This is the complete list of members for oxSeoEncoderCategory, including all inherited members.
$_aCache | oxSeoEncoder | protectedstatic |
$_aCatCache | oxSeoEncoderCategory | protected |
$_aFixedCache | oxSeoEncoder | protectedstatic |
$_aReservedEntryKeys | oxSeoEncoder | protectedstatic |
$_aReservedWords | oxSeoEncoder | protectedstatic |
$_blIsAdmin | oxSuperCfg | protectedstatic |
$_iIdLength | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
$_iMaxUrlLength | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
$_oActUser | oxSuperCfg | protectedstatic |
$_oConfig | oxSuperCfg | protectedstatic |
$_oRights | oxSuperCfg | protectedstatic |
$_oSession | oxSuperCfg | protectedstatic |
$_sAddParams | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
$_sCacheKey | oxSeoEncoder | protectedstatic |
$_sPrefix | oxSeoEncoder | protectedstatic |
$_sSeparator | oxSeoEncoder | protectedstatic |
__call($sMethod, $aArgs) | oxSuperCfg | |
__construct() | oxSeoEncoder | |
_categoryUrlLoader($oCat, $iLang) | oxSeoEncoderCategory | protected |
_copyToHistory($sId, $iShopId, $iLang, $sType=null, $sNewId=null) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getAltUri($sObjectId, $iLang) | oxSeoEncoderCategory | protected |
_getCacheKey($sType, $iLang=null, $iShopId=null, $sParams=null) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getCategoryCacheId($oCat, $iLang) | oxSeoEncoderCategory | private |
_getDynamicUri($sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $iLang) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getFullUrl($sSeoUrl, $iLang=null, $blSsl=false) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getMaxUrlLength() | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getPageUri($oObject, $sType, $sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $sParams, $iLang=null, $blFixed=false) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getReservedEntryKeys() | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getSeoIdent($sSeoUrl) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getStaticObjectId($iShopId, $sStdUrl) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getStaticUri($sStdUrl, $iShopId, $iLang) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getUniqueSeoUrl($sSeoUrl, $sObjectId=null, $iObjectLang=null) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_getUrlExtension() | oxSeoEncoderCategory | protected |
_isFixed($sType, $sId, $iLang, $iShopId=null, $sParams=null, $blStrictParamsCheck=true) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_loadFromCache($sCacheIdent, $sType, $iLang=null, $iShopId=null, $sParams=null) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_loadFromDb($sType, $sId, $iLang, $iShopId=null, $sParams=null, $blStrictParamsCheck=true) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_prepareTitle($sTitle, $blSkipTruncate=false, $iLang=false) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_prepareUri($sUri, $iLang=false) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_processSeoUrl($sSeoUrl, $sObjectId=null, $iLang=null, $blExclude=false) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_saveInCache($sCacheIdent, $sCache, $sType, $iLang=null, $iShopId=null, $sParams=null) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_saveToDb($sType, $sObjectId, $sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $iLang, $iShopId=null, $blFixed=null, $sParams=null) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
_trimUrl($sUrl, $iLang=null) | oxSeoEncoder | protected |
addLanguageParam($sSeoUrl, $iLang) | oxSeoEncoder | |
addSeoEntry($sObjectId, $iShopId, $iLang, $sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $sType, $blFixed=1, $sKeywords= '', $sDescription= '', $sParams= '', $blExclude=false, $sAltObjectId=null) | oxSeoEncoder | |
copyStaticUrls($iShopId) | oxSeoEncoder | |
deleteSeoEntry($sObjectId, $iShopId, $iLang, $sType) | oxSeoEncoder | |
encodeStaticUrls($aStaticUrl, $iShopId, $iLang) | oxSeoEncoder | |
encodeString($sString, $blReplaceChars=true, $iLang=false) | oxSeoEncoder | |
fetchSeoUrl($sStdUrl, $iLanguage=null) | oxSeoEncoder | |
getCategoryPageUrl($oCategory, $iPage, $iLang=null, $blFixed=null) | oxSeoEncoderCategory | |
getCategoryUri($oCat, $iLang=null, $blRegenerate=false) | oxSeoEncoderCategory | |
getCategoryUrl($oCategory, $iLang=null) | oxSeoEncoderCategory | |
getConfig() | oxSuperCfg | |
getDynamicObjectId($iShopId, $sStdUrl) | oxSeoEncoder | |
getDynamicUrl($sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $iLang) | oxSeoEncoder | |
getMetaData($sObjectId, $sMetaType, $iShopId=null, $iLang=null) | oxSeoEncoder | |
getSession() | oxSuperCfg | |
getStaticUrl($sStdUrl, $iLang=null, $iShopId=null) | oxSeoEncoder | |
getUser() | oxSuperCfg | |
isAdmin() | oxSuperCfg | |
markAsExpired($sId, $iShopId=null, $iExpStat=1, $iLang=null, $sParams=null) | oxSeoEncoder | |
markRelatedAsExpired($oCategory) | oxSeoEncoderCategory | |
onDeleteCategory($oCategory) | oxSeoEncoderCategory | |
setAdminMode($blAdmin) | oxSuperCfg | |
setConfig($oConfig) | oxSuperCfg | |
setIdLength($iIdlength=null) | oxSeoEncoder | |
setPrefix($sPrefix) | oxSeoEncoder | |
setReservedWords($aReservedWords) | oxSeoEncoder | |
setSeparator($sSeparator=null) | oxSeoEncoder | |
setSession($oSession) | oxSuperCfg | |
setUser($oUser) | oxSuperCfg |