Public Member Functions |
| getTagUri ($sTag, $iLang=null, $sOxid=null) |
| getStdTagUri ($sTag, $blIncludeIndex=true) |
| getTagUrl ($sTag, $iLang=null) |
| getTagPageUrl ($sTag, $iPage, $iLang=null, $blFixed=false) |
| addLanguageParam ($sSeoUrl, $iLang) |
| __construct () |
| getDynamicObjectId ($iShopId, $sStdUrl) |
| encodeString ($sString, $blReplaceChars=true, $iLang=false) |
| setSeparator ($sSeparator=null) |
| setPrefix ($sPrefix) |
| setIdLength ($iIdlength=null) |
| setReservedWords ($aReservedWords) |
| markAsExpired ($sId, $iShopId=null, $iExpStat=1, $iLang=null, $sParams=null) |
| encodeStaticUrls ($aStaticUrl, $iShopId, $iLang) |
| copyStaticUrls ($iShopId) |
| getStaticUrl ($sStdUrl, $iLang=null, $iShopId=null) |
| addSeoEntry ($sObjectId, $iShopId, $iLang, $sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $sType, $blFixed=1, $sKeywords= '', $sDescription= '', $sParams= '', $blExclude=false, $sAltObjectId=null) |
| deleteSeoEntry ($sObjectId, $iShopId, $iLang, $sType) |
| getMetaData ($sObjectId, $sMetaType, $iShopId=null, $iLang=null) |
| getDynamicUrl ($sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $iLang) |
| fetchSeoUrl ($sStdUrl, $iLanguage=null) |
| __call ($sMethod, $aArgs) |
| getConfig () |
| setConfig ($oConfig) |
| getSession () |
| setSession ($oSession) |
| getUser () |
| setUser ($oUser) |
| isAdmin () |
| setAdminMode ($blAdmin) |
Protected Member Functions |
| _getDynamicTagUri ($sTag, $sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $iLang, $sOxid=null) |
| _prepareTag ($sTag) |
| _processSeoUrl ($sSeoUrl, $sObjectId=null, $iLang=null, $blExclude=false) |
| _copyToHistory ($sId, $iShopId, $iLang, $sType=null, $sNewId=null) |
| _getDynamicUri ($sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $iLang) |
| _getFullUrl ($sSeoUrl, $iLang=null, $blSsl=false) |
| _getSeoIdent ($sSeoUrl) |
| _getStaticUri ($sStdUrl, $iShopId, $iLang) |
| _getUrlExtension () |
| _getUniqueSeoUrl ($sSeoUrl, $sObjectId=null, $iObjectLang=null) |
| _isFixed ($sType, $sId, $iLang, $iShopId=null, $sParams=null, $blStrictParamsCheck=true) |
| _getCacheKey ($sType, $iLang=null, $iShopId=null, $sParams=null) |
| _loadFromCache ($sCacheIdent, $sType, $iLang=null, $iShopId=null, $sParams=null) |
| _saveInCache ($sCacheIdent, $sCache, $sType, $iLang=null, $iShopId=null, $sParams=null) |
| _loadFromDb ($sType, $sId, $iLang, $iShopId=null, $sParams=null, $blStrictParamsCheck=true) |
| _getReservedEntryKeys () |
| _prepareUri ($sUri, $iLang=false) |
| _prepareTitle ($sTitle, $blSkipTruncate=false, $iLang=false) |
| _saveToDb ($sType, $sObjectId, $sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $iLang, $iShopId=null, $blFixed=null, $sParams=null) |
| _trimUrl ($sUrl, $iLang=null) |
| _getMaxUrlLength () |
| _getPageUri ($oObject, $sType, $sStdUrl, $sSeoUrl, $sParams, $iLang=null, $blFixed=false) |
| _getStaticObjectId ($iShopId, $sStdUrl) |
| _getAltUri ($sObjectId, $iLang) |
Seo encoder base
- Deprecated:
- v5.3 (2016-05-04); Tags will be moved to own module.
Definition at line 8 of file oxseoencodertag.php.