Definition at line 7 of file oxview.php.
oxView.init | ( | ) |
Initiates all components stored, executes oxview.addGlobalParams.
Reimplemented in Adminlinks_List, Article_List, Attribute_List, Category_List, Delivery_List, DeliverySet_List, Discount_List, Gui, News_List, oxAdminList, oxAdminView, SelectList_List, Shop_List, User_List, Vendor_List, Wrapping_List, Content, Details, MoreDetails, Order, oxcmp_categories, oxcmp_cur, oxcmp_lang, oxcmp_user, oxUBase, Payment, Review, Rss, Search, Start, Suggest, Tag, and Thankyou.
Definition at line 329 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showSorting | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns true if sorting is on
Definition at line 381 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getViewId | ( | ) |
If current view ID is not set - forms and returns view ID according to language and currency.
Reimplemented in dyn_affiliwelt, dyn_econda, dyn_interface, dyn_ipayment, dyn_trusted, DynExportBase, Dynscreen, Login, oxAdminView, aList, Content, and Details.
Definition at line 392 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getViewResetId | ( | ) |
If current reset ID is not set - forms and returns view ID according to category and usergroup ....
Reimplemented in Details.
Definition at line 416 of file oxview.php.
oxView.render | ( | ) |
If this object is not a component (oxview._blIsComponent = false) goes through oxview._oaComponents list, executes oxview.list render method and passes it's data to template engine. Returns an array of parameters used by template engine.
Reimplemented in Actions_Main, AdminGuestbook_List, Adminguestbook_Main, Adminlinks_Main, Article_Attribute, Article_Crossselling, Article_Extend, Article_List, Article_Main, Article_Overview, Article_Pictures, Article_Review, Article_Seo, Article_Stock, Article_Userdef, Article_Variant, Attribute_Category, Attribute_Main, Category_List, Category_Main, Category_Order, Category_Pictures, Category_Seo, Category_Text, Category_Update, Content_List, Content_Main, Country_List, Country_Main, Delivery_Articles, Delivery_Main, Delivery_Users, DeliverySet_Main, DeliverySet_Payment, DeliverySet_Users, Discount_Articles, Discount_Main, Discount_Users, dyn_adbutler, dyn_affili24, dyn_affilinet, dyn_affiliwelt, dyn_econda, dyn_ipayment, dyn_superclix, dyn_trusted, DynExportBase, Dynscreen_List, EFire_Downloader, EFire_List, GenExport_Main, Gui, List_Order, List_Review, List_User, Login, Main, Navigation, News_Main, News_Text, Newsletter_Main, Newsletter_Plain, Newsletter_Preview, Newsletter_Selection, Newsletter_Send, Object_Seo, Order_Address, Order_Article, Order_List, Order_Main, Order_Overview, Order_Package, Order_Remark, oxAdminDetails, oxAdminList, oxAdminView, oxChangeView, Payment_Country, Payment_Main, Payment_Overview, PriceAlarm_List, PriceAlarm_Mail, PriceAlarm_Main, PriceAlarm_Send, SelectList_Main, Shop, Shop_Config, Shop_List, Shop_Main, Shop_Seo, Shop_System, Statistic_Main, Statistic_Service, SystemInfo, Tools, Tools_Main, User_Address, User_Article, User_Extend, User_Main, User_Overview, User_Payment, User_Remark, UserGroup_List, UserGroup_Main, Vendor_Main, Vendor_Seo, VoucherSerie_Export, VoucherSerie_Groups, VoucherSerie_Main, Wrapping_List, Wrapping_Main, Account, Account_Newsletter, Account_Noticelist, Account_Order, Account_Password, Account_Recommlist, Account_User, Account_Wishlist, aList, Basket, Compare, Contact, Content, Details, ForgotPwd, GuestBook, Help, Info, Links, MoreDetails, News, Newsletter, Order, oxcmp_basket, oxcmp_categories, oxcmp_cur, oxcmp_lang, oxcmp_news, oxcmp_shop, oxcmp_user, oxcmp_utils, oxStart, oxUBase, Payment, Pricealarm, RecommAdd, RecommList, Register, Review, Rss, Search, Start, Suggest, Tag, Tags, Thankyou, Tpl, User, VendorList, Wishlist, and Wrapping.
