Custom OXID extensions
All extensions can be found in src\Extensions
directory of the OXID eShop twig component
This extensions introduces assign_advanced
function which assigns variables including arrays and range arrays.
Example of use:
{% set invite_array = assign_advanced("array('0' => '$sender_name', '1' => '$shop_name')") %}
However there is better way of creating arrays using Twig syntax:
{% set invite_array = { '0': sender_name, '1' => shop_name } %}
This extension was created to handle template converting and should be avoided.
This extension introduces format_price
function which outputs price in string format. Example of use:
{{ format_price(VATitem, { currency: 'EUR' }) }}
First argument is price, and all other parameters are passed in associative array.
This extension introduces include_widget
function which sets params and renders widget. Example of use:
{{ include_widget({ cl: "oxwCategoryTree", cnid: oView.getCategoryId(), deepLevel: 0, noscript: 1, nocookie: 1 }) }}
All parameters are passed in associative array as first argument.
This extension introduces 2 helper functions: get_help_id
and get_help_text
which outputs help popup icon and
help text. Examples of use:
{% include “inputhelp.tpl” with {‘sHelpId’: get_help_id(“foo”), ‘sHelpText’: get_help_text(“foo”)} %}
This extension introduces mailto
function which covers send email functionality. Example of use:
{{ mailto('', { text: 'send me some mail' }) }}
Address as mandatory parameter is passed as first argument, all other parameters are passed as second argument in array.
This extension introduces few math functions that do not exist by default: cos, sin, tan, exp, log, log10, pi, sqrt:
{{ cos(2*pi())/log(3) }}
This extension introduces few PHP functions that do not exist by default: count, empty, isset. Example of use:
{{ (isset(myArray) and not empty(myArray)) ? count(myArray) : "Array is not set or it's empty" }}
All of these functions are deprecated and it’s better to use length
filter and is defined
Twig test.
This extension introduces script
function which collects given javascript includes/calls, but includes/calls them
at the bottom of the page.. Example of use:
{{ script({ include: "js/pages/details.min.js", priority: 10, dynamic: __oxid_include_dynamic }) }}
All parameters are passed in associative array as first argument.
This extension introduces smarty_cycle
function which covers cycle
Smarty plugin. Example of use:
{{ smarty_cycle(["val1", "val2", "val3"], { print: false, advance: false, reset: true }) }}
First argument is array of values, and the second one is associative array of parameters. The reason why Smarty
plugin is implemented here as smarty_cycle
is Twig has own cycle
function but working differently:
[[link to Twig cycle documentation]]
This extension introduces style
function which collects given css files, but includes them only at the top of
the page. Example of use:
{{ style({ include: "css/ie8.css", if: "IE 8" }) }}
All parameters are passed in associative array as a first argument.
This extension introduces translate
function which is responsible for translation functionality. Example of use:
{{ translate({ ident: "ERROR_404" }) }}
All parameters are passed in associative array as first argument.
This extension introduces seo_url
function and add_url_parameters
filter which outputs SEO style url.
Example of use:
{{ seo_url({ ident: oViewConf.getSelfLink() }) }}
{{|add_url_parameters(oView.getDynUrlParams()) }}
For both all parameters are passed in associative array as first argument and add_url_parameters
must operate on
This extension introduces cat
filter which concatenates two strings. Example of use:
{{ varA|cat(varB) }}
This filter is deprecated and it’s better to use Twig syntax:
{{ varA ~ varB }}
This extension introduces date_format
filter which is responsible for formatting the date into string.
Example of use:
{{ review.getCreatedAt()|date_format("%Y-%m- % d") }}
This extension introduces enclose
filter. Examples of use:
{{ article.oxarticles__oxartnum.value|enclose(encl) }}
This extension introduces file_size
filter which converts integer file size to readable format. Example of use:
{{ oOrderFile.getFileSize()|file_size }}
This extension introduces format_time
filter which converts time to readable format. Example of use:
{{ oViewConf.getBasketTimeLeft()|format_time }}
This extension introduces format_date
filter which converts date to readable format. Example of use:
{{ edit.oxorder__oxsenddate|format_date('datetime', true) }}
This extension introduces format_currency
filter which formats currency in defined form. Example of use:
{{ 'EUR@ 1.00@ .@ ,@ EUR@ 2'|number_format(25000000.5584) }}
This extension introduces smart_wordwrap
filter which wraps a string of text at a given length and row count.
Example of use:
{{ 'Lorem ipsum'|smart_wordwrap(20) }}
This extension introduces translate
filter which is responsible for translation functionality. Example of use:
This extension introduces translate_salutation
filter which is responsible for salutation translation functionality.
Example of use:
{{ order.oxorder__oxbillsal.value|translate_salutation }}
This extension introduces truncate
filter which truncates a string to a certain length if necessary, optionally
splitting in the middle of a word, and appending the ‘etc’ string or inserting ‘etc’ into the middle. Example of use:
{{ review.getObjectTitle()|truncate(60) }}
This extension introduces wordwrap
filter which wraps a string of text at a given length. Example of use:
{{ sQuery|wordwrap(100, "<br>", true) }}
Escape is internal Twig filter but it can be extended and so is done in OXID. Custom escapers that have been introduced:
, hexentity
, hex
, htmlall
, mail
, nonstd
, quotes
, urlpathinfo
. All escapers can
be found under sourceInternalTwigEscaper directory. Example of use:
{{ ''|escape('mail') }}