

Watch a short video tutorial on YouTube: Module Settings.


In this section all module configuration options are registered. In the eShop admin, users can configure modules according these settings. The settings can be translated and you can access the values in your php code.


Array of associative arrays. Array keys:

  • Each module setting belongs to a group (key group). This key is mandatory to display the setting in the default module settings tab. If you want to hide it instead, see hiding settings for more information.

  • The mandatory key name is used for getting and storing the setting. It is best practice to prefix it with your module id to avoid name collisions with other modules.

  • The key type is mandatory. Possible values are str, bool, num (integer or float), arr (array), aarr (associative array), select (multiple options, translation possible), password. If type is select, you have to define the possible values by another key constraints.

  • The key value sets a default value and is also mandatory. The keys type and value have to fit, see example below.

  • The optional parameter position sets the order of module settings shown in the eShop admin.




In PHP classes you can query your module settings with the settings bridge.

In templates you have to use the Config class:

{% set oConfig = oViewConf.getConfig() %}
{{ oConfig.getConfigParam('nameOfSetting') }}

Add translations of your module’s settings in each copy of the corresponding module_options.php file (see details in File and Folder structure).


'settings' => [
    /** Main */

    // If type equals select, the key constraints has to specify possible values.
        'group'       => 'oemoduletemplate_main',
        'name'        => 'oemoduletemplate_GreetingMode',
        'type'        => 'select',
        'constraints' => 'generic|personal',
        'value'       => 'generic'
        'group' => 'oemoduletemplate_main',
        'name'  => 'oemoduletemplate_BrandName',
        'type'  => 'str',
        'value' => 'Testshop'
        'group' => 'oemoduletemplate_main',
        'name'  => 'oemoduletemplate_LoggerEnabled',
        'type'  => 'bool',
        'value' => false
        'group' => 'oemoduletemplate_main',
        'name'  => 'oemoduletemplate_Timeout',
        'type'  => 'num',
        'value' => 30
        //'value' => 30.5
        'group' => 'oemoduletemplate_main',
        'name'  => 'oemoduletemplate_Categories',
        'type'  => 'arr',
        'value' => ['Sales', 'Manufacturers']
        'group' => 'oemoduletemplate_main',
        'name'  => 'oemoduletemplate_Channels',
        'type'  => 'aarr',
        'value' => ['1' => 'de', '2' => 'en']
        'group'    => 'oemoduletemplate_main',
        'name'     => 'oemoduletemplate_Password',
        'type'     => 'password',
        'value'    => 'changeMe',
        'position' => 3

Hiding settings

It is possible to hide module settings so they wouldn’t be displayed in module settings tab. This might be useful when you have custom settings page, but still want that the module would use all necessary OXID eShop functionality like storing settings data in project configuration files. More information about this feature please read modules configuration documentation).

You can hide module setting by simply not adding group when describing setting in metadata.php file.


'settings' => [
        'name'  => 'oemoduletemplate_BrandName',
        'type'  => 'str',
        'value' => 'Testshop'