Definition at line 436 of file oxview.php.
oxView.addGlobalParams | ( | $ | oShop = null |
) |
Sets and caches default parameters for shop object and returns it.
Template variables: isdemoversion, shop, isdemoversion, version, iShopID_TrustedShops, urlsign
oxShop | $oShop current shop object |
Reimplemented in oxAdminView.
Definition at line 467 of file oxview.php.
oxView.addRssFeed | ( | $ | sTitle, | |
$ | sUrl, | |||
$ | key = null | |||
) |
addRssFeed adds link to rss
string | $sTitle | |
string | $sUrl public |
Definition at line 560 of file oxview.php.
oxView.addTplParam | ( | $ | sPara, | |
$ | sValue | |||
) |
Sets value to parameter used by template engine.
string | $sPara name of parameter to pass | |
string | $sValue value of parameter |
Definition at line 582 of file oxview.php.
oxView.prepareSortColumns | ( | ) |
Retrieves from session or gets new sorting parameters for search and category lists. Sets new sorting parameters (reverse or new column sort) to session.
Template variables: showsorting, listorderby, listorder, allsortcolumns
Session variables: listorderby, listorder
Reimplemented in GuestBook.
Definition at line 601 of file oxview.php.
oxView._setAdditionalParams | ( | ) | [protected] |
Sets additional parameters: cl, searchparam, searchcnid, searchvendor, cnid.
Template variables: additionalparams
Definition at line 640 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getViewConfig | ( | ) |
oxView._setNrOfArtPerPage | ( | ) | [protected] |
Sets number of articles per page to config value
Definition at line 681 of file oxview.php.
oxView._getSeoObjectId | ( | ) | [protected] |
Override this function to return object it which is used to identify its seo meta info
Reimplemented in aList, Content, Details, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 727 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setMetaDescription | ( | $ | aInput, | |
$ | iLength = 1024 , |
$ | blDescTag = false | |||
) |
Sets the view parameter "meta_description"
mixed | $aInput array of strings or string | |
int | $iLength max length of result, -1 for no truncation | |
bool | $blDescTag if true - performs additional dublicate cleaning |
Reimplemented in Start.
Definition at line 740 of file oxview.php.
oxView._prepareMetaDescription | ( | $ | aInput, | |
$ | iLength = 1024 , |
$ | blDescTag = false | |||
) | [protected] |
Metatags - description and keywords - generator for search engines. Uses string passed by parameters, cleans HTML tags, string dublicates, special chars. Also removes strings defined in $myConfig->aSkipTags (Admin area).
mixed | $aInput array of strings or string | |
int | $iLength max length of result, -1 for no truncation | |
bool | $blDescTag if true - performs additional dublicate cleaning |
Reimplemented in aList, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 766 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setMetaKeywords | ( | $ | aInput | ) |
Sets the view parameter 'meta_keywords'
mixed | $aInput array of strings or string |
Reimplemented in Start.
Definition at line 813 of file oxview.php.
oxView._prepareMetaKeyword | ( | $ | aInput | ) | [protected] |
creates a stirng of keyword filtered by the function prepareMetaDescription and without any duplicates additional the admin defined strings are removed
mixed | $aInput array of strings or string |
Reimplemented in aList, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 833 of file oxview.php.
oxView._removeDuplicatedWords | ( | $ | aInput | ) | [protected] |
Removes duplicated words (not case sensitive)
mixed | $aInput array of string or string |
Definition at line 855 of file oxview.php.
oxView._setNavigationParams | ( | ) | [protected] |
Formats url/form navigation parameters
Definition at line 881 of file oxview.php.
oxView._getNavigationParams | ( | ) | [protected] |
Returns array of params => values which are used in hidden forms and as additional url params
Reimplemented in RecommList.
Definition at line 911 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getListType | ( | ) |
Get list type
Reimplemented in Account.
Definition at line 931 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setListType | ( | $ | sType | ) |
List type setter
string | $sType type of list |
Definition at line 946 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getCategoryId | ( | ) |
oxView.setCategoryId | ( | $ | sCategoryId | ) |
Category ID setter
string | $sCategoryId Id of category to cache |
Definition at line 972 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getTemplateName | ( | ) |
Returns current view template file name
Reimplemented in aList, and Info.
Definition at line 982 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setClassName | ( | $ | sClassName | ) |
Current view class name setter.
string | $sClassName current view class name |
Definition at line 994 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getClassName | ( | ) |
oxView.setFncName | ( | $ | sFncName | ) |
Set current view action function name
string | $sFncName action function name |
Definition at line 1016 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getFncName | ( | ) |
oxView.setComponents | ( | $ | aComponents = null |
) |
Set array of component objects
array | $aComponents array of components objects |
Definition at line 1038 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getComponents | ( | ) |
oxView.setViewData | ( | $ | aViewData = null |
) |
Set array of data that is passed to template engine - array( "varName" => "varValue")
array | $aViewData array of data that is passed to template engine |
Definition at line 1060 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getViewData | ( | ) |
oxView.getViewDataElement | ( | $ | sParamId = null |
) |
Get view data single array element
string | $sParamId view data array key |
Definition at line 1082 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setClassLocation | ( | $ | sClassLocation = null |
) |
Set location of a executed class file
string | $sClassLocation location of a executed class file |
Definition at line 1096 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getClassLocation | ( | ) |
oxView.setThisAction | ( | $ | sThisAction = null |
) |
Set name of running class method
string | $sThisAction name of running class method |
Definition at line 1117 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getThisAction | ( | ) |
oxView.setParent | ( | $ | oParent = null |
) |
Set parent object. If this is a component we will have our parent view here.
object | $oParent parent object |
Definition at line 1139 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getParent | ( | ) |
oxView.setIsOrderStep | ( | $ | blIsOrderStep = null |
) |
Set flag if current view is an order view
bool | $blIsOrderStep flag if current view is an order view |
Definition at line 1161 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getIsOrderStep | ( | ) |
oxView.setIsComponent | ( | $ | blIsComponent = null |
) |
Set flag if this object is a component or not
bool | $blIsComponent flag if this object is a component |
Definition at line 1183 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getIsComponent | ( | ) |
oxView.setItemSorting | ( | $ | sCnid, | |
$ | sSortBy, | |||
$ | sSortDir = null | |||
) |
Sets sorting item config
string | $sCnid sortable item id | |
string | $sSortBy sort field | |
string | $sSortDir sort direction (optional) |
Reimplemented in Search, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 1207 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getSorting | ( | $ | sCnid | ) |
Returns sorting config for current item
string | $sCnid sortable item id |
Reimplemented in aList, Search, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 1223 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getSortingSql | ( | $ | sCnid | ) |
Returns part of SQL query with sorting params
string | $sCnid sortable item id |
Definition at line 1238 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setIsCallForCache | ( | $ | blIsCallForCache = null |
) |
Set cache sign to enable/disable use of cache
bool | $blIsCallForCache cache sign to enable/disable use of cache |
Definition at line 1253 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getIsCallForCache | ( | ) |
Get cache sign to enable/disable use of cache
Definition at line 1263 of file oxview.php.
oxView.executeFunction | ( | $ | sFunction | ) |
Executes method (creates class and then executes). Returns executed function result.
string | $sFunction name of function to execute |
oxSystemComponentException | system component exception |
Definition at line 1277 of file oxview.php.
oxView._executeNewAction | ( | $ | sNewAction | ) | [protected] |
Formats header for new controller action
Input example: "[component_name@]view_name[/function_name]?param1=val1¶m2=val2" Parameters in [] are optional.
string | $sNewAction new action params |
Definition at line 1312 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getAdditionalParams | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns additional params for url
Definition at line 1357 of file oxview.php.
oxView.noIndex | ( | ) |
Marks that current view is marked as noindex, nofollow and article details links must contain nofollow tags
Reimplemented in Details.
