Scripts to help porting any module to OXID eShop 6

This document provides a complementary information to the previously written “Steps to port a module for the OXID eShop version 6.0”. It describes how it’s possible to automate the majority of module porting actions by using the scripts written below. Feel free to use the provided information as an additional aid to reduce the time needed and increase the quality of the outcome while porting old OXID eShop modules.

Environment requirements


All scripts which are used in the segments below were tested inside the official OXID eShop VM with an existing installation of OXID eShop version v6.0.0 and with development requirements included (e.g. oxid-esales/testing-library).

Custom environment

Despite the fact that it’s much easier to get started with an OXID eShop VM it’s also possible to use any other environment which would match the system requirements raised by OXID eShop v6.0.0.

On top of the requirements set by OXID eShop the following tools are being used throughout the sections below (minimum already tested version is provided in parentheses):

  • GNU find (>=4.4.2)

  • GNU grep (>=2.16)

  • GNU sed (>=4.2.2)

  • GNU less (>=458)

  • GNU wc (>=8.21)

  • GNU cat (>=8.21)

  • GNU tail (>=8.21)

  • FSF iconv (>=2.19)

  • BSD file (>=5.14)

Mandatory actions

Before starting to execute scripts which are written in the sections below be sure to export the following environment variables:

  • ESHOP_PATH - full path to where eShop is installed (by default in VM it’s /var/www/oxideshop);

  • MODULE_NAME - directory name of module (vendor_name/module_name) which is being ported;

  • OLD_MODULE_NAME - directory name of module (vendor_name/module_name) which is not ported yet (an older version of the same module).

An example on how to set the environment variables if the module in question would be oxid-esales/paypal-module:

export ESHOP_PATH="/var/www/oxideshop"
export MODULE_NAME="oe/paypal"
export OLD_MODULE_NAME="oe/paypal_old"

In the above example oe/paypal_old represents an older version of oxid-esales/paypal-module (not ported yet).

Porting topics

All module porting process is divided into separate topics which in turn are grouped in two lists:

  • Minimal - Mandatory changes required to work with OXID eShop >= v6.0.0;

  • Full - Optional, but highly recommended changes.

Minimal porting

  1. Ensure tests are running and covers important logic

  2. Convert all files to UTF-8

  3. Adjust for BC breaks in PHP versions

  4. Adjust removed functionality

  5. Adjust your database code to the new DB Layer

Full porting

  1. Adjust the code style of your modules code

  2. Replace BC Layer classes

  3. Installable via composer

  4. Introduce a namespace in your module

1. Ensure tests are running and covers important logic

Execute tests

Initiate the tests for the given module.

To do so, execute the following command:


Generate code coverage

Initiate the execution of tests and generation of code coverage for a given module.

  1. Make sure you have loaded and activated the xdebug extension.

  2. Make sure the logic is covered by the tests.

  3. If you use the Testing Library, switch to PHP 7.
    Background: Due to a dependency on PHPUnit 8, the Testing Library doesn’t support code coverage generation with PHP 8.

  4. Execute the following command:


2. Convert all files to UTF-8

Files encoded

The following script will print out any file which is not UTF-8 compatible (UTF-8 and us-ascii). In order to pass this criteria the output should empty.

(cd "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/" && find . -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(php\|tpl\|sql\)" -exec file -i "{}" \; | grep -v 'us-ascii' | grep -v 'utf-8')

In case there are non UTF-8 compatible files one can simply use utility called iconv which helps to re-encode given files to make them UTF-8 compatible, please consider the following example:

iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 input.php > output.php

Encoding in translation files

All translation files should explicitly declare UTF-8 as encoding. The following three commands will return the same number of lines in case all translation files have explicit declaration of UTF-8 as encoding:

find "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/" | grep '_lang.php' | wc -l
grep --include \*_lang.php -r 'charset' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/" | wc -l
grep --include \*_lang.php -r 'charset' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/" | grep 'UTF-8' | wc -l

In case the number of lines is different make sure to encode and declare UTF-8 as encoding. To find out which exact files have wrong declaration of encoding try to execute the following:

grep --include \*_lang.php -r 'charset' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/" | grep -v -i 'UTF-8'


As described in PSR-1 “Files MUST use only UTF-8 without BOM for PHP code.”. The following command will show all UTF-8 encoded files which have BOM embedded at the beginning of the file. In order to pass this criteria the output of given command should be empty.

