Sorting tab
Unlike fast sorting, the products in a category can also be manually arranged in a certain way.

Clicking on Sort Categories in the Sorting tab opens a new window. All available products in the category will be displayed in the left-hand list. A value of 0 in the “Position” column for all products indicates that they haven’t been manually sorted yet.

Drag and drop the products into the right-hand list to rearrange them. The new order can be saved only after all products in a category have been moved to the New Sorting list.
If you make an error during sorting, you can easily delete the list and start fresh. Once you have arranged all products the way you wanted, click on Save new sorting` to write this order into the database. If you close the window and open it again, the current sort order will be displayed in the left-hand list. The products will have ascending numerical values in the “Position” column.
See also