OXID eShop CE  4.9.6
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Account_Noticelist Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Account_Noticelist:
+ Collaboration diagram for Account_Noticelist:

Public Member Functions

 render ()
 getNavigationParams ()
 getNoticeProductList ()
 getSimilarProducts ()
 getSimilarRecommListIds ()
 getBreadCrumb ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxUBase
 init ()
 getViewId ()
 showSorting ()
 setComponents ($aComponents=null)
 getComponents ()
 getComponent ($sName)
 setIsOrderStep ($blIsOrderStep=null)
 getIsOrderStep ()
 setActiveCategory ($oCategory)
 getActiveCategory ()
 getListDisplayType ()
 getCustomListDisplayType ()
 setListType ($sType)
 loadCurrency ()
 dontShowEmptyCategories ()
 showCategoryArticlesCount ()
 isLanguageLoaded ()
 getTopNavigationCatCnt ()
 addRssFeed ($sTitle, $sUrl, $key=null)
 getSortOrderByParameterName ()
 getSortOrderParameterName ()
 getSortIdent ()
 getDefaultSorting ()
 getUserSelectedSorting ()
 getSavedSorting ($sSortIdent)
 setListOrderBy ($sColumn)
 setListOrderDirection ($sDirection)
 getListOrderBy ()
 getListOrderDirection ()
 setMetaDescription ($sDescription)
 setMetaKeywords ($sKeywords)
 getMetaKeywords ()
 getMetaDescription ()
 getActCurrency ()
 setActCurrency ($oCur)
 getCompareItemCount ()
 noIndex ()
 getMenueList ()
 setMenueList ($aMenu)
 setItemSorting ($sSortIdent, $sSortBy, $sSortDir=null)
 getSorting ($sSortIdent)
 getSortingSql ($sIdent)
 getTitleSuffix ()
 getTitlePageSuffix ()
 getTitlePrefix ()
 getPageTitle ()
 getDynUrlParams ()
 getBaseLink ($iLang=null)
 getLink ($iLang=null)
 getCanonicalUrl ()
 showSearch ()
 getRssLinks ()
 getSortColumns ()
 setSortColumns ($aSortColumns)
 getEditTags ()
 getRecommSearch ()
 getPaymentList ()
 getActiveRecommList ()
 getAccessoires ()
 getCrossSelling ()
 getAlsoBoughtTheseProducts ()
 getActiveLangAbbr ()
 addGlobalParams ($oShop=null)
 getAdditionalParams ()
 generatePageNavigationUrl ()
 getPageNavigation ()
 getPageNavigationLimitedTop ($iPositionCount=7)
 getPageNavigationLimitedBottom ($iPositionCount=11)
 generatePageNavigation ($iPositionCount=0)
 getViewProduct ()
 setViewProduct ($oProduct)
 getViewProductList ()
 getActPage ()
 getActTag ()
 getActVendor ()
 getActManufacturer ()
 setActVendor ($oVendor)
 setActManufacturer ($oManufacturer)
 getActSearch ()
 getCategoryTree ()
 setCategoryTree ($oCatTree)
 getManufacturerTree ()
 setManufacturerTree ($oManufacturerTree)
 getAddUrlParams ()
 getTop5ArticleList ($iCount=null)
 getBargainArticleList ()
 isLowOrderPrice ()
