Wishlist Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Wishlist:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Wishlist:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The wishlist of someone else is displayed.

Definition at line 6 of file wishlist.php.

Public Member Functions

 render ()
 getWishUser ()
 getWishList ()
 searchForWishList ()
 getWishListUsers ()
 getWishListSearchParam ()

Protected Attributes

 $_sThisTemplate = 'wishlist.tpl'
 $_oWishUser = null
 $_oWishList = null
 $_sSearchParam = null
 $_oWishListUsers = false
 $_blTop5Action = true
 $_blBargainAction = true

Member Function Documentation

Wishlist.render (  ) 

If passed wishlist ID - loads wishlist owner object, then it's wishlist (oxuser.GetBasket()) and then loads each stored article. Returns name of template file to render wishlist._sThisTemplate.

Template variables: wishuser, wishlist

Session variables: wishid

string $this->_sThisTemplate current template file name

Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 68 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.getWishUser (  ) 

return the user which is owner of the wish list

object | bool

Definition at line 90 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.getWishList (  ) 

return the articles which are in the wish list

object | bool

Definition at line 116 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.searchForWishList (  ) 

Searches for wishlist of another user. Returns false if no searching conditions set (no login name defined).

Template variables: wish_result, search


Definition at line 138 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.getWishListUsers (  ) 

Returns a list of users which were found according to search condition. If no users were found - false is returned

oxlist | bool

Definition at line 158 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.getWishListSearchParam (  ) 

Returns wish list search parameter


Definition at line 168 of file wishlist.php.

Member Data Documentation

Wishlist.$_sThisTemplate = 'wishlist.tpl' [protected]

Reimplemented from oxView.

Definition at line 13 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.$_oWishUser = null [protected]

user object list


Definition at line 20 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.$_oWishList = null [protected]

wishlist object list


Definition at line 27 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.$_sSearchParam = null [protected]

Definition at line 34 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.$_oWishListUsers = false [protected]

Definition at line 41 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.$_blTop5Action = true [protected]

Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 47 of file wishlist.php.

Wishlist.$_blBargainAction = true [protected]

Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 53 of file wishlist.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Wed Apr 22 12:35:48 2009 for OXID eShop CE by  doxygen 1.5.5