge',
00508 'S_CATEGORY_PRODUCTS'                                         => 'products in category %s',
00509 'TAGS'                                                        => 'Tags',
00510 'TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'                                        => 'Terms and conditions',
00511 'THANK_YOU'                                                   => 'Thank you',
00512 'TIME'                                                        => 'Time',
00513 'TITLE'                                                       => 'Salutation',
00514 'TO'                                                          => 'To',
00515 'TOP_OF_THE_SHOP'                                             => 'Top of the shop',
00516 'TOP_SHOP_PRODUCTS'                                           => 'Top products in the shop',
00517 'TOTAL'                                                       => 'Total',
00518 'TOTAL_GROSS'                                                 => 'Total products (incl. tax)',
00519 'TOTAL_NET'                                                   => 'Total products (excl. tax)',
00520 'TOTAL_QUANTITY'                                              => 'Total quantity',
00521 'TO_CART'                                                     => 'To cart',
00522 'TO_MY_WISHLIST'                                              => 'To go to my wishlist',
00523 'TRACKING_ID'                                                 => 'Tracking ID',
00524 'TRACK_SHIPMENT'                                              => 'Where is my shipment?',
00525 'TRUSTED_SHOPS'                                               => 'Trusted Shops',
00526 'TRUSTED_SHOPS_CUSTOMER_RATINGS'                              => 'Trusted Shops customer reviews',
00527 'TRUSTED_SHOPS_IMGTITLE'                                      => 'Click the seal to check the validity!',
00528 'TRUSTED_SHOPS_LINK'                                          => '',
00529 'TRUSTED_SHOPS_RATINGS'                                       => 'Trusted Shops Customer Ratings',
00530 'TRUSTED_SHOP_BUYER_PROTECTION'                               => 'Trusted Shops Buyer Protection',
00531 'TRUSTED_SHOP_PROTECTION_FROM'                                => 'Buyer protection from',
00532 'RATE_OUR_SHOP'                                               => 'Please take a minute to rate our shop.',
00533 'TRUSTED_SHOP_REGISTRATION'                                   => 'Register for Trusted Shops Buyer Protection',
00534 'TRUSTED_SHOP_REGISTRATION_MESSAGE'                           => 'As an additional service we offer you the Trusted Shops Buyer Protection. We cover all costs for this guarantee. You only have to register!',
00535 'TRUSTED_SHOP_SEAL_OF_APPROVAL'                               => 'Trusted Shops seal of approval - Click to verify.',
00536 'TRUSTED_SHOP_UNAVAILABLE_PROTECTION'                         => 'Trusted Shops Buyer protection cannot be added to your cart for technical reasons. You may however finalize your order without Buyer Protection. If you have further questions please contact [email protected].',
00537 'UNIT_PRICE'                                                  => 'Unit Price',
00538 'UNSUBSCRIBE'                                                 => 'Unsubscribe',
00539 'UPDATE'                                                      => 'Update',
00540 'UPDATE_SHIPPING_CARRIER'                                     => 'Update shipping carrier',
00541 'UPDATE_YOUR_BILLING_SHIPPING_SETTINGS'                       => 'Update your billing and delivery settings',
00542 'USED_COUPONS'                                                => 'Following Coupons are used',
00543 'USED_COUPONS_2'                                              => 'Used Coupons,',
00544 'USE_BILLINGADDRESS_FOR_SHIPPINGADDRESS'                      => 'Use Billing Address for Shipping',
00545 'VALID_UNTIL'                                                 => 'Valid until',
00546 'VAT'                                                         => 'VAT',
00547 'VAT_ID_NUMBER'                                               => 'VAT ID No.',
00548 'VAT_MESSAGE_ID_NOT_VALID'                                    => 'VAT ID is invalid',
00549 'VAT_MESSAGE_COMPANY_MISSING'                                 => 'Please enter your company name along with your VAT ID!',
00550 'VENDOR'                                                      => 'Vendor',
00551 'VENDOR_S'                                                    => 'Vendor: %s',
00552 'VERIFICATION_CODE'                                           => 'Verification code',
00553 'VIEW_ALL_PRODUCTS'                                           => 'View all products',
00554 'WEEK'                                                        => 'Week',
00555 'DELIVERYTIME_WEEKS'                                          => '%s weeks',
00556 'DELIVERYTIME_WEEK'                                           => '%s week',
00557 'WEEKS'                                                       => 'Weeks',
00558 'WEEK_SPECIAL'                                                => 'Week\'s Special',
00559 'WEIGHT'                                                      => 'Weight',
