Additional Inherited Members |
| _getComponentNames () |
| _processRequest () |
| _getMetaFromSeo ($sDataType) |
| _getMetaFromContent ($sMetaIdent) |
| _forceNoIndex () |
| _setNrOfArtPerPage () |
| _getSeoObjectId () |
| _prepareMetaDescription ($sMeta, $iLength=1024, $blRemoveDuplicatedWords=false) |
| _prepareMetaKeyword ($sKeywords, $blRemoveDuplicatedWords=true) |
| _removeDuplicatedWords ($aInput, $aSkipTags=array()) |
| _getSubject ($iLang) |
| _getRequestParams ($blAddPageNr=true) |
| _getSeoRequestParams () |
| _addPageNrParam ($sUrl, $iPage, $iLang=null) |
| _canRedirect () |
| $_blFbWidgetsOn = null |
| $_sRemoveMetaChars = '.\+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:&' |
| $_oaComponents = array() |
| $_blIsOrderStep = false |
| $_sListType = null |
| $_aListDisplayTypes = array( 'grid', 'line', 'infogrid' ) |
| $_sListDisplayType = null |
| $_sCustomListDisplayType = null |
| $_oActCategory = null |
| $_oActManufacturer = null |
| $_oActVendor = null |
| $_oActiveRecommList = null |
| $_oActSearch = null |
| $_blShowSorting = false |
| $_blLoadCurrency = null |
| $_blLoadManufacturerTree = null |
| $_blDontShowEmptyCats = null |
| $_blLoadLanguage = null |
| $_iTopCatNavItmCnt = null |
| $_aRssLinks = null |
| $_sListOrderBy = null |
| $_sListOrderDir = null |
| $_sMetaDescription = null |
| $_sMetaKeywords = null |
| $_sMetaDescriptionIdent = null |
| $_sMetaKeywordsIdent = null |
| $_sAdditionalParams = null |
| $_oActCurrency = null |
| $_blEnabledPrivateSales = null |
| $_blCommonAdded = false |
| $_iViewIndexState = VIEW_INDEXSTATE_INDEX |
| $_blForceNoIndex = false |
| $_iCompItemsCnt = null |
| $_sContentId = null |
| $_oContent = null |
| $_sViewResetID = null |
| $_blActiveSorting = null |
| $_aMenueList = null |
| $_aComponentNames |
| $_aUserComponentNames = array() |
| $_oProduct = null |
| $_iActPage = null |
| $_aArticleList = null |
| $_oManufacturerTree = null |
| $_oCategoryTree = null |
| $_aTop5ArticleList = null |
| $_aBargainArticleList = null |
| $_blLowOrderPrice = null |
| $_sMinOrderPrice = null |
| $_iNewsRealStatus = null |
| $_aBlockRedirectParams = array( 'fnc', 'stoken', 'force_sid', 'force_admin_sid' ) |
| $_oRootVendor = null |
| $_sVendorId = null |
| $_aManufacturerlist = null |
| $_oRootManufacturer = null |
| $_sManufacturerId = null |
| $_aSearchCatTree = null |
| $_blNewsSubscribed = null |
| $_oDelAddress = null |
| $_sCatTreePath = null |
| $_aContents = array() |
| $_blTop5Action = false |
| $_blBargainAction = false |
| $_aMustFillFields = null |
| $_blShowTagCloud = true |
| $_blRootCatChanged = false |
| $_aInvoiceAddress = null |
| $_aDeliveryAddress = null |
| $_sActiveUsername = null |
| $_blLoadComponents = true |
| $_aSortColumns = null |
static | $_aCollectedComponentNames = null |
Article file download page.
Definition at line 7 of file download.php.
Checks if given token is valid, formats HTTP headers, and outputs file to buffer.
If token is not valid, redirects to start page.
Reimplemented from oxUBase.
Definition at line 26 of file download.php.