How to use events

There are three steps:

  1. Choosing the event(s) you want to subscribe to

  2. Writing the event subscriber

  3. Registering the event subscriber in the DI container

Choosing the event(s)

First you need to find the event you want to react to. Look in the different sections here in the developer documentation which event(s) you want to subscribe to.

For our example here we chose two events, the AfterModelInsertEvent and the AfterModelUpdateEvent. What we want to do is to write a log entry every time a new model object is saved or updated in the database.

Writing the subscriber

We want our subscriber class ModelLoggerEventSubscriber to be shopaware, that means, it should be only triggered in sub shops where the module, in which this event subscriber is implemented, is activated. To achieve this, we inherit from AbstractShopAwareEventSubscriber.

The subscriber class is very simple. It has a constructor, a handler method and one static method.

Let’s begin with the constructor. The constructor expects a PSR compatible logger. Apart from that type hinting is always a good practice, we need it here explicitly because we want to autowire the logger in the DI container, so this type hint is necessary.

The next method logDatabaseActivity() does exactly this: It writes the information to the logfile by using the injected PSR logger. It takes the event as a parameter from which we can extract the payload of the event, in this case the model object that is saved to the database. What the payload of the event is and what methods you may expect depends on each event, so consult the documentation / the event code what you may get here.

And last not least there is this static method called getSubscribedEvents(). This is necessary to implement because it’s used by the Symfony event dispatching mechanism. It returns an associative array where the event names are the keys and the method name in the subscriber is the value that is called. It is the convention for OXID events that the have a static property NAME that gives the name of the event, so use this static property in getSubscribedEvents(). In our example here we use for both events the same handler method, but there could also be a different method for each event. This is completely up to you.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace OxidEsales\Eventexample;

use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Event\AbstractShopAwareEventSubscriber;
use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Transition\ShopEvents\AfterModelInsertEvent;
use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Transition\ShopEvents\AfterModelUpdateEvent;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;

class ModelLoggerEventSubscriber extends AbstractShopAwareEventSubscriber

  /** @var LoggerInterface */
  private $logger;

  public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger)
      $this->logger = $logger;

  public function logDatabaseActivity(Event $event)
      $model = $event->getModel();
      $id = "unknown";
      try {
          $id = $model->getId();
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
          // pass

      $this->logger->info("Saved object of type " . get_class($model) . " with id " . $id);


  public static function getSubscribedEvents()
      return [AfterModelUpdateEvent::NAME => 'logDatabaseActivity',
              AfterModelInsertEvent::NAME => 'logDatabaseActivity'];

Registering the event subscriber

Just add a services.yaml file to your module. This file should look like this for our example:


    public: false
    autowire: true

    class: OxidEsales\Eventexample\ModelLoggerEventSubscriber
    tags: ['kernel.event_subscriber']

The _defaults section is not strictly necessary since there is only one service defined. But normally you module would have several services so it makes sense to introduce a defaults section and mark all services as private and that they should be autowired. This is also the default for OXID service definitions, so make it a habit to include this in all your services.yaml files also.

Then there is the quite simple service definition. We use the class path of the subscriber as key for the service. In principle we could have used any string, but it is also good practice to use something truly unique, so the fully qualified class name is a good choice (if there would be a unique interface, it would even be better, but since every event subscriber implements the same interface this is not a good choice here).

And then there is the class and the tag that qualifies this service as an event subscriber. That’s all. Instantiating the class, injecting the logger and calling the event handler method is all handled by the Symfony DI container, when this event is announced in the OXID eShop.