Configuration parameters


The container cache must be rebuild after changing the value of a parameter.

Use the following command to easily and safely clear the cache:

./vendor/bin/oe-console oe:cache:clear

E-mail configuration

Disabling order notification e-mails

By default, when a new order is received, the system sends an e-mail to the customer and the shop owner.

If required, deactivate the sending of these e-mail notifications.

Disabling e-mail notifications can be useful, for example, if your ERP is responsible for sending out order confirmations. In this case, a log entry is created.


To disable order e-mail notifications, in the source/Internal/Utility/Email/services.yaml file, set the to true. true


If order notification e-mails are disabled, in source/log/oxideshop.log the following notice messages are logged to the system for informational purposes:

  • “Order email not sent to user due to disabled configuration option.”

  • “Order email not sent to owner due to disabled configuration option.”


The default log level is error. To have the notice messages logged, it’s necessary to set the log level parameter $this->sLogLevel in the file to notice.