00560 'WHAT_I_WANTED_TO_SAY'                                        => 'What I wanted to say',
00561 'WHO_BOUGHT_ALSO_BOUGHT'                                      => 'Customers who bought this products, also bought',
00562 'WISHLIST_BY'                                                 => 'Wishlist by',
00563 'WISH_LIST'                                                   => 'Wish List',
00564 'WISH_LIST_EMPTY'                                             => 'Your Wish List is empty.',
00565 'WITH_LOVE'                                                   => 'With love,',
00566 'WRAPPING'                                                    => 'Wrapping',
00567 'WRAPPING_DESCRIPTION'                                        => 'We\'re happy to wrap your gift or to add a gift card with your personal message.',
00568 'WRAPPING_NET'                                                => 'Gift Wrapping/Greeting Card (net)',
00569 'WRITES'                                                      => 'writes',
00570 'WRITE_ENTRY'                                                 => 'Write entry',
00571 'WRITE_PRODUCT_REVIEW'                                        => 'Write Product Review',
00572 'WRITE_REVIEW'                                                => 'Write a review.',
00573 'WRITE_REVIEW_2'                                              => 'Write a review!',
00574 'YES'                                                         => 'Yes',
00575 'YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS'                                          => 'Your e-mail Address',
00576 'YOUR_GREETING_CARD'                                          => 'Your Greeting Card',
00577 'YOUR_PREVIOUS_ORDER'                                         => 'Your previous Orders',
00578 'YOUR_PRICE'                                                  => 'Your price',
00579 'YOUR_REVIEW'                                                 => 'Your review',
00580 'YOU_ARE_HERE'                                                => 'You are here',
00581 'YOU_CAN_GO'                                                  => 'You can go',
00582 'YOUR_MESSAGE'                                                => 'Your Message',
00583 'YOUR_TEAM'                                                   => 'Your %s Team',
00584 'ZOOM'                                                        => 'Zoom',
00585 'OXACTIVEFROM'                                                => 'Active from',
00586 'OXACTIVETO'                                                  => 'Active until',
00587 'OXARTNUM'                                                    => 'Product Number',
00588 'OXTITLE'                                                     => 'Title',
00589 'OXID'                                                        => 'Internal Identno.',
00590 'OXSHOPID'                                                    => 'Shop Identno.',
00591 'OXPARENTID'                                                  => 'Identno. Main Product',
00592 'OXACTIVE'                                                    => 'Active',
00593 'OXSHORTDESC'                                                 => 'Short Description',
00594 'OXLONGDESC'                                                  => 'Detailed Description',
00595 'OXPRICE'                                                     => 'Price',
00596 'OXPRICEA'                                                    => 'Price A',
00597 'OXPRICEB'                                                    => 'Price B',
00598 'OXPRICEC'                                                    => 'Price C',
00599 'OXBPRICE'                                                    => 'Price incl. tax',
00600 'OXTPRICE'                                                    => 'Old Price',
00601 'OXEXTURL'                                                    => 'External URL',
00602 'OXUNITNAME'                                                  => 'Unit',
00603 'OXUNITQUANTITY'                                              => 'Quantity Unit',
00604 'OXURLDESC'                                                   => 'URL Description',
00605 'OXURLIMG'                                                    => 'External URL image',
00606 'OXVAT'                                                       => 'Product VAT',
00607 'OXTHUMB'                                                     => 'Preview Picture',
00608 'OXPIC1'                                                      => 'Picture1',
00609 'OXPIC2'                                                      => 'Picture2',
00610 'OXPIC3'                                                      => 'Picture3',
00611 'OXPIC4'                                                      => 'Picture4',
00612 'OXPIC5'                                                      => 'Picture5',
00613 'OXPIC6'                                                      => 'Picture6',
00614 'OXPIC7'                                                      => 'Picture7',
00615 'OXPIC8'                                                      => 'Picture8',
00616 'OXPIC9'                                                      => 'Picture9',
00617 'OXPIC10'                                                     => 'Picture10',
