Version 2.0

Changes compared to version 1.1

  • New Section Controllers: To be able to use namespaces for module controllers, we introduce module’s metadata.php version 2.0 with a new section controllers. The support for files was dropped in Module’s metadata version 2.0. Classes in a namespace will be found by the autoloader. If you use your own namespace, register it in the module’s composer.json file.


Module classes without namespaces can not be register as controllers in the metadata.


On the top level of the PHP file metadata.php, there have to be exactly 2 variables: $sMetadataVersion (String) and $aModule (Array). No other variables or code are allowed.


$sMetadataVersion = '2.0';
$aModule = [
    'id' => ...

The array $aModule can contain multiple sub keys:

Example of metadata.php

Here is an example of a module metadata file:

Example for module using namespaces

 * Metadata version
$sMetadataVersion = '2.0';
 * Module information
$aModule = array(
    'id'           => 'myvendor_mytestmodule',
    'title'        => 'Test metadata controllers feature',
    'description'  => '',
    'thumbnail'    => 'picture.png',
    'version'      => '2.0',
    'author'       => 'OXID eSales AG',
    'controllers'  => [
        'myvendor_mytestmodule_MyModuleController' => MyVendor\mytestmodule\MyModuleController::class,
        'myvendor_mytestmodule_MyOtherModuleController' => MyVendor\mytestmodule\MyOtherModuleController::class,
    'templates' => [
        'mytestmodule.tpl' => 'mytestmodule.tpl',
        'mytestmodule_other.tpl' => 'test_module_controller_routing_other.tpl'