Definition at line 1368 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getTitleSuffix | ( | ) |
Returns title suffix used in template
Reimplemented in aList, Start, Tags, and VendorList.
Definition at line 1388 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getTitlePrefix | ( | ) |
oxView.getSubject | ( | ) | [protected] |
returns object, assosiated with current view. (the object that is shown in frontend)
Reimplemented in aList, Content, and Details.
Definition at line 1410 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getDynUrlParams | ( | ) |
returns additional url params for dynamic url building
Definition at line 1420 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getLink | ( | $ | iLang = null |
) |
get link of current view
int | $iLang requested language |
Reimplemented in oxUBase.
Definition at line 1453 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getSimilarRecommLists | ( | ) |
Returns similar recommendation list So far this method is implemented in Details (details.php) view.
Reimplemented in Account_Noticelist, Account_Wishlist, aList, Basket, Compare, Details, RecommList, and Search.
Definition at line 1493 of file oxview.php.
oxView._getRequestParams | ( | $ | blAddPageNr = true |
) | [protected] |
collects _GET parameters used by eShop and returns uri
bool | $blAddPageNr |
Definition at line 1505 of file oxview.php.
oxView._getSeoRequestParams | ( | ) | [protected] |
collects _GET parameters used by eShop SEO and returns uri
Definition at line 1577 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showRightBasket | ( | ) |
oxView.setShowRightBasket | ( | $ | blShowBasket | ) |
Returns show right basket
bool | $blShowBasket |
Definition at line 1632 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showLeftBasket | ( | ) |
oxView.setShowLeftBasket | ( | $ | blShowBasket | ) |
Returns show left basket
bool | $blShowBasket |
Definition at line 1659 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showTopBasket | ( | ) |
oxView.setShowTopBasket | ( | $ | blShowBasket | ) |
Returns show top basket
bool | $blShowBasket |
Definition at line 1686 of file oxview.php.
oxView.loadCurrency | ( | ) |
oxView.loadVendorTree | ( | ) |
oxView.dontShowEmptyCategories | ( | ) |
Returns true if empty categories are not loaded
Definition at line 1728 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getTrustedShopId | ( | ) |
oxView.isLanguageLoaded | ( | ) |
oxView.showTopCatNavigation | ( | ) |
Returns show/hide top navigation of categories
Definition at line 1774 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getTopNavigationCatCnt | ( | ) |
Returns item count in top navigation of categories
Definition at line 1790 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getCharSet | ( | ) |
oxView.getShopVersion | ( | ) |
oxView.getShopEdition | ( | ) |
oxView.getShopFullEdition | ( | ) |
oxView.isDemoVersion | ( | ) |
oxView.isDemoShop | ( | ) |
oxView.getRssLinks | ( | ) |
oxView.isSortingActive | ( | ) |
Returns if sorting is active and can be displayed
Definition at line 1895 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getSortColumns | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns sorting columns
Reimplemented in GuestBook.
Definition at line 1905 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getListOrderBy | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns string after the list is ordered by
Definition at line 1915 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getListOrderDirection | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns list order direction
Definition at line 1925 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getMetaDescription | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns meta description
Definition at line 1935 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getMetaKeywords | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns meta keywords
Definition at line 1945 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getActCurrency | ( | ) |
oxView.setActCurrency | ( | $ | oCur | ) |
Active language setter
object | $oCur |
Definition at line 1967 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getCompareItemsCnt | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns article list count in comparison
Reimplemented in Compare.
