Example Module test

Let’s assume the example module is installed in your shop, Codeceptions initialization is done as described and you’d like to write a Codeception acceptance test verifying that you see a “Hello, my shopid is 1” on the shop’s start page with activated module.

Create a Cest

You can create a Cest by running the following command from inside the module Tests directory (<vendor_name>/<module_name>/Tests):

<shop_dir>/vendor/bin/codecept generate:cest acceptance CheckShopFrontend

The empty <vendor_name>/<module_name>/Tests/Codeception/Acceptance/CheckShopFrontendCest.php Cest will be automatically created.


class CheckShopFrontendCest
    public function _before(AcceptanceTester $I)

    // tests
    public function tryToTest(AcceptanceTester $I)

It is not yet testing anything, but we can already run it. Running the codeception tests is explained in section Running Codeception Tests.

Add test for not logged in user case

Let us add test code to check the front page.


namespace MyVendor\MyModule\Tests\Codeception;
use MyVendor\MyModule\Tests\Codeception\AcceptanceTester;

class CheckShopFrontendCest
    public function _before(AcceptanceTester $I)

    // tests
    public function notLoggedInUserMessage(AcceptanceTester $I)
        $I->wantToTest('message for not logged in user');
        $I->see('Hello, my shopid is 1!');

Running the test should look like

vagrant@oxideshop:/var/www/oxideshop$ vendor/bin/runtests-codeception
Building Actor classes for suites: acceptance
 -> AcceptanceTesterActions.php generated successfully. 150 methods added
\AcceptanceTester includes modules: Asserts, WebDriver, Db, \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\Oxideshop, \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\Database, \OxidEsales\Codeception\Module\Translation\TranslationsModule
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.5.6
Powered by PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:

Acceptance Tests (1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 CheckShopFrontendCest: Test message for not logged in user (8.72s)

Time: 55.12 seconds, Memory: 12.00MB

OK (1 test, 1 assertion)
- XML report generated in file:///var/www/oxideshop/source/modules/myvendor/mymodule/tests/Codeception/_output/report.xml

Add test for logged in user case

Now let’s check the case of a logged in user. See here for test user credentials.

We will need to:

  • open the shop

  • open the login box

  • enter user credentials

  • check the main page for the expected message.

Some of those steps can be skipped by using OXID Codeception Page Objects.

To be able to use the OXID page objects, first, OXID Codeception Modules need to be enabled in your module codeception configuration. When initializing the codeception tests as described in section Creating test structure in a module this is already taken care of. Let’s just add the next test:

public function loggedInUserMessage(AcceptanceTester $I)
    $I->wantToTest('different message for logged in user');

    $homePage = new \OxidEsales\Codeception\Page\Home($I);
    $I->see('Hello, my shopid is 1!');

    $homePage->loginUser('user@oxid-esales.com', 'useruser');
    $I->see('Hello, my shopid is 1 and you are ' . 'user@oxid-esales.com' . ' ;)');

So now instead of manually trying to figure out all locators, forms, buttons, we just use the \OxidEsales\Codeception\Page\Home PageObject which is providing all this wrapped up in method loginUser.

In this test we can also see an example of using the OXID's Codeception Translation module. It will translate the language constant to be independent from chosen language.

In section Create own PageObject you can find an example how to create your own PageObjects,