(cd "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/" && find . -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(php\|tpl\|sql\)" -exec file "{}" \; | grep 'with\ BOM')

In case there are files with embedded BOM one could try and use the following command to remove it:

tail --bytes=+4 with_bom.php > without_bom.php

3. Adjust for BC breaks in PHP versions

At the moment this topic is not automated thus one has to manually look at all recent BC breaking changes which are described in the following documents:

4. Adjust removed functionality

At the moment this topic is not automated thus one has to follow the list of removed functionality at OXID eShop v6.0.0 changelog and apply necessary changes.

5. Adjust your database code to the new DB Layer

New classes are used

All OXID eShop BC classes were deprecated and a new database interface was introduced. These changes requires one to update the class name which is used for database access. The following commands will try to compare the number of lines which represents old database classes (oxDb) used in old version of module versus number of new classes (DatabaseProvider) in module being ported (ideally the numbers should match):

grep --include \*.php -r 'oxDb' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$OLD_MODULE_NAME/" | wc -l
grep --include \*.php -r 'DatabaseProvider' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/" | wc -l

Note: It’s quite possible that line numbers wouldn’t match in case new database related statements were added.

Old classes removed

Just as a safety measure, let’s make sure that old classes (oxDb) are not present in the ported module (output should be empty):

grep --include \*.php -r 'oxDb' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/"

Evaluate possible BC breaking changes

Starting with the release of OXID eShop v6.0.0 there are some BC breaking changes for database select and selectLimit methods. The changes are described with more detail at Quick guide to port a module for OXID eShop version 6.0. Use the following line to locate any usages of the above mentioned methods inside the module:

grep --include \*.php -r -i -P "\-\>\s*?(select|selectLimit)\s*?\(" "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$OLD_MODULE_NAME/"

In case the mentioned methods are found please apply the necessary changes as it’s described in Quick guide to port a module for OXID eShop version 6.0 (“Stick to database interfaces” topic).

6. Adjust the code style of your modules code

Adjust code sniffer settings

Initially OXID eShop code sniffer settings are adjusted to scan only the OXID eShop core files thus it requires some changes in order to be able to run against given module. The following line will update code sniffer settings which would not ignore module files anymore:

sed -i '/modules/d' "$ESHOP_PATH/vendor/oxid-esales/coding-standards/Oxid/ruleset.xml"

Run code sniffer

Given command will trigger the execution of OXID eShop code sniffer against provided module. In order to pass the criteria the output should be empty:

(cd "$ESHOP_PATH" && vendor/bin/phpcsoxid "source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/")

In case the output is not empty, please follow the given messages and apply the necessary changes.

7. Replace BC Layer classes

BC layer classes

Starting from OXID eShop v6.0.0 a BC layer was introduced, which allows old modules to work with the updated OXID eShop core. BC layer is a collection of class aliases which maps old OXID eShop classes (e.g. oxArticle) into new namespaced classes (e.g. OxidEsalesEshopApplicationModelArticle). Keep in mind that the solution is temporary and is included to allow for an easy transition into the new OXID eShop version. All these BC classes are considered as deprecated thus it’s highly recommended to replace old classes with the namespaced equivalents.

Note: Before proceeding with the commands below please make sure you have have your environment variables prepared (ESHOP_PATH and MODULE_NAME). Note: After execution of automated replace for BC classes it might happen that the alignment of variables within comment blocks are broken thus it might be a good idea to re-run code style check.

