This is the complete list of members for
oxStrRegular, including all inherited members.
$_aUmlEntities | oxStrRegular | [protected] |
$_aUmls | oxStrRegular | [protected] |
$_sEncoding | oxStrRegular | [protected] |
__construct() | oxStrRegular | |
cleanStr($sStr, $sCleanChr= ' ') | oxStrRegular | |
hasSpecialChars($sStr) | oxStrRegular | |
html_entity_decode($sString, $iQuotStyle=ENT_QUOTES) | oxStrRegular | |
htmlentities($sString, $iQuotStyle=ENT_QUOTES) | oxStrRegular | |
htmlspecialchars($sString, $iQuotStyle=ENT_QUOTES) | oxStrRegular | |
jsonEncode($data) | oxStrRegular | |
preg_match($sPattern, $sSubject, &$aMatches=null, $iFlags=null, $iOffset=null) | oxStrRegular | |
preg_match_all($sPattern, $sSubject, &$aMatches=null, $iFlags=null, $iOffset=null) | oxStrRegular | |
preg_replace($sPattern, $sString, $sSubject, $iLimit=-1, $iCount=null) | oxStrRegular | |
preg_replace_callback($pattern, $callback, $subject, $limit=-1, &$count=null) | oxStrRegular | |
preg_split($sPattern, $sString, $iLimit=-1, $iFlag=0) | oxStrRegular | |
recodeEntities($sInput, $blToHtmlEntities=false, $aUmls=array(), $aUmlEntities=array()) | oxStrRegular | |
strip_tags($sString, $sAllowableTags= '') | oxStrRegular | |
strlen($sStr) | oxStrRegular | |
strpos($sHaystack, $sNeedle, $iOffset=null) | oxStrRegular | |
strrcmp($sStr1, $sStr2) | oxStrRegular | |
strstr($sHaystack, $sNeedle) | oxStrRegular | |
strtolower($sString) | oxStrRegular | |
strtoupper($sString) | oxStrRegular | |
substr($sStr, $iStart, $iLength=null) | oxStrRegular | |
ucfirst($sSubject) | oxStrRegular | |
wordwrap($sString, $iLength=75, $sBreak="\n", $blCut=null) | oxStrRegular | |