OXID eShop CE  4.9.7
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oxwManufacturerList Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for oxwManufacturerList:
+ Collaboration diagram for oxwManufacturerList:

Protected Attributes

 $_aComponentNames = array('oxcmp_categories' => 1)
 $_sThisTemplate = 'widget/footer/manufacturerlist.tpl'
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxWidget
 $_aComponentNames = array()
 $_blLoadComponents = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxUBase
 $_blFbWidgetsOn = null
 $_sRemoveMetaChars = '.\+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:&'
 $_oaComponents = array()
 $_blIsOrderStep = false
 $_sListType = null
 $_aListDisplayTypes = array('grid', 'line', 'infogrid')
 $_sListDisplayType = null
 $_sCustomListDisplayType = null
 $_oActCategory = null
 $_oActManufacturer = null
 $_oActVendor = null
 $_oActiveRecommList = null
 $_oActSearch = null
 $_blShowSorting = false
 $_blLoadCurrency = null
 $_blLoadManufacturerTree = null
 $_blDontShowEmptyCats = null
 $_blLoadLanguage = null
 $_iTopCatNavItmCnt = null
 $_aRssLinks = null
 $_sListOrderBy = null
 $_sListOrderDir = null
 $_sMetaDescription = null
 $_sMetaKeywords = null
 $_sMetaDescriptionIdent = null
 $_sMetaKeywordsIdent = null
 $_sAdditionalParams = null
 $_oActCurrency = null
 $_blEnabledPrivateSales = null
 $_blCommonAdded = false
 $_blForceNoIndex = false
 $_iCompItemsCnt = null
 $_sContentId = null
 $_oContent = null
 $_sViewResetID = null
 $_aMenueList = null
 $_aUserComponentNames = array()
 $_oProduct = null
 $_iActPage = null
 $_aArticleList = null
 $_oManufacturerTree = null
 $_oCategoryTree = null
 $_aTop5ArticleList = null
 $_aBargainArticleList = null
 $_blLowOrderPrice = null
 $_sMinOrderPrice = null
 $_iNewsRealStatus = null
 $_aBlockRedirectParams = array('fnc', 'stoken', 'force_sid', 'force_admin_sid')
 $_oRootVendor = null
 $_sVendorId = null
 $_aManufacturerlist = null
 $_oRootManufacturer = null
 $_sManufacturerId = null
 $_blNewsSubscribed = null
 $_oDelAddress = null
 $_sCatTreePath = null
 $_aContents = array()
 $_blTop5Action = false
 $_blBargainAction = false
 $_aMustFillFields = null
 $_blShowTagCloud = true
 $_blRootCatChanged = false
 $_aInvoiceAddress = null
 $_aDeliveryAddress = null
 $_sActiveUsername = null
 $_blLoadComponents = true
 $_aSortColumns = null
- Protected Attributes inherited from oxView
 $_aViewData = array()
 $_sClassLocation = null
 $_sThisAction = null
 $_oParent = null
 $_blIsComponent = false
 $_sThisTemplate = null
 $_sViewId = null
 $_sClass = null
 $_sFnc = null
 $_sTrustedShopId = null
 $_sTSExcellenceId = null
 $_sCharSet = null
 $_sVersion = null
 $_blDemoVersion = null
 $_blDemoShop = null
 $_iNewsStatus = null
 $_sShopLogo = null
 $_sCategoryId = null
 $_oClickCat = null
 $_blIsCallForCache = false
 $_oViewConf = null

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from oxWidget
 init ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from oxWidget
 _processRequest ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from oxUBase
static $_aCollectedComponentNames = null

Detailed Description

Manufacturer list widget. Forms Manufacturer list.

Definition at line 7 of file oxwmanufacturerlist.php.

Member Data Documentation

oxwManufacturerList::$_aComponentNames = array('oxcmp_categories' => 1)

Definition at line 17 of file oxwmanufacturerlist.php.

oxwManufacturerList::$_sThisTemplate = 'widget/footer/manufacturerlist.tpl'

Definition at line 24 of file oxwmanufacturerlist.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: