Best practice module setup for development with composer

There are several ways how to setup your module development environment with OXID eShop. The most common way is to clone your module repository directly to the source/modules directory and register path in project composer.json file. Like this all changes to your module will take place immediately.

  1. Checkout module to the modules directory in the OXID eShop.

cd <shop_directory>/source/modules/<module-vendor>
git clone <git-url-to-module-repository> <module-name>
  1. Install module configuration.

vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:install-configuration <module sourcecode path>
  1. Register module package in project composer.json.

cd <shop_directory>
composer config repositories.<package-name> path <module sourcecode path>
composer require <package-name>:*
  • <package-name> - Is your module name, which is being used in composer.json file, for example “oxid-esales/logger-demo-module”.


In case you’ll be asked if you want to overwrite this module files, you need to select “No” for an answer, otherwise all files will be corrupted.

If all steps have been completed, module files will be autoloaded and you will be able to introduce modifications to the module in <module sourcecode path> directory.


Autoloading could fail if the autoload directory in the module composer.json is not set to the module directory, but composer vendor directory. Code snippet how to do this can be found here.

More useful information about module development can be found here.

Dealing with other libraries

If your module has dependencies to other libraries they need to be registered in module composer.json file by modifying it:

    "require": {
        "<package-name>": "<version>"

And run update command in project root directory:

composer update