00618 'OXPIC11'                                                     => 'Picture11',
00619 'OXPIC12'                                                     => 'Picture12',
00620 'OXZOOM1'                                                     => 'Zoom Picture 1',
00621 'OXZOOM2'                                                     => 'Zoom Picture 2',
00622 'OXZOOM3'                                                     => 'Zoom Picture 3',
00623 'OXZOOM4'                                                     => 'Zoom Picture 4',
00624 'OXWEIGHT'                                                    => 'Weight',
00625 'OXSTOCK'                                                     => 'Stock',
00626 'OXSTOCKACTIVE'                                               => 'Stock Control Active',
00627 'OXSTOCKFLAG'                                                 => 'Stock Flag',
00628 'OXDELIVERY'                                                  => 'Shipped on',
00629 'OXINSERT'                                                    => 'Created on',
00630 'OXTIMESTAMP'                                                 => 'Last Modification',
00631 'OXLENGTH'                                                    => 'Length',
00632 'OXWIDTH'                                                     => 'Width',
00633 'OXHEIGHT'                                                    => 'Height',
00634 'OXFILE'                                                      => 'File',
00635 'OXSEARCHKEYS'                                                => 'Search Keys',
00636 'OXTEMPLATE'                                                  => 'alt. Template',
00637 'OXQUESTIONEMAIL'                                             => 'E-mail for question',
00638 'OXISSEARCH'                                                  => 'Is searchable',
00639 'OXISCONFIGURABLE'                                            => 'Product is customizable',
00640 'OXVARNAME'                                                   => 'Variant Name',
00641 'OXVARMINPRICE'                                               => 'Price',
00642 'OXFOLDER'                                                    => 'Folder',
00643 'OXSORT'                                                      => 'Sorting',
00644 'OXSOLDAMOUNT'                                                => 'Quantity Sold',
00645 'OXNONMATERIAL'                                               => 'Immaterial',
00646 'OXFREESHIPPING'                                              => 'Free Shipping',
00647 'OXREMINDACTIVE'                                              => 'Low stock e-mail active',
00648 'OXREMINDAMOUNT'                                              => 'Low stock threshold',
00649 'OXVENDORID'                                                  => 'Vendor ID',
00650 'OXMANUFACTURERID'                                            => 'Manufacturer ID',
00651 'OXVARCOUNT'                                                  => 'Variant count',
00652 'OXSHOPINCL'                                                  => 'Shop include',
00653 'OXSHOPEXCL'                                                  => 'Shop exclude',
00654 'OXEAN'                                                       => 'EAN',
00655 'OXMPN'                                                       => 'MPN',
00656 'OXDISTEAN'                                                   => 'Vendor EAN',
00657 'OXSTOCKTEXT'                                                 => 'In-Stock Message',
00658 'OXNOSTOCKTEXT'                                               => 'Out-Of-Stock Mess.',
00659 'OXSKIPDISCOUNTS'                                             => 'Skip discounts',
00660 'OXRATINGCNT'                                                 => 'Rating Count',
00661 'OXRATING'                                                    => 'Rating',
00662 'OXRRVIEW'                                                    => 'Exclusive viewable',
00663 'OXRRBUY'                                                     => 'Exclusive buyable',
00664 'OXORDERINFO'                                                 => 'Order info',
00665 'OXSEOID'                                                     => 'SEOID',
00666 'OXMINDELTIME'                                                => 'Min. delivery time',
00667 'OXMAXDELTIME'                                                => 'Max. delivery time',
00668 'OXDELTIMEUNIT'                                               => 'Delivery time unit',
00669 'OXVPE'                                                       => 'Packingunit',
00670 'OXBUNDLEID'                                                  => 'Bundle Identno',
00671 'OXVARSTOCK'                                                  => 'Variant Stock',
00672 'ERROR_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_WAS_CHANGED_DURING_CHECKOUT'          => 'Billing or shipping address have been changed during checkout. Please check again.',
00673 'FACEBOOK_ENABLEINFOLINK'                                     => 'View information about the data transmission.',
00674 'FACEBOOK_ENABLELINK'                                         => 'DISPLAY FACEBOOK CONTENT',
00675 'FACEBOOK_ENABLETEXT'                                         => 'Data is transmitted to Facebook.',
