Install OXID eShop compilation

Please, install the OXID eShop compilation performing the following steps:

Step 1: Deploy source code and install project dependencies

The recommended way to obtain the source code of OXID eShop and to install the project dependencies is to use Composer. You will find details how to install and use Composer here. Please make sure to have a sufficient understanding of how Composer works before proceeding.

If by any reason you are not able to use Composer to install OXID eShop or one of its modules on a specific application server, please skip this step and read these instructions to learn how to deploy the source code using an alternative way.

Depending on the edition of OXID eShop you want to install, run one the following commands in the command line interface of your operating system.

If you install OXID eShop for module development, remember we recommend using oxVM for development, but if by any reason you need the OXID eSales development tools to be installed, remove the –no-dev option in the commands below.


For OXID eShop Professional Edition or OXID eShop Enterprise Edition, you need to enter the credentials you should have received when purchasing the product.

  • For Community Edition:

composer create-project --no-dev oxid-esales/oxideshop-project your_project_name dev-b-6.1-ce
  • For Professional Edition:

composer create-project --no-dev oxid-esales/oxideshop-project your_project_name dev-b-6.1-pe
  • For Enterprise Edition:

composer create-project --no-dev oxid-esales/oxideshop-project your_project_name dev-b-6.1-ee

When the Composer has finished successfully, a new directory will have been created in your working directory. It is called your_project_name in this example and it is referred to as project root directory.

The project root directory contains all files, which are needed to continue with the installation of OXID eShop.

Watch out for error messages during the installation progress.

See our troubleshooting section for solutions.


If you install the compilation without the –no-dev option, the following development tools will be installed together with OXID eShop:

Technical details

Composer will automatically download the source files of the specified version and edition of OXID eShop.

In a second step it will install fixed versions of the project dependencies as defined in the meta package of the installed edition of OXID eShop.

After Composer installed all dependencies, it executes several tasks. One of them is to generate the classes of the unified namespace \OxidEsales\Eshop.

Step 2: Configure the HTTP server

Move the project root directory to a directory accessible by your HTTP server. Configure the servers public document root to point to the source directory of the project root directory

Step 3: Adapt file and directory permissions

The following directories and its subdirectories must always be writable by the HTTP server during the run time:

  • ./source/export

  • ./source/log/

  • ./source/out/pictures/

  • ./source/out/media/

  • ./source/tmp/

For the next step, the graphical setup, the following files and directories must be writable for the HTTP server:

  • ./source/Setup

  • ./source/

  • ./source/.htaccess


In a development environment, the easiest way to adapt permissions, is to run

sudo chmod 777 -R source/ source/.htaccess source/tmp/ source/log/ source/out/pictures/ source/out/media/ source/export

Step 4: Run the graphical setup

Open http(s)://<your shop URL>/Setup in your browser and follow the instructions of the graphical setup.

At the end of the installation process, the directory ./source/Setup is deleted.

After the graphical setup, please set the following files to read-only for the HTTP server:

  • ./source/

  • ./source/.htaccess


As the file ./source/ contains database credentials, you should consider to restrict read access to the HTTP server.

Activate pre-installed modules

None of the bundled modules is activated by default during the setup. Please refer to the documentation you find inside the module directory about system requirements and configuration of each module.

Install more modules and module dependencies

After the installation, you may proceed with the installation of some of the many modules the OXID eco system provides. Refer to the installation instructions of each of the modules.

Keep in mind that some OXID eShop modules may have special requirements, which may go beyond the system requirements of a standard installation of OXID eShop. These requirements may either be installable via Composer or may require the installation of certain PHP extensions or even system libraries. In any case, the authors of the modules will have provided you with all necessary information about these requirements and how to install them on your application server.

Known issue on MacOS

If you get the following error in the migrations while installing the OXID eShop on a MAMP [PDOException] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

Look at this blog entry and do the following steps:

sudo mkdir /var/mysql
sudo ln -s /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock /var/mysql/mysql.sock
sudo chown _mysql /var/mysql/mysql.sock
sudo chmod 777 /var/mysql/mysql.sock

Hints for development

Always use Composers’ –no-plugins switch

It is a best practice to run all Composer commands, which update components with the –no-plugins option and to run update action in a separate command. Like this it is ensured, that the latest versions of the plugins are used.


# Update all components including Composer plugins to their latest version
composer update --no-plugins

# execute plugins in their latest version
composer update
# Install new component and update dependencies including Composer plugins to the required version
composer require --no-plugins monolog/monolog
composer install # execute the plugins in their required version

Temporarily add Composer dependencies

In general you should extended the functionality of OXID eShop by writing modules, which provide there own dependency management. See module section for details. Nevertheless, for a quick hack or a proof of concept, additional dependencies could be added via the composer.json file in the project root directory.

For example, if there is a need to add runtime library like monolog run:

composer require --no-plugins monolog/monolog
composer install

If there is a need to add a development dependency like the OXID eShop testing library:

composer require --dev --no-plugins oxid-esales/testing-library:dev-master
composer update

Resolving Composer dependency conflicts

The meta package defines, which exact versions of the components will be installed by Composer. These versions have been tested by OXID eSales to ensure, that OXID eShop works as expected and to avoid security issues. There might be situations, where a 3rd party dependency conflicts with the version defined in the meta package. You may resolve this version conflict by adding an alias in the project composer.json file in the project root directory like this:

    "require": {
        "doctrine/cache":"v1.6.0 as v1.6.1"

This lowers doctrine cache version to v1.6.0 even while the meta package requires v1.6.1.

See the documentation or this issue in GitHub for details

Building your own compilation

A meta package defines the kind and versions of components of a compilation. You may want build your own compilation for two reasons:

To re-define the components of a compilation:

  • Create a new meta package by using the existing one as a template

  • Re-define the components and their versions

    • Require different versions of existing components

    • Remove predefined components

    • Require new components

To add new components to the compilation:

  • Create a new meta package

  • Require new components

  • Require the existing meta package in the newly created meta package

Make this new meta package available through Packagist, GitHub, file system or any other supported way.

Edit the composer.json file in the project root directory and require the new meta package instead of default one.