Account_Recommlist Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Account_Recommlist:
Collaboration diagram for Account_Recommlist:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Current user recommlist manager. When user is logged in in this manager window he can modify his own recommlists status - remove articles from list or store them to shopping basket, view detail information.

Definition at line 9 of file account_recommlist.php.

Public Member Functions

 render ()
 getRecommLists ()
 getActiveRecommItems ()
 getActiveRecommList ()
 saveRecommList ()
 isSavedList ()
 editList ()
 removeArticle ()
 getPageNavigation ()

Protected Attributes

 $_sThisTemplate = 'account_recommlist.tpl'
 $_blSavedEntry = false
 $_oActRecommListArticles = null
 $_aUserRecommLists = null
 $_oActRecommList = null
 $_iAllArtCnt = 0
 $_oPageNavigation = null

Member Function Documentation

Account_Recommlist.render (  ) 

If user is logged in loads his wishlist articles (articles may be accessed by oxuser.GetBasket()), loads similar articles (is available) for the last article in list loaded by oxarticle.GetSimilarProducts() and returns name of template to render account_wishlist._sThisTemplate

Template variables: blshowsuggest, wishlist

string $_sThisTemplate current template file name

Reimplemented from Account.

Definition at line 70 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.getRecommLists (  ) 

return recomm list from the user


Definition at line 110 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.getActiveRecommItems (  ) 

return all articles in the recomm list


Definition at line 127 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.getActiveRecommList (  ) 

return the active entrys


Reimplemented from oxView.

Definition at line 152 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.saveRecommList (  ) 

add new recommlist


Definition at line 173 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.isSavedList (  ) 

List entry saving status getter. Saving status is


Definition at line 205 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.editList (  ) 

Delete recommlist


Definition at line 215 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.removeArticle (  ) 

Delete recommlist


Definition at line 233 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.getPageNavigation (  ) 

Template variable getter. Returns page navigation


Definition at line 254 of file account_recommlist.php.

Member Data Documentation

Account_Recommlist.$_sThisTemplate = 'account_recommlist.tpl' [protected]

Reimplemented from Account.

Definition at line 16 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.$_blSavedEntry = false [protected]

Definition at line 23 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.$_oActRecommListArticles = null [protected]

Definition at line 30 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.$_aUserRecommLists = null [protected]

Definition at line 37 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.$_oActRecommList = null [protected]

Definition at line 44 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.$_iAllArtCnt = 0 [protected]

Definition at line 51 of file account_recommlist.php.

Account_Recommlist.$_oPageNavigation = null [protected]

Definition at line 57 of file account_recommlist.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Thu Dec 4 12:04:59 2008 for OXID eShop CE by  doxygen 1.5.5