Contact Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Contact:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Contact:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Contact window. Arranges "CONTACT" window, by creating form for user opinion (etc.) submission. After user correctly fulfils all required fields all information is sent to shop owner by email. OXID eShop -> CONTACT.

Definition at line 10 of file contact.php.

Public Member Functions

 render ()
 send ()
 getUserData ()
 getContactSubject ()
 getContactMessage ()
 getCaptcha ()
 getContactSendStatus ()

Protected Attributes

 $_aUserData = null
 $_sContactSubject = null
 $_sContactMessage = null
 $_oCaptcha = null
 $_blContactSendStatus = null
 $_sThisTemplate = 'contact.tpl'

Member Function Documentation

Contact.render (  ) 

Executes parent.render(), loads action articles and sets parameters (subject, message) used by template engine. Returns name of template to render contact._sThisTemplate

Template variables: c_subject, c_message, editval, useantispam


Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 65 of file contact.php.

Contact.send (  ) 

Composes and sends user written message, returns false if some parameters are missing.

Template variables: error, success


Definition at line 89 of file contact.php.

Contact.getUserData (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns entered user data


Definition at line 124 of file contact.php.

Contact.getContactSubject (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns entered user data


Definition at line 137 of file contact.php.

Contact.getContactMessage (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns entered user data


Definition at line 150 of file contact.php.

Contact.getCaptcha (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns object of handling CAPTCHA image


Definition at line 163 of file contact.php.

Contact.getContactSendStatus (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns status if email was send succesfull


Definition at line 176 of file contact.php.

Member Data Documentation

Contact.$_aUserData = null [protected]

Definition at line 16 of file contact.php.

Contact.$_sContactSubject = null [protected]

Definition at line 22 of file contact.php.

Contact.$_sContactMessage = null [protected]

Definition at line 28 of file contact.php.

Contact.$_oCaptcha = null [protected]

Definition at line 34 of file contact.php.

Contact.$_blContactSendStatus = null [protected]

Definition at line 40 of file contact.php.

Contact.$_sThisTemplate = 'contact.tpl' [protected]

Reimplemented from oxView.

Definition at line 46 of file contact.php.

Contact.$_iViewIndexState = VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW [protected]

Current view search engine indexing state: VIEW_INDEXSTATE_INDEX - index without limitations VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW - no index / no follow VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXFOLLOW - no index / follow

Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 53 of file contact.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Wed Apr 22 12:27:57 2009 for OXID eShop CE by  doxygen 1.5.5