00676 'FACEBOOK_ENABLE_INFOTEXTHEADER'                              => 'Notes on data protection using Facebook plug-ins',
00677 '_UNIT_KG'                                                    => 'kg',
00678 '_UNIT_G'                                                     => 'g',
00679 '_UNIT_L'                                                     => 'l',
00680 '_UNIT_ML'                                                    => 'ml',
00681 '_UNIT_CM'                                                    => 'cm',
00682 '_UNIT_MM'                                                    => 'mm',
00683 '_UNIT_M'                                                     => 'm',
00684 '_UNIT_M2'                                                    => 'm�',
00685 '_UNIT_M3'                                                    => 'm�',
00686 '_UNIT_PIECE'                                                 => 'piece',
00687 '_UNIT_ITEM'                                                  => 'item',
00688 'DOWNLOADS_EMPTY'                                             => 'You have not ordered any files yet.',
00689 'DOWNLOADS_PAYMENT_PENDING'                                   => 'Payment of the order is not yet complete.',
00690 'MY_DOWNLOADS'                                                => 'My Downloads',
00691 'MY_DOWNLOADS_DESC'                                           => 'Download your ordered files here.',
00692 'MESSAGE_MY_DOWNLOADS_LINK_EXPIRED'                           => 'Download link has been expired, try it now.',
00693 'LINK_VALID_UNTIL'                                            => 'Download link is valid until',
00694 'LEFT_DOWNLOADS'                                              => 'Remaining downloads',
00695 'START_DOWNLOADING_UNTIL'                                     => 'Please, start downloading until',
00696 'DOWNLOAD_LINK_EXPIRED_OR_MAX_COUNT_RECEIVED'                 => 'Download link expired or max. number of downloads reached.',
00697 'MONTH_NAME_1'                                                => 'January',
00698 'MONTH_NAME_2'                                                => 'February',
00699 'MONTH_NAME_3'                                                => 'March',
00700 'MONTH_NAME_4'                                                => 'April',
00701 'MONTH_NAME_5'                                                => 'May',
00702 'MONTH_NAME_6'                                                => 'June',
00703 'MONTH_NAME_7'                                                => 'July',
00704 'MONTH_NAME_8'                                                => 'August',
00705 'MONTH_NAME_9'                                                => 'September',
00706 'MONTH_NAME_10'                                               => 'October',
00707 'MONTH_NAME_11'                                               => 'November',
00708 'MONTH_NAME_12'                                               => 'December',
00709 'COOKIE_NOTE'                                                 => 'This online shop is using cookies to give you the best shopping expierience. Thereby for example the session information or language setting are stored on your computer. Without cookies the range of the online shop\'s functionality is limited.',
00710 'COOKIE_NOTE_DISAGREE'                                        => 'If you do not agree, please click here.',
00711 'BASKET_TOTAL_WRAPPING_COSTS_NET'                             => 'Gift Wrapping (net)',
00712 'BASKET_TOTAL_GIFTCARD_COSTS_NET'                             => 'Greeting Card (net)',
00713 'BASKET_TOTAL_PLUS_PROPORTIONAL_VAT'                          => 'plus VAT (proportionally calculated)',
00714 'PROPORTIONALLY_CALCULATED'                                   => 'Proportionally calculated',
00715 'PRICE_FROM'                                                  => 'from',
00716 'PAGE_TITLE_BASKET'                                           => 'Cart',
00717 'PAGE_TITLE_USER'                                             => 'Shipping Address',
00718 'PAGE_TITLE_PAYMENT'                                          => 'Payment Methods',
00719 'PAGE_TITLE_ORDER'                                            => 'Order',
00720 'PAGE_TITLE_THANKYOU'                                         => 'Thank You',
00721 'PAGE_TITLE_REGISTER'                                         => 'Register',
00722 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT'                                          => 'My Account',
00723 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_ORDER'                                    => 'My Order History',
00724 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_DOWNLOADS'                                => 'My Downloads',
00725 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_NOTICELIST'                               => 'My wish list',
00726 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_WISHLIST'                                 => 'My gift registry',
00727 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_RECOMMLIST'                               => 'Listmania',
00728 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD'                                 => 'Change Password',
