Module settings

OXID eShop module functionality has a feature which allows easily configure module settings via admin web interface.

Using module settings

To use module settings feature you need to define module settings in your module metadata.php file. How the settings structure looks please check settings documentation page.

When settings are described, module configuration must be installed, the command can be found in module development document.

In OXID eShop admin backend settings will be displayed in: Extensions ‣ Modules, please select your module and click Settings.

Changing settings in non standard way

In case there is a need to change module setting not through the standard way (see section above), but a custom way. For example you want to have custom settings page for your module. To achieve this you still need to define all of the settings in metadata.php file. If you don’t want that these settings would be displayed in Settings page, don’t add group. To save settings OXID eShop has settings service which allows to save them:

use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Module\Facade\ModuleSettingServiceInterface;

$moduleSettingService = ContainerFactory::getInstance()
$moduleSettingService->saveString('setting-name', 'value', 'module-id');

ModuleSettingServiceInterface has multiple methods for different data types (string, bool, int, collection/array) which should be used depending on type of your setting. Settings service will persist setting into the configuration yaml file. More info about configuration files please read in module configuration documentation.

Receiving module setting

In OXID eShop backend to receive module setting please use settings service. Example bellow:

use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Module\Facade\ModuleSettingServiceInterface;

$moduleSettingService = ContainerFactory::getInstance()
$moduleSettingService->getString('setting-name', 'module-id');

The service will return cached value from the configuration file.


Since v7.0 shop doesn’t store module settings in the database. You can’t receive a module setting from Config class or oxconfig table.