Definition at line 1977 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setCompareItemsCnt | ( | $ | iCount | ) |
Articlelist count in comparison setter
integer | $iCount |
Definition at line 1989 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getWishlistName | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns user name of searched wishlist
Definition at line 1999 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setWishlistName | ( | $ | sName | ) |
Sets user name of searched wishlist
string | $sName |
Definition at line 2011 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getMenueList | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns header menue list
Definition at line 2021 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setMenueList | ( | $ | aMenue | ) |
Header menue list setter
array | $aMenue |
Definition at line 2033 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getEditTags | ( | ) |
Returns if tags will be edit
Reimplemented in Details.
Definition at line 2043 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getRecommSearch | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns search string
Reimplemented in RecommList.
Definition at line 2052 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getReviewUserId | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns review user id
Reimplemented in Review.
Definition at line 2062 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getPaymentList | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns payment id
Reimplemented in Payment.
Definition at line 2071 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getActiveRecommList | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns active recommendation lists
Reimplemented in Account_Recommlist, RecommList, and Review.
Definition at line 2080 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getAccessoires | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns accessoires of article
Reimplemented in Details.
Definition at line 2089 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getCrossSelling | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns crosssellings
Reimplemented in Details, Review, and Suggest.
Definition at line 2098 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getSimilarProducts | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns similar article list
Reimplemented in Account_Noticelist, Details, Review, and Suggest.
Definition at line 2107 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getAlsoBoughtThiesProducts | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns list of customer also bought thies products
Reimplemented in Details, and Thankyou.
Definition at line 2116 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getArticleId | ( | ) |
Return the active article id
Reimplemented in Account.
Definition at line 2125 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setActiveCategory | ( | $ | oCategory | ) |
Active category setter
oxcategory | $oCategory active category |
Definition at line 2136 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getActiveCategory | ( | ) |
Active category setter
oxcategory | $oCategory active category |
Reimplemented in aList, Search, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 2148 of file oxview.php.
oxView.isMoreTagsVisible | ( | ) |
Should "More tags" link be visible.
Reimplemented in Start, and Tags.
Definition at line 2158 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getTitle | ( | ) |
Returns current view title. Default is null
Reimplemented in aList, Details, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 2168 of file oxview.php.
oxView.showNewsletter | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns if newsletter can be displayed (for _right.tpl)
Definition at line 2177 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setShowNewsletter | ( | $ | blShow | ) |
Sets if to show newsletter
bool | $blShow |
Definition at line 2192 of file oxview.php.
oxView.getShopLogo | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns shop logo
Definition at line 2202 of file oxview.php.
oxView.setShopLogo | ( | $ | sLogo | ) |
oxView.$_oaComponents = array() [protected] |
Definition at line 14 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_aViewData = array() [protected] |
Definition at line 21 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sClassLocation = null [protected] |
Definition at line 28 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sThisAction = null [protected] |
Definition at line 35 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oParent = null [protected] |
oxView.$_blIsOrderStep = false [protected] |
oxView.$_blIsComponent = false [protected] |
Reimplemented in oxcmp_basket, oxcmp_categories, oxcmp_cur, oxcmp_lang, oxcmp_news, oxcmp_shop, oxcmp_user, and oxcmp_utils.
Definition at line 56 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oActCategory = null [protected] |
Definition at line 63 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oActVendor = null [protected] |
Definition at line 70 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oActSearch = null [protected] |
Definition at line 77 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sThisTemplate = null [protected] |
Reimplemented in Actions, Actions_List, Admin_Content, Admin_Guestbook, Admin_Links, Admin_News, Admin_Newsletter, Admin_Order, Admin_Payment, Admin_Pricealarm, Admin_Start, Admin_User, Admin_Wrapping, AdminGuestbook_List, Adminlinks_List, Article, Attribute, Attribute_List, Category, Country, Delivery, Delivery_List, DeliverySet, DeliverySet_List, Discount, Discount_List, DynExportBase, Dynscreen, Dynscreen_Local, Efire, EFire_Downloader, GenExport_Do, GenExport_Main, News_List, Newsletter_List, oxAdminView, oxChangeView, Payment_List, SelectList, SelectList_List, Shop_Config, Shop_Performance, Shop_System, Statistic, Statistic_List, Tools_List, User_List, UserGroup, Vendor, Vendor_List, VoucherSerie, VoucherSerie_List, Account, Account_Newsletter, Account_Noticelist, Account_Order, Account_Password, Account_Recommlist, Account_User, Account_Wishlist, aList, Basket, Compare, Contact, Content, Details, ForgotPwd, GuestBook, GuestbookEntry, Help, Links, MoreDetails, News, Newsletter, Order, Payment, Pricealarm, RecommAdd, RecommList, Register, Review, Rss, Search, Start, Suggest, Tags, Thankyou, User, Wishlist, and Wrapping.
Definition at line 84 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_aComponentNames = array() [protected] |
oxView.$_blIsCallForCache = false [protected] |
Definition at line 98 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sViewId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 105 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sListType = null [protected] |
Reimplemented in Article_List, Category_List, Content_List, Delivery_List, DeliverySet_List, Discount_List, News_List, oxAdminList, User_List, Account, RecommList, Search, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 112 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sCategoryId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 119 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sClass = null [protected] |
Definition at line 126 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sFnc = null [protected] |
Definition at line 133 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blExecuted = false [static, protected] |
Definition at line 140 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oClickCat = null [protected] |
Definition at line 146 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sAdditionalParams = null [protected] |
Definition at line 152 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blShowSorting = false [protected] |
Reimplemented in aList, Details, GuestBook, Search, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 158 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blShowRightBasket = null [protected] |
Definition at line 164 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blShowLeftBasket = null [protected] |
Definition at line 170 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blShowTopBasket = null [protected] |
Definition at line 176 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blLoadCurrency = null [protected] |
Definition at line 182 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blLoadVendorTree = null [protected] |
Definition at line 188 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blDontShowEmptyCats = null [protected] |
Definition at line 194 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sTrustedShopId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 200 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blLoadLanguage = null [protected] |
Definition at line 206 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blShowTopCatNav = null [protected] |
Definition at line 212 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_iTopCatNavItmCnt = null [protected] |
Definition at line 218 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sCharSet = null [protected] |
Definition at line 224 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sVersion = null [protected] |
Definition at line 230 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blDemoVersion = null [protected] |
Definition at line 236 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blDemoShop = null [protected] |
Definition at line 242 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_aRssLinks = null [protected] |
Definition at line 248 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_blActiveSorting = null [protected] |
Definition at line 254 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sListOrderBy = null [protected] |
Definition at line 260 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sListOrderDir = null [protected] |
Definition at line 266 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sMetaDescription = null [protected] |
Definition at line 272 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sMetaKeywords = null [protected] |
Definition at line 278 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_oActCurrency = null [protected] |
Definition at line 284 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_iCompItemsCnt = null [protected] |
oxView.$_sWishlistName = null [protected] |
Definition at line 296 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_aMenueList = null [protected] |
Definition at line 302 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_iViewIndexState = 0 [protected] |
Current view search engine indexing state: 0 - index without limitations 1 - no index / no follow 2 - no index / follow
Reimplemented in Account, Account_Noticelist, Account_Wishlist, Basket, Contact, ForgotPwd, GuestBook, Help, Info, MoreDetails, Newsletter, Register, Review, Search, and VendorList.
Definition at line 310 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_iNewsStatus = null [protected] |
Definition at line 316 of file oxview.php.
oxView.$_sShopLogo = null [protected] |
Definition at line 322 of file oxview.php.