OXID eShop CE  4.9.6
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Account_Password Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Account_Password:
+ Collaboration diagram for Account_Password:

Public Member Functions

 render ()
 isPasswordChanged ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxUBase
 init ()
 getViewId ()
 showSorting ()
 setComponents ($aComponents=null)
 getComponents ()
 getComponent ($sName)
 setIsOrderStep ($blIsOrderStep=null)
 getIsOrderStep ()
 setActiveCategory ($oCategory)
 getActiveCategory ()
 getListDisplayType ()
 getCustomListDisplayType ()
 setListType ($sType)
 loadCurrency ()
 dontShowEmptyCategories ()
 showCategoryArticlesCount ()
 isLanguageLoaded ()
 getTopNavigationCatCnt ()
 addRssFeed ($sTitle, $sUrl, $key=null)
 getSortOrderByParameterName ()
 getSortOrderParameterName ()
 getSortIdent ()
 getDefaultSorting ()
 getUserSelectedSorting ()
 getSavedSorting ($sSortIdent)
 setListOrderBy ($sColumn)
 setListOrderDirection ($sDirection)
 getListOrderBy ()
 getListOrderDirection ()
 setMetaDescription ($sDescription)
 setMetaKeywords ($sKeywords)
 getMetaKeywords ()
 getMetaDescription ()
 getActCurrency ()
 setActCurrency ($oCur)
 getCompareItemCount ()
 noIndex ()
 getMenueList ()
 setMenueList ($aMenu)
 setItemSorting ($sSortIdent, $sSortBy, $sSortDir=null)
 getSorting ($sSortIdent)
 getSortingSql ($sIdent)
 getTitleSuffix ()
 getTitlePageSuffix ()
 getTitlePrefix ()
 getPageTitle ()
 getDynUrlParams ()
 getBaseLink ($iLang=null)
 getLink ($iLang=null)
 getCanonicalUrl ()
 getSimilarRecommListIds ()
 showSearch ()
 getRssLinks ()
 getSortColumns ()
 setSortColumns ($aSortColumns)
 getEditTags ()
 getRecommSearch ()
 getPaymentList ()
 getActiveRecommList ()
 getAccessoires ()
 getCrossSelling ()
 getSimilarProducts ()
 getAlsoBoughtTheseProducts ()
 getActiveLangAbbr ()
 addGlobalParams ($oShop=null)
 getAdditionalParams ()
 generatePageNavigationUrl ()
 getPageNavigation ()
 getPageNavigationLimitedTop ($iPositionCount=7)
 getPageNavigationLimitedBottom ($iPositionCount=11)
 generatePageNavigation ($iPositionCount=0)
 getViewProduct ()
 setViewProduct ($oProduct)
 getViewProductList ()
 getActPage ()
 getActTag ()
 getActVendor ()
 getActManufacturer ()
 setActVendor ($oVendor)
 setActManufacturer ($oManufacturer)
 getActSearch ()
 getCategoryTree ()
 setCategoryTree ($oCatTree)
 getManufacturerTree ()
 setManufacturerTree ($oManufacturerTree)
 getAddUrlParams ()
 getTop5ArticleList ($iCount=null)
 getBargainArticleList ()
 isLowOrderPrice ()
 getMinOrderPrice ()
 getNewsRealStatus ()
 getProduct ()
 getManufacturerlist ()
 setManufacturerlist ($aList)
 setRootVendor ($oVendor)
 getRootVendor ()
 setRootManufacturer ($oManufacturer)
 getRootManufacturer ()
 getVendorId ()
 getManufacturerId ()
 getCatMoreUrl ()
 getCatTreePath ()
 getContentByIdent ($sIdent)
 getContentCategory ()
 getMustFillFields ()
 isFieldRequired ($sField)
 getFormId ()
 canAcceptFormData ()
 getPromoFinishedList ()
 getPromoCurrentList ()
 getPromoFutureList ()
 getShowPromotionList ()
 isEnabledPrivateSales ()
 getFieldValidationErrors ()
 setRootCatChanged ($blRootCatChanged)
 isRootCatChanged ()
 getInvoiceAddress ()
 getDeliveryAddress ()
 setDeliveryAddress ($aDeliveryAddress)
 setInvoiceAddress ($aAddress)
 getActiveUsername ()
 getWishlistUserId ()
 getSearchCatId ()
 getSearchVendor ()
 getSearchManufacturer ()
 getLastProducts ()
 getNewBasketItemMsgType ()
 isActive ($sName)
 isFbWidgetVisible ()
 isEnabledDownloadableFiles ()
 showRememberMe ()
 isVatIncluded ()
 isPriceCalculated ()
 showTags ()
 getWishlistName ()
 getWidgetLink ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxView
 setViewParameters ($aParams=null)
 getViewParameter ($sKey)
 setIsCallForCache ($blIsCallForCache=null)
 getIsCallForCache ()
 addTplParam ($sPara, $sValue)
 getBelboonParam ()
 getViewConfig ()
 getTemplateName ()
 setTemplateName ($sTemplate)
 setClassName ($sClassName)
 getClassName ()
 setFncName ($sFncName)
 getFncName ()
 setViewData ($aViewData=null)
 getViewData ()
 getViewDataElement ($sParamId=null)
 setClassLocation ($sClassLocation=null)
 getClassLocation ()
 setThisAction ($sThisAction=null)
 getThisAction ()
 setParent ($oParent=null)
 getParent ()
 setIsComponent ($blIsComponent=null)
 getIsComponent ()
 getTrustedShopId ()
 getTSExcellenceId ()
 getCharSet ()
 getShopVersion ()
 getShopEdition ()
 getRevision ()
 getPackageInfo ()
 getShopFullEdition ()
 isDemoVersion ()
 isBetaVersion ()
 isRCVersion ()
 showBetaNote ()
 isDemoShop ()
 showNewsletter ()
 setShowNewsletter ($blShow)
 getShopLogo ()
 setShopLogo ($sLogo)
 getActCategory ()
 setActCategory ($oCategory)
 getCategoryId ()
 setCategoryId ($sCategoryId)
 getErrorDestination ()
 getActionClassName ()
 isConnectedWithFb ()
 getFbUserId ()
 showFbConnectToAccountMsg ()
 isMall ()
 showRdfa ()
 getSidForWidget ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxSuperCfg
 __call ($sMethod, $aArgs)
 __construct ()
 getConfig ()
 setConfig ($oConfig)
 getSession ()
 setSession ($oSession)
 getUser ()
 setUser ($oUser)
 isAdmin ()
 setAdminMode ($blAdmin)