 getMinOrderPrice ()
 getNewsRealStatus ()
 getProduct ()
 getManufacturerlist ()
 setManufacturerlist ($aList)
 setRootVendor ($oVendor)
 getRootVendor ()
 setRootManufacturer ($oManufacturer)
 getRootManufacturer ()
 getVendorId ()
 getManufacturerId ()
 getCatMoreUrl ()
 getCatTreePath ()
 getContentByIdent ($sIdent)
 getContentCategory ()
 getMustFillFields ()
 isFieldRequired ($sField)
 getFormId ()
 canAcceptFormData ()
 getPromoFinishedList ()
 getPromoCurrentList ()
 getPromoFutureList ()
 getShowPromotionList ()
 isEnabledPrivateSales ()
 getFieldValidationErrors ()
 setRootCatChanged ($blRootCatChanged)
 isRootCatChanged ()
 getInvoiceAddress ()
 getDeliveryAddress ()
 setDeliveryAddress ($aDeliveryAddress)
 setInvoiceAddress ($aAddress)
 getActiveUsername ()
 getWishlistUserId ()
 getSearchCatId ()
 getSearchVendor ()
 getSearchManufacturer ()
 getLastProducts ()
 getNewBasketItemMsgType ()
 isActive ($sName)
 isFbWidgetVisible ()
 isEnabledDownloadableFiles ()
 showRememberMe ()
 isVatIncluded ()
 isPriceCalculated ()
 showTags ()
 getWishlistName ()
 getWidgetLink ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxView
 setViewParameters ($aParams=null)
 getViewParameter ($sKey)
 setIsCallForCache ($blIsCallForCache=null)
 getIsCallForCache ()
 addTplParam ($sPara, $sValue)
 getBelboonParam ()
 getViewConfig ()
 getTemplateName ()
 setTemplateName ($sTemplate)
 setClassName ($sClassName)
 getClassName ()
 setFncName ($sFncName)
 getFncName ()
 setViewData ($aViewData=null)
 getViewData ()
 getViewDataElement ($sParamId=null)
 setClassLocation ($sClassLocation=null)
 getClassLocation ()
 setThisAction ($sThisAction=null)
 getThisAction ()
 setParent ($oParent=null)
 getParent ()
 setIsComponent ($blIsComponent=null)
 getIsComponent ()
 getTrustedShopId ()
 getTSExcellenceId ()
 getCharSet ()
 getShopVersion ()
 getShopEdition ()
 getRevision ()
 getPackageInfo ()
 getShopFullEdition ()
 isDemoVersion ()
 isBetaVersion ()
 isRCVersion ()
 showBetaNote ()
 isDemoShop ()
 showNewsletter ()
 setShowNewsletter ($blShow)
 getShopLogo ()
 setShopLogo ($sLogo)
 getActCategory ()
 setActCategory ($oCategory)
 getCategoryId ()
 setCategoryId ($sCategoryId)
 getErrorDestination ()
 getActionClassName ()
 isConnectedWithFb ()
 getFbUserId ()
 showFbConnectToAccountMsg ()
 isMall ()
 showRdfa ()
 getSidForWidget ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxSuperCfg
 __call ($sMethod, $aArgs)
 __construct ()
 getConfig ()
 setConfig ($oConfig)
 getSession ()
 setSession ($oSession)
 getUser ()
 setUser ($oUser)
 isAdmin ()
 setAdminMode ($blAdmin)

