OXID eShop CE  4.9.6
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Tools_List Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Tools_List:
+ Collaboration diagram for Tools_List:

Public Member Functions

 updateViews ()
 performsql ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxAdminList
 getListSorting ()
 getListFilter ()
 getViewListSize ()
 render ()
 deleteEntry ()
 buildWhere ()
 getItemList ()
 clearItemList ()
 getItemListBaseObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxAdminView
 __construct ()
 init ()
 addGlobalParams ($oShop=null)
 getServiceUrl ($sLangAbbr=null)
 save ()
 resetContentCache ($blForceReset=null)
 resetCounter ($sCounterType, $sValue=null)
 getNavigation ()
 getViewId ()
 chshp ()
 resetSeoData ($sShopId)
 getPreviewId ()
 getEditObjectId ()
 setEditObjectId ($sId)
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxView
 setViewParameters ($aParams=null)
 getViewParameter ($sKey)
 setIsCallForCache ($blIsCallForCache=null)
 getIsCallForCache ()
 addTplParam ($sPara, $sValue)
 getBelboonParam ()
 getViewConfig ()
 getTemplateName ()
 setTemplateName ($sTemplate)
 setClassName ($sClassName)
 getClassName ()
 setFncName ($sFncName)
 getFncName ()
 setViewData ($aViewData=null)
 getViewData ()
 getViewDataElement ($sParamId=null)
 setClassLocation ($sClassLocation=null)
 getClassLocation ()
 setThisAction ($sThisAction=null)
 getThisAction ()
 setParent ($oParent=null)
 getParent ()
 setIsComponent ($blIsComponent=null)
 getIsComponent ()
 getAdditionalParams ()
 getTrustedShopId ()
 getTSExcellenceId ()
 getCharSet ()
 getShopVersion ()
 getShopEdition ()
 getRevision ()
 getPackageInfo ()
 getShopFullEdition ()
 isDemoVersion ()
 isBetaVersion ()
 isRCVersion ()
 showBetaNote ()
 isDemoShop ()
 showNewsletter ()
 setShowNewsletter ($blShow)
 getShopLogo ()
 setShopLogo ($sLogo)
 getActCategory ()
 setActCategory ($oCategory)
 getCategoryId ()
 setCategoryId ($sCategoryId)
 getErrorDestination ()
 getActionClassName ()
 isConnectedWithFb ()
 getFbUserId ()
 showFbConnectToAccountMsg ()
 isMall ()
 showRdfa ()
 getSidForWidget ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from oxSuperCfg
 __call ($sMethod, $aArgs)
 getConfig ()
 setConfig ($oConfig)
 getSession ()
 setSession ($oSession)
 getUser ()
 setUser ($oUser)
 isAdmin ()
 setAdminMode ($blAdmin)

Protected Member Functions

 _processFiles ()
 _prepareSQL ($sSQL, $iSQLlen)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from oxAdminList
 _getViewListSize ()
 _getUserDefListSize ()
 _calcListItemsCount ($sSql)
 _setCurrentListPosition ($sPage=null)
 _prepareOrderByQuery ($sSql=null)
 _buildSelectString ($oListObject=null)
 _processFilter ($sFieldValue)
 _buildFilter ($sVal, $blIsSearchValue)
 _isSearchValue ($sFieldValue)
 _prepareWhereQuery ($aWhere, $sqlFull)
 _changeselect ($sSql)
 _convertToDBDate ($sValue, $sFldType)
 _convertDate ($sDate)
 _convertTime ($sFullDate)
 _setListNavigationParams ()
 _setupNavigation ($sNode)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from oxAdminView
 _getEditShop ($sShopId)
 _getServiceProtocol ()
 _getShopVersionNr ()
 _addNavigationHistory ($sNode)
 _getMaxUploadFileInfo ($iMaxFileSize, $blFormatted=false)
 _resetContentCache ()
 _allowAdminEdit ($sUserId)
 _getCountryByCode ($sCountryCode)
 _authorize ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from oxView
 _executeNewAction ($sNewAction)

Protected Attributes

 $_sThisTemplate = 'tools_list.tpl'
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxAdminList
 $_sListClass = null
 $_sListType = 'oxlist'
 $_oList = null
 $_iCurrListPos = 0
 $_iListSize = 0
 $_aWhere = null
 $_blDesc = false
 $_blEmployMultilanguage = null
 $_iOverPos = null
 $_iViewListSize = 0
 $_iDefViewListSize = 50
 $_aCurrSorting = null
 $_sDefSortField = null
 $_aListFilter = null
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxAdminView
 $_sThisTemplate = null
 $_iDefEdit = 0
 $_iEditLang = 0
 $_sShopTitle = " - "
 $_sShopVersion = null
 $_sServiceUrl = null
 $_oEditShop = null
 $_sEditObjectId = null
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxView
 $_aViewData = array()
 $_sClassLocation = null
 $_sThisAction = null
 $_oParent = null
 $_blIsComponent = false
 $_sThisTemplate = null
 $_sViewId = null
 $_sClass = null
 $_sFnc = null
 $_sTrustedShopId = null
 $_sTSExcellenceId = null
 $_sCharSet = null
 $_sVersion = null
 $_blDemoVersion = null
 $_blDemoShop = null
 $_iNewsStatus = null
 $_sShopLogo = null
 $_sCategoryId = null
 $_oClickCat = null
 $_blIsCallForCache = false
 $_oViewConf = null

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from oxAdminView
static $_oNaviTree = null
static $_sAuthUserRights = null

Detailed Description

Admin systeminfo manager. Returns template, that arranges two other templates ("tools_list.tpl" and "tools_main.tpl") to frame.

Definition at line 8 of file tools_list.php.

Member Function Documentation

Tools_List::_prepareSQL (   $sSQL,

Method parses givent SQL queries string and returns array on success

string$sSQLSQL queries
integer$iSQLlenquery lenght

Definition at line 167 of file tools_list.php.

Tools_List::_processFiles ( )

Processes files containing SQL queries


Definition at line 120 of file tools_list.php.

Tools_List::performsql ( )

Method performs user passed SQL query

Definition at line 33 of file tools_list.php.

Tools_List::updateViews ( )

Performs full view update

Definition at line 21 of file tools_list.php.

Member Data Documentation

Tools_List::$_sThisTemplate = 'tools_list.tpl'

Definition at line 16 of file tools_list.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: