OXID eShop CE  4.9.6
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Account_Downloads Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Account_Downloads:
+ Collaboration diagram for Account_Downloads:

Public Member Functions

 getOrderFilesList ()
 getDownloadError ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxUBase
 init ()
 getViewId ()
 showSorting ()
 setComponents ($aComponents=null)
 getComponents ()
 getComponent ($sName)
 setIsOrderStep ($blIsOrderStep=null)
 getIsOrderStep ()
 setActiveCategory ($oCategory)
 getActiveCategory ()
 getListDisplayType ()
 getCustomListDisplayType ()
 setListType ($sType)
 loadCurrency ()
 dontShowEmptyCategories ()
 showCategoryArticlesCount ()
 isLanguageLoaded ()
 getTopNavigationCatCnt ()
 addRssFeed ($sTitle, $sUrl, $key=null)
 getSortOrderByParameterName ()
 getSortOrderParameterName ()
 getSortIdent ()
 getDefaultSorting ()
 getUserSelectedSorting ()
 getSavedSorting ($sSortIdent)
 setListOrderBy ($sColumn)
 setListOrderDirection ($sDirection)
 getListOrderBy ()
 getListOrderDirection ()
 setMetaDescription ($sDescription)
 setMetaKeywords ($sKeywords)
 getMetaKeywords ()
 getMetaDescription ()
 getActCurrency ()
 setActCurrency ($oCur)
 getCompareItemCount ()
 noIndex ()
 getMenueList ()
 setMenueList ($aMenu)
 setItemSorting ($sSortIdent, $sSortBy, $sSortDir=null)
 getSorting ($sSortIdent)
 getSortingSql ($sIdent)
 getTitleSuffix ()
 getTitlePageSuffix ()
 getTitlePrefix ()
 getPageTitle ()
 getDynUrlParams ()
 getBaseLink ($iLang=null)
 getLink ($iLang=null)
 getCanonicalUrl ()
 getSimilarRecommListIds ()
 showSearch ()
 getRssLinks ()
 getSortColumns ()
 setSortColumns ($aSortColumns)
 getEditTags ()
 getRecommSearch ()
 getPaymentList ()
 getActiveRecommList ()
 getAccessoires ()
 getCrossSelling ()
 getSimilarProducts ()
 getAlsoBoughtTheseProducts ()
 getActiveLangAbbr ()
 addGlobalParams ($oShop=null)
 getAdditionalParams ()
 generatePageNavigationUrl ()
 getPageNavigation ()
 getPageNavigationLimitedTop ($iPositionCount=7)
 getPageNavigationLimitedBottom ($iPositionCount=11)
 generatePageNavigation ($iPositionCount=0)
 getViewProduct ()
 setViewProduct ($oProduct)
 getViewProductList ()
 getActPage ()
 getActTag ()
 getActVendor ()
 getActManufacturer ()
 setActVendor ($oVendor)
 setActManufacturer ($oManufacturer)
 getActSearch ()
 getCategoryTree ()
 setCategoryTree ($oCatTree)
 getManufacturerTree ()
 setManufacturerTree ($oManufacturerTree)
 getAddUrlParams ()
 getTop5ArticleList ($iCount=null)
 getBargainArticleList ()
 isLowOrderPrice ()
 getMinOrderPrice ()
 getNewsRealStatus ()
 getProduct ()
 getManufacturerlist ()
 setManufacturerlist ($aList)
 setRootVendor ($oVendor)
 getRootVendor ()
 setRootManufacturer ($oManufacturer)
 getRootManufacturer ()
 getVendorId ()
 getManufacturerId ()
 getCatMoreUrl ()
 getCatTreePath ()
 getContentByIdent ($sIdent)
 getContentCategory ()
 getMustFillFields ()
 isFieldRequired ($sField)
 getFormId ()
 canAcceptFormData ()
 getPromoFinishedList ()
 getPromoCurrentList ()
 getPromoFutureList ()
 getShowPromotionList ()
 isEnabledPrivateSales ()
 getFieldValidationErrors ()
 setRootCatChanged ($blRootCatChanged)
 isRootCatChanged ()
 getInvoiceAddress ()
 getDeliveryAddress ()
 setDeliveryAddress ($aDeliveryAddress)
 setInvoiceAddress ($aAddress)
 getActiveUsername ()
 getWishlistUserId ()
 getSearchCatId ()
 getSearchVendor ()
 getSearchManufacturer ()
 getLastProducts ()
 getNewBasketItemMsgType ()
 isActive ($sName)
 isFbWidgetVisible ()
 isEnabledDownloadableFiles ()
 showRememberMe ()
 isVatIncluded ()
 isPriceCalculated ()
 showTags ()
 getWishlistName ()
 getWidgetLink ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxView
 setViewParameters ($aParams=null)
 getViewParameter ($sKey)
 setIsCallForCache ($blIsCallForCache=null)
 getIsCallForCache ()
 addTplParam ($sPara, $sValue)
 getBelboonParam ()
 getViewConfig ()
 getTemplateName ()
 setTemplateName ($sTemplate)
 setClassName ($sClassName)
 getClassName ()
 setFncName ($sFncName)
 getFncName ()
 setViewData ($aViewData=null)
 getViewData ()
 getViewDataElement ($sParamId=null)
 setClassLocation ($sClassLocation=null)
 getClassLocation ()
 setThisAction ($sThisAction=null)
 getThisAction ()
 setParent ($oParent=null)
 getParent ()
 setIsComponent ($blIsComponent=null)
 getIsComponent ()
 getTrustedShopId ()
 getTSExcellenceId ()
 getCharSet ()
 getShopVersion ()
 getShopEdition ()
 getRevision ()
 getPackageInfo ()
 getShopFullEdition ()
 isDemoVersion ()
 isBetaVersion ()
 isRCVersion ()
 showBetaNote ()
 isDemoShop ()
 showNewsletter ()
 setShowNewsletter ($blShow)
 getShopLogo ()
 setShopLogo ($sLogo)
 getActCategory ()
 setActCategory ($oCategory)
 getCategoryId ()
 setCategoryId ($sCategoryId)
 getErrorDestination ()
 getActionClassName ()
 isConnectedWithFb ()
 getFbUserId ()
 showFbConnectToAccountMsg ()
 isMall ()
 showRdfa ()
 getSidForWidget ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxSuperCfg
 __call ($sMethod, $aArgs)
 __construct ()
 getConfig ()
 setConfig ($oConfig)
 getSession ()
 setSession ($oSession)
 getUser ()
 setUser ($oUser)
 isAdmin ()
 setAdminMode ($blAdmin)

Protected Member Functions

 _prepareForTemplate ($oOrderFileList)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from oxUBase
 _getComponentNames ()
 _processRequest ()
 _getMetaFromSeo ($sDataType)
 _getMetaFromContent ($sMetaIdent)
 _forceNoIndex ()
 _setNrOfArtPerPage ()
 _getSeoObjectId ()
 _prepareMetaDescription ($sMeta, $iLength=1024, $blRemoveDuplicatedWords=false)
 _prepareMetaKeyword ($sKeywords, $blRemoveDuplicatedWords=true)
 _removeDuplicatedWords ($aInput, $aSkipTags=array())
 _getSubject ($iLang)
 _getRequestParams ($blAddPageNr=true)
 _getSeoRequestParams ()
 _addPageNrParam ($sUrl, $iPage, $iLang=null)
 _canRedirect ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from oxView
 _executeNewAction ($sNewAction)

Protected Attributes

 $_sThisTemplate = 'page/account/downloads.tpl'
 $_oOrderFilesList = null
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxUBase
 $_blFbWidgetsOn = null
 $_sRemoveMetaChars = '.\+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:&'
 $_oaComponents = array()
 $_blIsOrderStep = false
 $_sListType = null
 $_aListDisplayTypes = array('grid', 'line', 'infogrid')
 $_sListDisplayType = null
 $_sCustomListDisplayType = null
 $_oActCategory = null
 $_oActManufacturer = null
 $_oActVendor = null
 $_oActiveRecommList = null
 $_oActSearch = null
 $_blShowSorting = false
 $_blLoadCurrency = null
 $_blLoadManufacturerTree = null
 $_blDontShowEmptyCats = null
 $_blLoadLanguage = null
 $_iTopCatNavItmCnt = null
 $_aRssLinks = null
 $_sListOrderBy = null
 $_sListOrderDir = null
 $_sMetaDescription = null
 $_sMetaKeywords = null
 $_sMetaDescriptionIdent = null
 $_sMetaKeywordsIdent = null
 $_sAdditionalParams = null
 $_oActCurrency = null
 $_blEnabledPrivateSales = null
 $_blCommonAdded = false
 $_blForceNoIndex = false
 $_iCompItemsCnt = null
 $_sContentId = null
 $_oContent = null
 $_sViewResetID = null
 $_aMenueList = null
 $_aUserComponentNames = array()
 $_oProduct = null
 $_iActPage = null
 $_aArticleList = null
 $_oManufacturerTree = null
 $_oCategoryTree = null
 $_aTop5ArticleList = null
 $_aBargainArticleList = null
 $_blLowOrderPrice = null
 $_sMinOrderPrice = null
 $_iNewsRealStatus = null
 $_aBlockRedirectParams = array('fnc', 'stoken', 'force_sid', 'force_admin_sid')
 $_oRootVendor = null
 $_sVendorId = null
 $_aManufacturerlist = null
 $_oRootManufacturer = null
 $_sManufacturerId = null
 $_blNewsSubscribed = null
 $_oDelAddress = null
 $_sCatTreePath = null
 $_aContents = array()
 $_blTop5Action = false
 $_blBargainAction = false
 $_aMustFillFields = null
 $_blShowTagCloud = true
 $_blRootCatChanged = false
 $_aInvoiceAddress = null
 $_aDeliveryAddress = null
 $_sActiveUsername = null
 $_blLoadComponents = true
 $_aSortColumns = null
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxView
 $_aViewData = array()
 $_sClassLocation = null
 $_sThisAction = null
 $_oParent = null
 $_blIsComponent = false
 $_sThisTemplate = null
 $_sViewId = null
 $_sClass = null
 $_sFnc = null
 $_sTrustedShopId = null
 $_sTSExcellenceId = null
 $_sCharSet = null
 $_sVersion = null
 $_blDemoVersion = null
 $_blDemoShop = null
 $_iNewsStatus = null
 $_sShopLogo = null
 $_sCategoryId = null
 $_oClickCat = null
 $_blIsCallForCache = false
 $_oViewConf = null

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from oxUBase
static $_aCollectedComponentNames = null

Detailed Description

Account article file download page.

Definition at line 7 of file account_downloads.php.

Member Function Documentation

Account_Downloads::_prepareForTemplate (   $oOrderFileList)

Returns prepared orders files list

oxorderfilelist$oOrderFileList- list or orderfiles

Definition at line 80 of file account_downloads.php.

Account_Downloads::getDownloadError ( )

Returns error code.


Definition at line 104 of file account_downloads.php.

Account_Downloads::getOrderFilesList ( )

Returns article list which was ordered and has downloadable files


Definition at line 59 of file account_downloads.php.

Member Data Documentation

Account_Downloads::$_iViewIndexState = VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW

Definition at line 22 of file account_downloads.php.

Account_Downloads::$_oOrderFilesList = null

Definition at line 27 of file account_downloads.php.

Account_Downloads::$_sThisTemplate = 'page/account/downloads.tpl'

Definition at line 15 of file account_downloads.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: