Definition at line 13 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase._processRequest | ( | ) | [protected] |
In non admin mode checks if request was NOT processed by seo handler. If NOT, then tries to load alternative SEO url and if url is available - redirects to it. If no alternative path was found - 404 header is emitted and page is rendered
Definition at line 178 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.init | ( | ) |
Calls self._processRequest(), initializes components which needs to be loaded, sets current list type, calls parent.init()
Reimplemented from oxView.
Reimplemented in Content, Details, MoreDetails, Order, Payment, Review, Search, Start, Suggest, Tag, and Thankyou.
Definition at line 211 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase._setListType | ( | ) | [protected] |
Sets active list type if it was not set by request
Definition at line 236 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.generatePageNavigationUrl | ( | ) |
Generates URL for page navigation
string | $sClass class name |
Reimplemented in aList, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 250 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase._addPageNrParam | ( | $ | sUrl, | |
$ | iPage, | |||
$ | iLang = null | |||
) | [protected] |
Adds page number parameter to url and returns modified url
string | $sUrl url to add page number | |
string | $iPage active page number | |
int | $iLang language id |
Reimplemented in aList, Tag, and VendorList.
Definition at line 265 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.generatePageNavigation | ( | ) |
Generates variables for page navigation
Reimplemented in Tag.
Definition at line 278 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.prepareMinimumOrderPrice4View | ( | ) |
performs setup of aViewData according to iMinOrderPrice admin setting
Definition at line 325 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.render | ( | ) |
While ordering disables navigation controls if oxConfig.blDisableNavBars is on and executes parent.render()
Reimplemented from oxView.
Reimplemented in Account, Account_Newsletter, Account_Noticelist, Account_Order, Account_Password, Account_Recommlist, Account_User, Account_Wishlist, aList, Basket, Compare, Contact, Content, Details, ForgotPwd, GuestBook, Help, Info, Links, MoreDetails, News, Newsletter, Order, Payment, Pricealarm, RecommAdd, RecommList, Register, Review, Search, Start, Suggest, Tag, Tags, Thankyou, Tpl, User, VendorList, Wishlist, and Wrapping.
Definition at line 350 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getViewProduct | ( | ) |
Returns current view product object (if it is loaded)
Definition at line 387 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setViewProduct | ( | $ | oProduct | ) |
Sets view product
oxarticle | $oProduct view product object |
Definition at line 401 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getViewProductList | ( | ) |
oxUBase.getActPage | ( | ) |
oxUBase.getActCategory | ( | ) |
Returns active category set by categories component; if category is not set by component - will create category object and will try to load by id passed by request
Definition at line 437 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setActCategory | ( | $ | oCategory | ) |
Active category setter
oxcategory | $oCategory active category |
Definition at line 461 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getActTag | ( | ) |
Active tag info object getter. Object properties:
Definition at line 473 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getActVendor | ( | ) |
Returns active vendor set by categories component; if vendor is not set by component - will create vendor object and will try to load by id passed by request
Definition at line 492 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setActVendor | ( | $ | oVendor | ) |
Active vendor setter
oxvendor | $oVendor active vendor |
Definition at line 525 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getActSearch | ( | ) |
Returns fake object which is used to mount navigation info
Definition at line 535 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getActRecommList | ( | ) |
Returns active recommlist object which is used to mount navigation info
Definition at line 550 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getCategoryTree | ( | ) |
Returns category tree (if it is loaded)
Definition at line 570 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setCategoryTree | ( | $ | oCatTree | ) |
Category list setter
oxcategorylist | $oCatTree category tree |
Definition at line 582 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getVendorTree | ( | ) |
Returns vendor tree (if it is loaded0
Definition at line 592 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setVendorTree | ( | $ | oVendorTree | ) |
Vendor tree setter
oxvendorlist | $oVendorTree vendor tree |
Definition at line 604 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase._loadActions | ( | ) | [protected] |
Loads article actions: top articles, bargain - right side and top 5 articles
Template variables:
articlebargainlist, aTop5Articles
Definition at line 618 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setSessionCategoryId | ( | $ | sCategoryId | ) |
Active category id tracker used when SEO is on to track active category and keep correct navigation
string | $sCategoryId active category Id |
Definition at line 632 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getSessionCategoryId | ( | ) |
oxUBase._processListArticles | ( | ) | [protected] |
Iterates through list articles and performs list view specific tasks
Reimplemented in RecommList, and VendorList.
Definition at line 652 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getAddUrlParams | ( | ) |
Returns additional URL paramerets which must be added to list products urls
Reimplemented in RecommList, Search, and Tag.
Definition at line 667 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getLink | ( | $ | iLang = null |
) |
get link of current view
int | $iLang requested language |
Reimplemented from oxView.
Definition at line 678 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getTop5ArticleList | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns Top 5 article list
Reimplemented in aList.
Definition at line 692 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getBargainArticleList | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns bargain article list
Reimplemented in aList.
Definition at line 714 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.isLowOrderPrice | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns if order price is to low
Definition at line 734 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getMinOrderPrice | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns min order price
Definition at line 744 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getNewsRealStatus | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns if newsletter is realy active (for user.tpl)
Definition at line 754 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase._canRedirect | ( | ) | [protected] |
Checks if current request parameters does not block SEO redirection process
Definition at line 764 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getProduct | ( | ) |
Empty active product getter
Reimplemented in Details, MoreDetails, Pricealarm, Review, and Suggest.
Definition at line 780 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getVendorlist | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns vendorlist for search
Definition at line 789 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setVendorlist | ( | $ | aList | ) |
Sets vendorlist for search
array | $aList |
Definition at line 801 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setRootVendor | ( | $ | oVendor | ) |
Sets root vendor
object | $oVendor |
Definition at line 813 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getRootVendor | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns root vendor
Definition at line 823 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getVendorId | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns vendor id
Definition at line 833 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getSearchCatTree | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns category tree for search
Definition at line 848 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setSearchCatTree | ( | $ | aTree | ) |
Sets category tree for search
array | $aTree |
Definition at line 860 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getCatMore | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns more category
Definition at line 870 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setCatMore | ( | $ | oCat | ) |
Sets more category
object | $oCat |
Definition at line 882 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.isNewsSubscribed | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns if user subscribed for newsletter
Reimplemented in User.
Definition at line 892 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setNewsSubscribed | ( | $ | blNewsSubscribed | ) |
Sets if user subscribed for newsletter
bool | $blNewsSubscribed |
Definition at line 904 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.showShipAddress | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns if show user shipping address
Reimplemented in User.
Definition at line 914 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setShowShipAddress | ( | $ | blShowShipAddress | ) |
Sets if show user shipping address
bool | $blShowShipAddress |
Definition at line 926 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getDelAddress | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns shipping address
Reimplemented in Order, and User.
Definition at line 936 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.setDelAddress | ( | $ | oDelAddress | ) |
Sets shipping address
bool | $oDelAddress |
Definition at line 948 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.getCatTreePath | ( | ) |
Template variable getter. Returns category path
Reimplemented in aList, and VendorList.
Definition at line 958 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_blCommonAdded = false [protected] |
Definition at line 21 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_aComponentNames [protected] |
Initial value:
array( 'oxcmp_user' => 1, // 0 means dont init if cached 'oxcmp_lang' => 1, 'oxcmp_cur' => 1, 'oxcmp_shop' => 1, 'oxcmp_categories' => 0, 'oxcmp_utils' => 1, 'oxcmp_news' => 0, 'oxcmp_basket' => 1 )
Reimplemented from oxView.
Definition at line 28 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_aUserComponentNames = array() [protected] |
Definition at line 44 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_oProduct = null [protected] |
Definition at line 51 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_iActPage = null [protected] |
Definition at line 57 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_aArticleList = null [protected] |
Definition at line 63 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_oVendorTree = null [protected] |
Definition at line 69 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_oCategoryTree = null [protected] |
Definition at line 75 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_aTop5ArticleList = null [protected] |
Definition at line 81 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_aBargainArticleList = null [protected] |
Definition at line 87 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_iLowOrderPrice = null [protected] |
Definition at line 93 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_sMinOrderPrice = null [protected] |
Definition at line 99 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_iNewsRealStatus = null [protected] |
Definition at line 105 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_aBlockRedirectParams = array( 'fnc' ) [protected] |
Executes parent method parent.init(). If oxUBase._blCommonAdded is true - in array oxUBase._aComponentNames stores newly defined component names and allready registered in oxUBase._aUserComponentNames
Definition at line 114 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_aVendorlist = null [protected] |
Definition at line 120 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_oRootVendor = null [protected] |
Definition at line 126 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_sVendorId = null [protected] |
Definition at line 132 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_aSearchCatTree = null [protected] |
Definition at line 138 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_oCatMore = null [protected] |
Definition at line 144 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_blNewsSubscribed = null [protected] |
Definition at line 150 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_blShowShipAddress = null [protected] |
Definition at line 156 of file oxubase.php.
oxUBase.$_oDelAddress = null [protected] |
oxUBase.$_sCatTreePath = null [protected] |
Definition at line 168 of file oxubase.php.