00729 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_NEWSLETTER'                               => 'Newsletter Settings',
00730 'PAGE_TITLE_ACCOUNT_USER'                                     => 'Billing and shipping settings',
00731 'PAGE_TITLE_COMPARE'                                          => 'Product Compare',
00732 'PAGE_TITLE_GUESTBOOK'                                        => 'Guest book',
00733 'PAGE_TITLE_WISHLIST'                                         => 'Wishlist',
00734 'PAGE_TITLE_CONTACT'                                          => 'Contact',
00735 'PAGE_TITLE_LINKS'                                            => 'Links',
00736 'PAGE_TITLE_SEARCH'                                           => 'Search',
00737 'PAGE_TITLE_TAGS'                                             => 'Tags',
00738 'PAGE_TITLE_CLEARCOOKIES'                                     => 'Information about Cookies',
00739 'PAGE_TITLE_NEWS'                                             => 'News',
00740 'PAGE_TITLE_SUGGEST'                                          => 'Recommend product',
00741 'PAGE_TITLE_INVITE'                              => 'Invite your friends',
00742 'PAGE_TITLE_REVIEW'                                           => 'Review',
00744 'WISHLIST_PRODUCTS'                                           => 'These products are on the wish list of %s. If you want to please him/her, purchase one or multiple of these products.',
00747 'BETA_NOTE'                                                   => 'Welcome to Release Candidate ',
00748 'BETA_NOTE_MIDDLE'                                            => ' of OXID eShop ',
00749 'BETA_NOTE_FAQ'                                               => '. Please refer to our %s if you have any questions.',
00752 'NO_LISTMANIA_LIST'                                           => 'There is no Listmania lists at the moment. To create a new list, please ',
00753 'DETAILS_VPE_MESSAGE'                                         => 'This product can only be ordered in packaging units of %s',
00754 'DETAILS_CHOOSEVARIANT'                                       => 'Please select a variant',
00755 'INVITE_TO_SHOP'                                              => 'An invitation from %s to visit %s',
00756 'PAYMENT_INFO_OFF'                                            => 'PAYMENT INFORMATION SWITCHED OFF - to switch it on please edit application/views/[theme]/email/html/order_owner.tpl.',
00757 'DISTRIBUTORS'                                                => 'Distributors',
00758 'MANUFACTURERS'                                               => 'Brands',
00759 'SERVICES'                                                    => 'Service',
00760 'FORM_FIELDSET_USER_SHIPPING_ADDITIONALINFO2_TOOLTIP'         => '', // this is specifically for DHL
00761 'FORM_FIELDSET_USER_BILLING_ADDITIONALINFO_TOOLTIP'           => '', // this is specifically for DHL
00762 'SHOP_SUGGEST_MESSAGE'                                        => 'Hello, I was looking at %s today and found something that might be interesting for you. Just click on the link below and you will be directed to the shop.',
00763 'SHOP_SUGGEST_BUY_FOR_ME'                                     => 'Hi, I created a Gift Registry at %s . Great if you could buy something for me.',
00764 'GIFT_REGISTRY_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY'                             => 'Your Gift Registry was sent successfully to: %s ',
00765 'INCLUDE_VAT'                                                 => 'incl. VAT',
00766 'COD_CHARGE'                                                  => 'COD Charge',
00767 'REGISTERED_YOUR_ORDER'                                       => 'We registered your order under the number: %s ',
00768 'THANK_YOU_FOR_ORDER'                                         => 'Thank you for your order in',
00769 'PRICE_ALERT_THANK_YOU_MESSAGE'                               => 'Thank you. %s appreciates your comments. We will inform you as soon as the price falls below %s %s.',
00770 'THANK_YOU_MESSAGE'                                           => 'Thank you. %s appreciates your comments.',
00773 'ALL_BRANDS'                                                  => 'All Brands',
00774 'BY_BRAND'                                                    => 'By Brand',
00775 'BY_MANUFACTURER'                                             => 'By Manufacturer',
00776 'BY_VENDOR'                                                   => 'By Distributor',
00777 'SEARCH_RESULT'                                               => 'Search result for "%s"',
00778 'EMAIL_SENDDOWNLOADS_GREETING'                                => 'Hello',
00779 'DOWNLOAD_LINKS'                                              => 'Download links',
00780 'ORDER_SHIPPED_TO'                                            => 'The order is shipped to',
00781 'PRODUCT_RATING'                                              => 'Product Rating',
00782 'SHIPMENT_TRACKING'                                           => 'Your shipment tracking URL',
00783 'INFO_ABOUT_COOKIES'                                          => 'Information about Cookies',
00784 'PARTNERS'                                                    => 'Partners',
00786 );