Protected Attributes

 $_sThisTemplate = 'page/account/password.tpl'
 $_blPasswordChanged = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxUBase
 $_blFbWidgetsOn = null
 $_sRemoveMetaChars = '.\+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:&'
 $_oaComponents = array()
 $_blIsOrderStep = false
 $_sListType = null
 $_aListDisplayTypes = array('grid', 'line', 'infogrid')
 $_sListDisplayType = null
 $_sCustomListDisplayType = null
 $_oActCategory = null
 $_oActManufacturer = null
 $_oActVendor = null
 $_oActiveRecommList = null
 $_oActSearch = null
 $_blShowSorting = false
 $_blLoadCurrency = null
 $_blLoadManufacturerTree = null
 $_blDontShowEmptyCats = null
 $_blLoadLanguage = null
 $_iTopCatNavItmCnt = null
 $_aRssLinks = null
 $_sListOrderBy = null
 $_sListOrderDir = null
 $_sMetaDescription = null
 $_sMetaKeywords = null
 $_sMetaDescriptionIdent = null
 $_sMetaKeywordsIdent = null
 $_sAdditionalParams = null
 $_oActCurrency = null
 $_blEnabledPrivateSales = null
 $_blCommonAdded = false
 $_blForceNoIndex = false
 $_iCompItemsCnt = null
 $_sContentId = null
 $_oContent = null
 $_sViewResetID = null
 $_aMenueList = null
 $_aUserComponentNames = array()
 $_oProduct = null
 $_iActPage = null
 $_aArticleList = null
 $_oManufacturerTree = null
 $_oCategoryTree = null
 $_aTop5ArticleList = null
 $_aBargainArticleList = null
 $_blLowOrderPrice = null
 $_sMinOrderPrice = null
 $_iNewsRealStatus = null
 $_aBlockRedirectParams = array('fnc', 'stoken', 'force_sid', 'force_admin_sid')
 $_oRootVendor = null
 $_sVendorId = null
 $_aManufacturerlist = null
 $_oRootManufacturer = null
 $_sManufacturerId = null
 $_blNewsSubscribed = null
 $_oDelAddress = null
 $_sCatTreePath = null
 $_aContents = array()
 $_blTop5Action = false
 $_blBargainAction = false
 $_aMustFillFields = null
 $_blShowTagCloud = true
 $_blRootCatChanged = false
 $_aInvoiceAddress = null
 $_aDeliveryAddress = null
 $_sActiveUsername = null
 $_blLoadComponents = true
 $_aSortColumns = null
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxView
 $_aViewData = array()
 $_sClassLocation = null
 $_sThisAction = null
 $_oParent = null
 $_blIsComponent = false
 $_sThisTemplate = null
 $_sViewId = null
 $_sClass = null
 $_sFnc = null
 $_sTrustedShopId = null
 $_sTSExcellenceId = null
 $_sCharSet = null
 $_sVersion = null
 $_blDemoVersion = null
 $_blDemoShop = null
 $_iNewsStatus = null
 $_sShopLogo = null
 $_sCategoryId = null
 $_oClickCat = null
 $_blIsCallForCache = false
 $_oViewConf = null

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from oxUBase
static $_aCollectedComponentNames = null

Detailed Description

Current user password change form. When user is logged in he may change his Billing and Shipping information (this is important for ordering purposes). Information as email, password, greeting, name, company, address, etc. Some fields must be entered. OXID eShop -> MY ACCOUNT -> Update your billing and delivery settings.

Definition at line 12 of file account_password.php.

Member Function Documentation

Account_Password::isPasswordChanged ( )

Template variable getter. Returns true when password had been changed.


Definition at line 112 of file account_password.php.

Account_Password::render ( )

If user is not logged in - returns name of template account_user::_sThisLoginTemplate, or if user is allready logged in additionally loads user delivery address info and forms country list. Returns name of template account_user::_sThisTemplate

string $_sThisTemplate current template file name

Reimplemented from Account.

Definition at line 36 of file account_password.php.

Member Data Documentation

Account_Password::$_blPasswordChanged = false

Definition at line 27 of file account_password.php.

Account_Password::$_sThisTemplate = 'page/account/password.tpl'

Definition at line 20 of file account_password.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: