
“Credit card” and “Purchase upon invoice” not available

It is possible that the payment methods “Credit card” and “Purchase on account” are not available.

This is the case if, in order to generate a webhook at PayPal, you have entered the API credentials (for example, from an existing version of PayPal Checkout) manually instead of starting the process with the Sign Up Merchant Integration button.


To ensure that all payment types are available, do the following (using a Sandbox account as an example):

  1. Choose PayPal ‣ Configuration.

  2. Under API credentials, delete all credentials and select Save.
    The Sign Up Merchant Integration (Sandbox) button appears.

  3. Choose the Sign Up Merchant Integration (sandbox).

  4. Go through the registration process using the email address of your Sandbox merchant account.

For more information, see Configuration in chapter API Credentials.

Switching on the debug mode

If, for example, you experience connection problems, or payment transactions with PayPal Checkout do not work as expected, contact PayPal support.

It is helpful if you already have log files when you contact PayPal support. To do this, activate the debug mode.

This will record the webhook calls sent to the OXID eShop by PayPal in the oxideshop.log log file.


  1. Open the file source/source/

  2. Change the value of the sLogLevel parameter to debug.

    $this->sLogLevel = 'debug';
  3. Provide the /source/log/oxideshop.log to the PayPal support.

  4. Once the problem is solved, change the value of the sLogLevel parameter back to the default error value.