Protected Attributes

 $_sThisTemplate = 'page/account/noticelist.tpl'
 $_aNoticeProductList = null
 $_aSimilarProductList = null
 $_aRecommList = null
 $_aSimilarRecommListIds = null
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxUBase
 $_blFbWidgetsOn = null
 $_sRemoveMetaChars = '.\+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:&'
 $_oaComponents = array()
 $_blIsOrderStep = false
 $_sListType = null
 $_aListDisplayTypes = array('grid', 'line', 'infogrid')
 $_sListDisplayType = null
 $_sCustomListDisplayType = null
 $_oActCategory = null
 $_oActManufacturer = null
 $_oActVendor = null
 $_oActiveRecommList = null
 $_oActSearch = null
 $_blShowSorting = false
 $_blLoadCurrency = null
 $_blLoadManufacturerTree = null
 $_blDontShowEmptyCats = null
 $_blLoadLanguage = null
 $_iTopCatNavItmCnt = null
 $_aRssLinks = null
 $_sListOrderBy = null
 $_sListOrderDir = null
 $_sMetaDescription = null
 $_sMetaKeywords = null
 $_sMetaDescriptionIdent = null
 $_sMetaKeywordsIdent = null
 $_sAdditionalParams = null
 $_oActCurrency = null
 $_blEnabledPrivateSales = null
 $_blCommonAdded = false
 $_blForceNoIndex = false
 $_iCompItemsCnt = null
 $_sContentId = null
 $_oContent = null
 $_sViewResetID = null
 $_aMenueList = null
 $_aUserComponentNames = array()
 $_oProduct = null
 $_iActPage = null
 $_aArticleList = null
 $_oManufacturerTree = null
 $_oCategoryTree = null
 $_aTop5ArticleList = null
 $_aBargainArticleList = null
 $_blLowOrderPrice = null
 $_sMinOrderPrice = null
 $_iNewsRealStatus = null
 $_aBlockRedirectParams = array('fnc', 'stoken', 'force_sid', 'force_admin_sid')
 $_oRootVendor = null
 $_sVendorId = null
 $_aManufacturerlist = null
 $_oRootManufacturer = null
 $_sManufacturerId = null
 $_blNewsSubscribed = null
 $_oDelAddress = null
 $_sCatTreePath = null
 $_aContents = array()
 $_blTop5Action = false
 $_blBargainAction = false
 $_aMustFillFields = null
 $_blShowTagCloud = true
 $_blRootCatChanged = false
 $_aInvoiceAddress = null
 $_aDeliveryAddress = null
 $_sActiveUsername = null
 $_blLoadComponents = true
 $_aSortColumns = null
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxView
 $_aViewData = array()
 $_sClassLocation = null
 $_sThisAction = null
 $_oParent = null
 $_blIsComponent = false
 $_sThisTemplate = null
 $_sViewId = null
 $_sClass = null
 $_sFnc = null
 $_sTrustedShopId = null
 $_sTSExcellenceId = null
 $_sCharSet = null
 $_sVersion = null
 $_blDemoVersion = null
 $_blDemoShop = null
 $_iNewsStatus = null
 $_sShopLogo = null
 $_sCategoryId = null
 $_oClickCat = null
 $_blIsCallForCache = false
 $_oViewConf = null

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from oxUBase
static $_aCollectedComponentNames = null

Detailed Description

Current user notice list manager. When user is logged in in this manager window he can modify his notice list status - remove articles from notice list or store them to shopping basket, view detail information. OXID eShop -> MY ACCOUNT -> Newsletter.

Definition at line 10 of file account_noticelist.php.

Member Function Documentation

Account_Noticelist::getBreadCrumb ( )

Returns Bread Crumb - you are here page1/page2/page3...


Reimplemented from Account.

Definition at line 156 of file account_noticelist.php.

Account_Noticelist::getNavigationParams ( )

Returns array from parent::getNavigationParams(). If current request contains "sourcecl" and "anid" parameters - appends array with this data. Array is used to fill forms and append shop urls with actual state parameters


Reimplemented from Account.

Definition at line 86 of file account_noticelist.php.

Account_Noticelist::getNoticeProductList ( )

Template variable getter. Returns an array if there is something in the list


Definition at line 99 of file account_noticelist.php.

Account_Noticelist::getSimilarProducts ( )

Template variable getter. Returns the products which are in the noticelist


Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 115 of file account_noticelist.php.

Account_Noticelist::getSimilarRecommListIds ( )

Return array of id to form recommend list.


Reimplemented from oxUBase.

Definition at line 137 of file account_noticelist.php.

Account_Noticelist::render ( )

If user is not logged in - returns name of template Account_Noticelist::_sThisLoginTemplate, or if user is allready logged in - loads notice list articles (articles may be accessed by oxuser::getBasket()), loads similar articles (if available) for the last article in list oxarticle::GetSimilarProducts() and returns name of template to render account_noticelist::_sThisTemplate

string current template file name

Reimplemented from Account.

Definition at line 65 of file account_noticelist.php.

Member Data Documentation

Account_Noticelist::$_aNoticeProductList = null

Definition at line 25 of file account_noticelist.php.

Account_Noticelist::$_aRecommList = null

Definition at line 39 of file account_noticelist.php.

Account_Noticelist::$_aSimilarProductList = null

Definition at line 32 of file account_noticelist.php.

Account_Noticelist::$_aSimilarRecommListIds = null

Definition at line 53 of file account_noticelist.php.

Account_Noticelist::$_iViewIndexState = VIEW_INDEXSTATE_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW

Definition at line 46 of file account_noticelist.php.

Account_Noticelist::$_sThisTemplate = 'page/account/noticelist.tpl'

Definition at line 18 of file account_noticelist.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: