Go to the source code of this file.
Variables | |
database information | |
$this | dbHost = '<dbHost_ce>' |
$this | dbName = '<dbName_ce>' |
$this | dbUser = '<dbUser_ce>' |
$this | dbPwd = '<dbPwd_ce>' |
$this | dbType = 'mysql' |
$this | sShopURL = '<sShopURL_ce>' |
$this | sSSLShopURL = null |
$this | sAdminSSLURL = null |
$this | sShopDir = '<sShopDir_ce>' |
$this | sCompileDir = '<sCompileDir_ce>' |
$this | iUtfMode = '<iUtfMode>' |
$this | aAllowedUploadTypes = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'pdf', 'mp3', 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'doc', 'xls', 'ppt') |
$this | sOXIDPHP = "oxid.php" |
$this | iDebug = 0 |
$this | blLogChangesInAdmin = false |
$this | sAdminEmail = '' |
$this | blForceSessionStart = false |
$this | blSessionUseCookies = true |
$this | aCookieDomains = null |
$this | aCookiePaths = null |
$this | aRobots |
$this | aRobotsExcept = array() |
$this | aTrustedIPs = array() |
$this | iBasketReservationCleanPerRequest = 200 |
$this | sTsProtectionUrl = "https://protection.trustedshops.com/ts/protectionservices/ApplicationRequestService?wsdl" |
$this | sTsTestProtectionUrl = "https://protection-qa.trustedshops.com/ts/protectionservices/ApplicationRequestService?wsdl" |
$this | sTsUser = "oxid_esales" |
$this | sTsPass = "V1AoGEXm" |
$this | aTsConfig |
$this | sTsServiceWsdl = "https://www.trustedshops.de/ts/services/TsRating?wsdl" |
$this | sTsServiceTestWsdl = "https://qa.trustedshops.de/ts/services/TsRating?wsdl" |
$this | blDebugTemplateBlocks = false |
$this | blSeoLogging = false |
$this | aUserComponentNames = null |
$this | sDefaultDatabaseConnection = '' |
$this | aMultiLangTables = null |
$this | blUseCron = false |
$this | blDoNotDisableModuleOnError = false |
$this | captchaKey = '<captchaKey>' |
$this aAllowedUploadTypes = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'pdf', 'mp3', 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'doc', 'xls', 'ppt') |
Definition at line 19 of file config.inc.php.
$this aCookieDomains = null |
Definition at line 57 of file config.inc.php.
$this aCookiePaths = null |
Definition at line 61 of file config.inc.php.
$this aMultiLangTables = null |
Additional multi language tables
Definition at line 162 of file config.inc.php.
$this aRobots |
Definition at line 69 of file config.inc.php.
$this aRobotsExcept = array() |
Definition at line 88 of file config.inc.php.
$this aTrustedIPs = array() |
Definition at line 91 of file config.inc.php.
$this aTsConfig |
Definition at line 118 of file config.inc.php.
$this aUserComponentNames = null |
To override oxubase::_aUserComponentNames use this array option: array keys are component(class) names and array values defines if component is cacheable (true/false) e.g. array("user_class" => false);
Definition at line 152 of file config.inc.php.
$this blDebugTemplateBlocks = false |
should template blocks be highlighted in frontend ? this is mainly intended for module writers in non productive environment
Definition at line 139 of file config.inc.php.
$this blDoNotDisableModuleOnError = false |
Do not disable module if class from extension path does not exist.
Definition at line 173 of file config.inc.php.
$this blForceSessionStart = false |
Definition at line 50 of file config.inc.php.
$this blLogChangesInAdmin = false |
Definition at line 43 of file config.inc.php.
$this blSeoLogging = false |
should requests, coming via stdurl and not redirected to seo url be logged to seologs db table? note: only active if in productive mode, as the eShop in non productive more will always log such urls
Definition at line 145 of file config.inc.php.
$this blSessionUseCookies = true |
Definition at line 53 of file config.inc.php.
$this blUseCron = false |
Instructs shop that price update is perfomed by cron (time based job sheduler)
Definition at line 167 of file config.inc.php.
$this captchaKey = '<captchaKey>' |
Captcha encryption key.
Definition at line 178 of file config.inc.php.
$this dbHost = '<dbHost_ce>' |
Definition at line 4 of file config.inc.php.
$this dbName = '<dbName_ce>' |
Definition at line 5 of file config.inc.php.
$this dbPwd = '<dbPwd_ce>' |
Definition at line 7 of file config.inc.php.
$this dbType = 'mysql' |
Definition at line 8 of file config.inc.php.
$this dbUser = '<dbUser_ce>' |
Definition at line 6 of file config.inc.php.
$this iBasketReservationCleanPerRequest = 200 |
Works only if basket reservations feature is enabled in admin.
The number specifies how many expired basket reservations are cleaned per one request (to the eShop). Cleaning a reservation basically means returning the reserved stock to the articles.
Keeping this number too low may cause article stock being returned too slowly, while too high value may have spiking impact on the performance.
Definition at line 104 of file config.inc.php.
$this iDebug = 0 |
Definition at line 40 of file config.inc.php.
$this iUtfMode = '<iUtfMode>' |
Definition at line 16 of file config.inc.php.
$this sAdminEmail = '' |
Definition at line 46 of file config.inc.php.
$this sAdminSSLURL = null |
Definition at line 11 of file config.inc.php.
$this sCompileDir = '<sCompileDir_ce>' |
Definition at line 13 of file config.inc.php.
$this sDefaultDatabaseConnection = '' |
Default database conection character set
Definition at line 157 of file config.inc.php.
$this sOXIDPHP = "oxid.php" |
Definition at line 27 of file config.inc.php.
$this sShopDir = '<sShopDir_ce>' |
Definition at line 12 of file config.inc.php.
$this sShopURL = '<sShopURL_ce>' |
Definition at line 9 of file config.inc.php.
$this sSSLShopURL = null |
Definition at line 10 of file config.inc.php.
$this sTsPass = "V1AoGEXm" |
Definition at line 115 of file config.inc.php.
$this sTsProtectionUrl = "https://protection.trustedshops.com/ts/protectionservices/ApplicationRequestService?wsdl" |
Definition at line 107 of file config.inc.php.
$this sTsServiceTestWsdl = "https://qa.trustedshops.de/ts/services/TsRating?wsdl" |
Definition at line 133 of file config.inc.php.
$this sTsServiceWsdl = "https://www.trustedshops.de/ts/services/TsRating?wsdl" |
Definition at line 130 of file config.inc.php.
$this sTsTestProtectionUrl = "https://protection-qa.trustedshops.com/ts/protectionservices/ApplicationRequestService?wsdl" |
Definition at line 109 of file config.inc.php.
$this sTsUser = "oxid_esales" |
Definition at line 114 of file config.inc.php.