In order to automate the replacing of BC classes consider using the following command which will create a script responsible for PHP file update at /tmp/bc_change.php:

cat << 'EOF' > /tmp/bc_change.php
count($argv) > 1 || die("File name missing!\n"); $filename = $argv[1];
file_exists($filename) || die("Given file '$filename' does not exist!\n");
getenv('ESHOP_PATH') || die("Please define 'ESHOP_PATH' environment variable!\n");
$bcMapFilename = getenv('ESHOP_PATH') . '/source/Core/Autoload/BackwardsCompatibilityClassMap.php';
file_exists($bcMapFilename) || die("BC class layer map missing, please make sure file '$bcMapFilename' is available!\n");

$bcMap = array_map(function($value) { return '\\' . $value; }, require($bcMapFilename));
$contents = file_get_contents($filename);

$methodsWithFirstArgumentAsBcClass = ['oxNew', '::set', '::get', 'resetInstanceCache', 'getComponent', 'getMock', 'assertInstanceOf', 'setExpectedException', 'prophesize'];
$phpdocTags = ['var', 'param', 'return', 'mixin', 'throws', 'see'];

preg_match_all('/[^\S\n]*use[^\S\n]+[\w\\\\]*?(?P<class>\w+)[^\S\n]*;/i', $contents, $matches);
$bcMapKeysToIgnore = $matches['class'];
foreach ($bcMapKeysToIgnore as $class) {

foreach ($bcMap as $bcClass => $nsClass) {
  $replaceMap = [
    '/\b((' . implode('|', $methodsWithFirstArgumentAsBcClass) . ')\s*\(\s*)["\']' . $bcClass . '["\']/i' => "$1$nsClass::class",
    '/\b(new\s+)' . $bcClass . '\b(\s*[;\()])/i' => "$1$nsClass$2",
    '/\b(catch\s+\(\s*)' . $bcClass . '(\s+\$)/i' => "$1$nsClass$2",
    '/(\@\b(' . implode('|', $phpdocTags) . ')(\s+|\s+\S+\s*\|\s*))' . $bcClass . '\b/i' => "$1$nsClass",
    '/\b(class\s+\w+\s+extends\s+)[\\\\]?' . $bcClass . '\b/i' => "$1$nsClass",
    '/\b(instanceof\s+)' . $bcClass . '\b/i' => "$1$nsClass",
    '/(?<!\\\\)\b' . $bcClass . '(\s*::\s*\$?\w+)/i' => "$nsClass$1",
    '/(?<!\\\\)\b' . $bcClass . '(\s+\$\w+\s*[,\)])/i' => "$nsClass$1",
    '/\buse\s+\\\\' . $bcClass. '\s*;/i' => "",

  $contents = preg_replace(array_keys($replaceMap), array_values($replaceMap), $contents);

$contents && file_put_contents($filename, $contents) || die("There was an error while executing 'preg_replace'!\n");

In order to apply the above script for all PHP files inside a module consider using the following command snippet:

(cd "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/" && find . -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\php" | cut -c 3- ) | while read MODULE_FILE_NAME; do
  echo "Processing file: $MODULE_FILE_NAME";

  php /tmp/bc_change.php "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/$MODULE_FILE_NAME"

Unfortunately it’s not possible to automate every case of BC classes replacement. To be able to manually evaluate every ambiguous BC class usage consider using the following snippet:

BC_CLASS_PAIRS=$(cat "$ESHOP_PATH/source/Core/Autoload/BackwardsCompatibilityClassMap.php" | grep '=>' | sed 's/\\\\/\\/g')
BC_CLASS_LIST=$(echo "$BC_CLASS_PAIRS" | sed -r 's/.*'\''(\w+)'\''.*/\1/g')
BC_CLASS_LIST_PIPED=$(echo "$BC_CLASS_LIST" | paste -sd "|" | sed -r 's/(.*)/\(\1\)/')
SEARCH_FILE_LIST=$(find "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/" -type f -iregex '.*/.*\.\(php\|tpl\)' -not -iregex '.*/metadata\.php')
echo "$SEARCH_FILE_LIST" | xargs -n1 grep --color=always -iP -H -n "$BC_CLASS_SEARCH_PATTERN"

In case there are a lot of entries to evaluate please consider using a pager as following:

echo "$SEARCH_FILE_LIST" | xargs -n1 grep --color=always -iP -H -n "$BC_CLASS_SEARCH_PATTERN" | less -r

In case there are a lot of false positive results within given test suites consider skipping the evaluation for these files:

SEARCH_FILE_LIST_WO_TESTS=$(find "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/" -type f -iregex '.*/.*\.\(php\|tpl\)' -not -iregex '.*/metadata\.php' -not -iregex '.*Test\.php' -not -iregex '.*/tests/.*')
echo "$SEARCH_FILE_LIST_WO_TESTS" | xargs -n1 grep --color=always -iP -H -n "$BC_CLASS_SEARCH_PATTERN"

In order to pass the given porting criteria please replace every found old BC class usage into the namespaced one. Consider using BC class map as a guide to know which class to replace into.

8. Installable via composer

In order to pass this porting criteria one has to update given module to be compatible with composer. Please consider following a document on the subject: How to make OXID eShop module installable via composer?

9. Introduce a namespace in your module

In order to pass this porting criteria one has to register a namespace in composer.json file as it is also mentioned in the previous guide of “How to make OXID eShop module installable via composer?”. In addition to this few modifications to metadata.php file has to be applied as well. All the necessary modifications are described in sub-topics written below.

Metadata version

The sMetadataVersion variable in metadata.php file has to be changed to have at least version 2.0 which indicates the usage of namespaced classes. In order to quickly verify the version, consider using the following command:

grep -i -P "sMetadataVersion\s*?=\s*?'2\.0'" "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/metadata.php"

In case of a negative result, please update the value of sMetadataVersion variable.

files field

Starting from metadata version 2.0 the files section is obsolete due to the fact that composer takes care of autoloading for these files through registered namespace.

Consider looking at the list of files which were included in the old version of given module:

grep "'files'" "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$OLD_MODULE_NAME/metadata.php"

Make sure each of these listed files are now under their own namespace. Please use the information provided in the PHP manual in order to be able to register a class under the namespace. As an end result there should not be any entries left for the files section in the new module, consider using the following command to quickly double check the status (should be empty):

grep "'files'" "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/metadata.php"

extend field

Starting from metadata version 2.0 the extend section expects UNS OXID eShop classes as keys and module namespaced classes as values (Previously `BC classes`_ were used as keys and file path as value). To list all extend entries from an old module consider using the following command:

grep -Pzo '(?s)extend.*?\)' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$OLD_MODULE_NAME/metadata.php"

Make sure each of these used module classes are now registered under their own namespace. Please use the information provided in the PHP manual in order to be able to register a class under the namespace. Consider using the following commands in order to visually compare changes:

grep -Pzo '(?s)extend.*?\)' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$OLD_MODULE_NAME/metadata.php"
grep -Pzo '(?s)extend.*?[\)\]]' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/metadata.php"

To get a better understanding consider this visual example from oxid-esales/paypal-module of above mentioned changes:

  • Using older metadata:

'order' => 'oe/oepaypal/controllers/oepaypalorder',
'oxorder' => 'oe/oepaypal/models/oepaypaloxorder',
  • Using new metadata:

\OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Controller\OrderController::class => \OxidEsales\PayPalModule\Controller\OrderController::class,
\OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Model\Order::class => \OxidEsales\PayPalModule\Model\Order::class,

controllers field

As it’s described in V2 metadata details please make sure that all keys in controllers field are written in lowercase:

grep -Pzo '(?s)controllers.*?[\)\]]' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/metadata.php"

Namespaced classes

At this step it’s still quite possible that few of module classes might not have been namespaced yet. In order to make sure that this is indeed not the case consider using the following commands to verify number of classes (Old classes vs namespace entries, ideally they should match):

grep --include \*.php -r '^class' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$OLD_MODULE_NAME" | wc -l
grep --include \*.php -r '^namespace' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME" | wc -l

If for some reason test classes should not be included, consider using the following:

grep --include \*.php --exclude \*Test.php -r '^class' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$OLD_MODULE_NAME" | wc -l
grep --include \*.php --exclude \*Test.php -r '^namespace' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME" | wc -l

Note: It’s quite possible that due to refactoring or addition of new classes the numbers above will not match.

Short array syntax

Starting with new OXID eShop version the lowest supported PHP version is 5.6, which means there is no reason to keep the old long syntax of arrays anymore. Consider using the following command to quickly check if there are any old long array syntax usages left (ideally the result should be empty):

grep -i 'array' "$ESHOP_PATH/source/modules/$MODULE_NAME/metadata.php" | wc -l

As a reminder please see quick visual difference between old and new notation of arrays.


List of documentation which explores module porting process with more details: