Update from 6.0.0 beta or release candidates to 6.0.0 final

Prepare update of OXID eShop Compilation to v6.0.0

Before updating OXID eShop compilation it is necessary to perform preparative steps for the following modules, which are included in the compilation.

Visual CMS (only Professional and Enterprise Edition)

This module will be updated from version 2.0.0 to version 3.0.0 by the compilation update

  1. Go to OXID eShop Admin ‣ Extensions ‣ Modules ‣ Visual CMS: click “deactivate”

  2. In the file system of your HTTP server: backup the folder <project_root>source/modules/ddoe/visualcms (optional)

  3. In the file system of your HTTP server: remove the folder <project_root>"source/modules/ddoe/visualcms

  4. Go to OXID eShop Admin ‣ Extensions ‣ Modules ‣ Installed Modules. You will see the message ‘Invalid modules detected’. ‘Do you want to delete all registered module information and saved configurations?’ Click ‘Yes

VisualCMS Widgets Migration

If you have created own shortcode classes by extending the class ddvisualeditor_shortcode, change your shortcode class parent from ddvisualeditor_shortcode to \OxidEsales\VisualCmsModule\Application\Model\VisualEditorShortcode

class your_shortcode extends \OxidEsales\VisualCmsModule\Application\Model\VisualEditorShortcode

Note: Do not add your shortcode classes themselves to any namespace.

WYSIWYG Editor + Mediathek

This module will be updated from version 1.0.0 to version 2.0.0 by the compilation update

  1. Go to OXID eShop Admin ‣ Extensions ‣ Modules ‣ WYSIWYG Editor + Mediathek: click “deactivate”

  2. In the file system of your HTTP server: backup the folder <project_root>source/modules/ddoe/wysiwyg (optional)

  3. In the file system of your HTTP server: remove the folder <project_root>source/modules/ddoe/wysiwyg

  4. Go to OXID eShop Admin ‣ Extensions ‣ Modules ‣ Installed Modules. You will see the message ‘Invalid modules detected’. ‘Do you want to delete all registered module information and saved configurations?’ Click ‘Yes

Update of OXID eShop Compilation to v6.0.0

1. Change the metapackage version

On your HTTP server, please edit <project_root>composer.json and update the metapackage version to ^v6.0.0

"require": {
  "oxid-esales/oxideshop-metapackage-ce": "^v6.0.0"

Note: If you are using a different edition of OXID eShop the require string may differ.

2. Update requirements and plug-ins

In the CLI of your HTTP server run composer update without executing scripts or plugins:

cd <project_root>
composer update --no-plugins --no-scripts

3. Execute script tasks and composer plug-in tasks

In the CLI of your HTTP server run by running composer update without parameters:

cd <project_root>
composer update

4. Execute the OXID eShop migrations

In the CLI of your HTTP server run:

cd <project_root>
vendor/bin/oe-eshop-db_migrate migrations:migrate

5. Re-activate specific modules

  1. Go to OXID eShop Admin ‣ Extensions ‣ Modules ‣ Visual CMS: click “activate”

  2. Go to OXID eShop Admin ‣ Extensions ‣ Modules ‣ WYSIWYG Editor + Mediathek: click “activate”